› o=o=o=o=o=›› Spectrum ERIE CD-ROM:› OHAUG's Place In Atari History?›› By Alan Sharkis›› Last month I received an e-mail› request from ROBERT BUMAN. Bob was a› frequent contributor and, I believe,› editor of the S.A.G.E. Scroll, a› newsletter produced by the Spectrum› group of Erie, PA. Bob wanted all of› the OHAUG disk newsletters to put on› a CD-ROM that he was producing› because he believed that our› newsletter was a good example of› Atari 8-bit newsletters of the era.› He had many of our issues, starting› in 1991 and going up to 1996 or 1997,› and wanted the rest. I discussed the› request at the May meeting. The› members present at that meeting› agreed to send Bob a full set of our› newsletters for his CD-ROM project.› Between HAROLD PEGLER, JACK GEDALIUS› and myself, we were able to duplicate› all of the disks and get them to Bob› before his deadline.›› During the discussion, I raised the› question of whether there were ever› single-sided OHAUG newsletter disks,› since I remembered that there might› have been such disks. Many of the› members felt that my memory was› faulty. As it turns out, there were› three such issues, all produced in› 1990. Before 1990, however, OHAUG› produced its newsletters in print.› ALEX PIGNATO and CARLOS HURTADO were› responsible for putting those print› newsletters together. I know that I› have some of them. ALLEN ATKINS says› that he has all of them. Now that I› know that a CD-ROM will be produced› with all of our newsletter disks› preserved on it, and I also know that› copies of all of our print issues› have survived, I'm very happy.›› Oh, yes! Bob Buman wrote to me again› and told me that the disks we sent› him would be returned (they were) and› promised that OHAUG would receive a› copy of his CD-ROM when it's› finished.›› I can't wait to see that CD-ROM. If› it reflects the history of Atari user› groups, I know that we will all see› familiar names, products, stories,› and controversies of the day. It› will be quite a nostalgia trip for› all of us!›› Bob also asked me, as he said he› asked many in our community, to give› my thoughts on leaving the Atari› community. It will be interesting to› see what those others, perhaps› including luminaries of the 8-bit› world, have to say. I feel very› proud that I, and OHAUG, have been› included in this little piece of› Atari history.›› o=o=o=o=o=›››