<><><><>› BOOKS FOR THE REPAIR OF 8 BITS!› by ALLEN ATKINS, member of the› OL' HACKERS AUG, Inc. New York››We all have heard of the famous SAM'S›books which always contain all sorts›of technical advice on the repair of›all kinds of things, right?››Well did you know that there are SAMS›books for the 8 BIT? Here is a list›of the books and their code numbers:››EQUIPMENT PHOTO FACT #››130XE Computer CC16›800 " CC7›800XL " CC11›810 Disk Drive CD9›1025 Printer (?) CP21›1050 Disk Drive CD13›400 Computer CC5››These books can all be found in the›EAST MEADOW L.I.LIBRARY!››‚ EDITORS NOTE: Thanks AL for your›research and reporting efforts!›› +*<>+* END +*<>+*