*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›› NEWSLETTER REVIEWS› by Alan Sharkis› OHAUG Newsletter Librarian›› Summer is most definitely here. The› usual suspects (user group newsletter› editors) are at it again, and they› have been prolific.›› TYNE & WEAR for March/April 1998 --› This issue is a hardware hacker's › dream. Although the articles are› old, there are probably many who› would be interested in them. First› of all, there is a reprint of the› KENNETH L. SIDERS article on building› an RVerter type of modem interface. › The user manual for the XL-It! Atari› 8-bit emulator, which runs on a PC,› is reprinted. MARKUS GIETZEN is the› proud author. RICK MICHAEL (Rick› Cortese?) contributes a one-chip› design for an SIO2PC cable. CHAD R.› KNUDSON gives us construction plans› for a dummy cartridge. Also included› is a reprint from the A.C.E.C. BBS› describing the construction of THE› FREEZER, a device to cold-boot a› computer from a ramdisk and protect› that ramdisk. From KONRAD M.› KOKOSZKIEWICZ comes a detailed› description of the Polish IDE Hard› Drive Interface built and marketed by› him and Jacek Zuk.›› The PACESetter for May 1998 -- From› the now-defunct AtariTech BBS in› Clearwater, FL, comes an article› about adding resistance to fix the› console keys (HELP, START, SELECT and› OPTION) in the 130XE. The 130XE› makes use of low-resistance contacts.› The resistance of these contacts› tends to increase as the computer is› used. But unlike the other keys› (including RESET,) the console keys› are read by a different chip and› resistance is critical. The solution› is to add resistance (how much may be› a matter of experimentation) in› parallel with the keys. The author› takes us through the process. › Valuable for those of us who use› TextPro is a wall-chart of commands› for version 5.20X authored by DALE› WOOSTER in 1995. ROBERT FASOLDT› concludes his tutorial on Flight› Simulator II. A reprint of TOM› ANDREWS' article for the OHAUG› Newsletter on USENET also appears,› along with the usual puzzles,› humorous quotes, and PACE› happenings.›› IMAGE for May 1998 -- Edtor ED BAIZ› reports that Hasbro intends to› release 75 classic Atari games as an› "Atari Platinum" series for the PC,› and that the Playstation will also be› supported. He has heard rumors that› Wizztronics would like to buy the› rights to TOS, which would mean that› the STs and beyond will again have› ample support. He also doubts that› Hasbro will do anything with the› Jaguar aside from selling some› completed, but unreleased games, but› might bring out a revised version of› the Lynx. Ed also reports› demonstrating ST Xformer at a› meeting, running ANSITERM and a› graphics program on it.›› JACG Newsletter for May 1998 -- Part› 3 of DON THOMAS' Catnips Epilog is› reprinted. OHAUG Newsletters are› being printed out and sold at ten› cents per single-sided page at JACG› meetings. Information on the Atari› World 98 show in Las Vegas is› included. JOE HICSWA does an in-› depth review, with examples, of the› LVAUG Newsletter. There are lists of› Atari-related Web sites, other› important sites, Atari dealers and› developers, and an interesting› cartoon.›› XIO3 for May/June 1998 -- ROWLAND› GRANT's 8-Bit Affairs column reports› that Andre Fachat is still working on› his GeckOS/A65 operating system. › This is an operating system that will› run on the Gecko Computer (popular in› Europe, seldom seen here) and the› Commodore 64. He hopes that somebody› will be able to port the system over› to the Apple ][ line and to the Atari› 8-bits. This OS contains some Unix-› like features, such as› multithreading, task priorities, and› support for an Internet connection› via SLIP. ICD will put up 8-bit› history pages on the Web, and plans› to make some 8-bit hardware and› replacement parts available once› again. BOB KLASS (K-Products) has› released a CD-ROM with lots of what› the first Pool Disk has, plus some› material from A.C.E. of Utah and› S.P.A.C.E., along with the demo of› BBS Pro and some user-written› extensions and games. DAREK MIHOCKA› (Emulators, Inc.) has released PC› XFormer 98. The Atari800 emulator› has also been upgraded in Europe and› is available for download. › OMC/HeiroGraphics is working on an› original Atari game, the Assassin. › It will be available to emulator› users. MATHY VAN NISSELROY has› successfully connected an Iomega Zip› drive to his Atari through his Black› Box. Rowland Grant also notes that› the Universal Serial Bus (USB) now› being touted so strongly in the PC› world, is strongly reminiscent of the› SIO daisy chain idea that Atari› pioneered all those years ago.›› IMAGE for June 1998 -- Although there› was nothing that was 8-bit-specific› in this issue, there were some› interesting general and ST-related› happenings reported.›› The PACESetter for June 1998 -- We› note that PACE is celebrating its› 14th anniversary, and we congratulate› them for their longevity and fine› work. We also note that we'll soon› be in that same 14-year category! › PACE notes that JOHN FRIZZOLA, a› recent transplant from Long Island,› has just joined their club and has› contributed many items. We wonder› why we haven't heard that name› before, but we know that John has› joined a good group in Florida. › Editor WALT LEWIS writes an article,› complete with illustrations, about› printing mini-icons from The Print› Shop. Walt also uses an article› originally by KEN WICKERT of ACE of› Syracuse (updated by Ken and THOMAS› J. ANDREWS and published in the OHAUG› Newsletter, Sept./Oct. 1994) which he› includes, to inspire further findings› of his own on disk and file copying› programs. All of the Print Shop› icons from the club's April and May› DOMs are printed in this issue, as› well as the usual puzzles, etc.›› JACG Newsletter for June 1998 --› Editor TOM LASKOWSKI provides us› with several Atari happenings. He› states that Hasbro will show off a› line of computers at the upcoming E3› show. Nowhere but in this newsletter› have I heard that Hasbro is going to› produce computers, but we can always› hope. Tom also states that JTS had› been actively negotiating regarding› the Atari properties with Activision› before the Hasbro purchase. It's› interesting that the properties were› valuable to others. JTS didn't seem› to do anything with them. As a› result, Tom reports, a class-action› suit has been filed against JTS on› behalf of former Atari Corp.› stockholders for failure to keep the› Atari lines alive. Apparently, JTS› had made such a promise and never› lived up to it.›› There is also a mention of the› intended release of made-over and› modernized Atari games to run on the› PC and Playstation platforms by› Hasbro. The information came from›› www.atarihq.com/news/1998/980316.html›› which is a site partially produced by› OHAUG member JOHN HARDIE. JOE HICSWA› contributs an in-depth review of the› LVAUG News (an apparent continuation› from last month -- Ed.) SAM COREY› gives us a potpourri of interesting› technology-related items from various› news sources. There is also what› appears to be a dump from a Web› search engine on Atari-related› articles. This is extensive -- it› takes up four pages. There are also› reprints from a variety of non-› traditional sources regarding› Hasbro's re-release of the games› mentioned above and a reprint from an› ST magazine that analyzes the Hasbro-› JTS deal. Finally, on the back› cover, is a tongue-in-cheek (I hope!› -- Ed.) "news item" stating that one› Joseph E. Hicswa was grounded after› destroying several aircraft, tearing› up uninhabited land and terrifying› other pilots while trying to teach› himself to fly from a manual. This› report, was, of course, generated by› Flight Simulator II, which Joe had› reviewed in previous issues. Joe› stated that, "The FAA grounded me. I› have 'NO COMMENT.' The Judge issued› a Gag Order. See my lawyer."›› *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*›››