<*> <*>› XLEnt WORDPROCESSOR › FOR THE ATARI 130XE/XL›› HELP SCREENS ›› SCREEN #1 - Editor functions› SCREEN #2 - Format Directives› SCREEN #3 - Disk Errors› SCREEN #4 - Special Characters› SELECT - Printer Driver Functions›› This wordprocessor uses the ICONS in› the right hand corner of the screen.› To get to the ICONS press ESC. To get› out of them press ESC again. The› ICONS are self explanatory.›› This wordprocessor has an 80 column› preview screen. If you turn down the› color of your screen it becomes quite› legible. To get into the preview › screen just keep pressing RETURN› while in the PRINT option. If you› press BREAK while in this option your› screen will scroll faster, press› BREAK again and you go to normal› speed.›› EDITING FUNCTIONS ›› BACK SP - Deletes one character to› the left› CNTRL+DEL - Deletes one character at› cursor› CNTRL+INSERT - Insert space at› cursor› SHIFT+CLEAR - Erases document in› memory› CAPS(T) - Upper and lower case (ARROW› next to icons)› BREAK - Moves cursor to the beginning› of a new line› SHIFT+DEL(W,S,P) - Deletes a word, a› sentence or a paragraph› SHIFT+INSERT(T) - Toggles between› TYPOVER and INSERT mode› START-START - Sends cursor to the› beginning of the text › SHIFT+CNTRL+E - Sends the cursor to› the end of the text› SHIFT+CNTRL+5 - Background color› becomes DARKER› SHIFT+CNTRL+6 - Background color› becomes LIGHTER› SHIFT+CNTRL+7 - Text becomes DARKER› SHIFT+CNTRL+8 - Text becomes LIGHTER› SHIFT+CNTRL+W(T) - Turns wordwrap ON› or OFF› SHIFT+CNTRL+.(PERIOD) - Joystick› speed from 1 to 9› SHIFT+CNTRL+M - Set marker points› where cursor can go › SHIFT+CNTRL+G - Go to the marker› point› SHIFT+CNTRL+S - Load a new font into› the screen (NOT printer)› SHIFT+CNTRL+D - Delete text from any› point to any point› SHIFT+CNTRL+P - Enter the printer› formatter(No ICONS used)› SHIFT+CNTRL+Q - Printer Set Up› (Screen colors, joystick speed,› keyboard speed, tabs, cursor shape,› insert mode, wordwraparound)› SHIFT+CNTRL+ESC(T) - toggles cursor› between a line or a square› SHIFT+CNTRL+CLEAR - Deletes all text› from the cursor to the end of the› text› SHIFT+CNTRL+SPACE - Highlights all› spaces on the screen with a dash(-)› SHIFT+CNTRL+U - Disk menu› SHIFT+CNTRL+ARROW UP - One screen› down› SHIFT+CNTRL+ARROW DOWN - One screen› up››› TYPEOVER MODE ›› SHIFT+CNTRL+INSERT - Opens up 6 blank› lines for insert of text › SHIFT+CNTRL+DEL - Deletes all spaces› between the cursor and the start of› the text› SHIFT+CNTRL+T - Opens up a buffer.› Use it with the PASTE function to› insert text. To CLEAR the text in the› buffer use SHIFT+CLEAR. To exit the› buffer use EXIT.› OPTION+C - Center text› OPTION+CC -Right justified› OPTION+F - Print format command››› TAB FUNCTIONS ›› TAB - Moves curosr to the next TAB› stop› SHIFT+TAB - Creates new TAB stops› under the cursor› CNTRL+TAB - CLEARS TABS at the cursor› only› SHIFT+CNTRL+TAB - CLEARS ALL TAB› stops› SHIFT+CNTRL+R - Resets TAB stops› every 5 spaces››› ALIGNMENT MODE DECIMAL ALIGNMENT› (#ARROW)›› 1. TAB to desired location› 2. Press REVERSE key› 3. Press DECIMAL POINT› 4. Enter whole number› 5. Press DECIMAL POINT› 6. Enter decimal number›› RIGHT ALIGNMENT OF STRINGS› (#ARROW)›› 1. TAB to desired location› 2. Press REVERSE key› 3. Press BACK SP› 4. Type in the string› 5. Press BACK SP› 6. Press REVERSE key› 7. Enter last letter of string 2› times››› TEXT BUFFER - ICONS ›› P = Printer› CAMERA = Copy› SCISSORS = Cut› GLUE JAR = Paste› GLASSES = Search› DISK = Disk Menu›› To use these icons press ESC and move› the cursor to the icon you want and› press RETURN.››› COPY›› Copy a section of text to CUT or› PASTE buffer(max = 20 lines). Start› and End are indicated by cursor.››› CUT› Same as COPY except text that is cut› is deleted. It can be sent also to› the PASTE buffer.››› PASTE ›› Insert text from COPY or CUT buffer› into the document at the cursor. You› can use ALL normal editing functions› without affecting the original› document.›› SHIFT+CNTRL+T - Enter the buffer› editor. You can edit CUT and PASTE› buffer. It does NOT alter the orginal› document.› ESC - Exit the buffer›› SHIFT+CLEAR - clears the buffer› SHIFT+CNTRL+U - Disk Menu›› SEARCH - REPLACE ›› The cursor should be at the beginning› of the text(START-START). Press ESC› and go to the SEARCH ICON. Search› string max=30 characters. Include a› SPACE BEFORE the search string. * =› wild card.(One character). Use the› TAB for the end of SEARCH/REPLACE› string.›› SEARCH - DELETE ›› For the replacement string use › CNTRL+DEL››› MEMORY MANAGEMENT ›› SHIFT+CNTRL+F - How much memory is› left in characters› SHIFT+CNTRL+? - How many› sectors(S.D.) are needed to save the› document› SHIFT+CNTRL+N - Wordcount››› TEXT WINDOWS(2) ›› You can edit and keep the text› seperate from the main document. CUT› and PASTE are shared on the two› windows›› SHIFT+CNTRL+2 - Creates 2 text› windows› SHIFT+CNTRL+1 - Window 1› SHIFT+CNTRL+2 - Window 2› SHIFT+CNTRL+3 - Closes window. Window› 2 will be lost.››› DISK UTILITIES ›› DIR - Directory. Does not erase text› in memory.› LOAD - NORMAL,APPEND,INSERT. INSERT› lets you insert a file into the› MEMORY where the cursor is.› FILENAME - If no filename is entered› then where the cursor is located will› be the filename› SAVE - You can save a whole or› partial text.› DELETE - Deletes a file› FORMAT - Formats a disk› SPOOL - You can display a text file› from a disk for viewing without› altering the screen or memory.› CNTRL+D - Exit to DOS while in in› DISK. (use OPTION L on DOS and for› the filename use AUTORUN.SYS to go› back to the wordprocessor).››› TEXT FORMATTER ›› It is used for previewing document on› an 80 column screen. The way it looks› on the paper.›› ESC - Returns you to the text editor› ANY KEY - Will stop the printer.› SPACE BAR - Will continue printing.› RETURN - Will take you to the› beginning of the FORMATTER.››› PAPER LOADING ›› Set total lines to 66 - default› Set total print lines to 54 -› default› Empty lines = 12(1 inch on bottom and› top).› Put printhead 1 inch from preforation› or 1/2 inch if it has a header.››› FORMATTER QUESTIONS ON TOP OF THE› SCREEN ›› MERGE(M) - Merges with another› document› NUMBER OF COPIES(N) - Press N› DOUBLE COLUMNS - (M/N/D)? Press D› SKIP - Press any key› # OF 1ST PAGE - Prints header "page› 1". To turn header off use HD0. For› FOOTER turn HEADER off.› PRINT ENTIRE FILE(Y/N) "N" Will ask› for 1st and last page to be printed› TO SCREEN,PRINTER OR DISK, (S,P,D)› -Output to the SCREEN puts document› in 80 columns for preview of print.› BREAK toggles screen printhead off› or on.››› OUTPUT TO DISK ›› Use D2:FILENAME. If used as a› documenation file on the disk. Use› left margin 0 and right margin 37 and› number of lines per page 66. Turn› HEADER off.› EXAMPLE:'F:lm0:rm37:lp66:hd0'- RETURN››› MEGAFONT ›› Print OUTPUT TO DISK. Left margin 10,› right margin 110. Load Megafont and› pick a font you like. Enter the› filename of your program. You cannot› use any printer driver functions such› as underline or doublestrike etc.››› PRINTER FORMATTER DIRECTIVES ›› OPTION+F - It has to be on a line by› itself and must end with a RETURN.› Several fromat commands can be on one› line but the must be seperated by› ':'› EXAMPLE: Flm10:rm70››› COMMENT LINE ›› OPTION+F - 'F This is a comment(Will› not be printed.)' The first letter› after 'F' is a space and not a› formatting directive›› lm - Left margin. Default is 10 lm+,› lm- Relative margins(Margin is 10,› lm+5 margin is now 15). they do not› accumulate. lm+0 cancels relative› margin› rm - right margin. Default is 70.› Same as left margin.› rm+, rm- Relative right margins.› rm+0 cancels it.› mr - Margin release. Indent or› outdent a margin. mr-5 Outdents a› margin 5 spaces to the left.› ai - Automatic identation. Indent or› outdent. ai+5 Indents margin 5› spaces. ai0 or ai+0 turns it off.› pp - Physical page lenght. Default is› 66.› lp - Logical page length. Default is› 54› fp - Force page starting. Will› advance to next page.› fp+5 - Conditional force paging. Will› advance to next page if lines are› less than 5.› cl - Current line. Changes line› counter. You can increase lines to› squeeze a few more on a page on the› bottom.› cl-2 - Decreases counter by 2› therefore giving you 2 more lines on› the page. You do NOT have to reset› the counter.› cl+2 _ Increases counter by 2› therefore you loose 2 lines. You do› NOT have to reset the counter.› sp - Line space. Default is 1 line› ln - Line feed. ln12 will skip 12› lines› cn - Center text. cn1 center text› ON.› cn0 center text OFF› ra - Right alignemt of text› ju - Right justification of text› hd - Header directive› ft - Footer directive››› The 'OPTION+F hd' will show on the› screen: hdN:left part; middle part;› right part› Type 'Fhd2:SMITHE;;Page @'. It will› print SMITHE on the left side and› PAGE 1 on the right side.› hd0 - Turns header OFF› hd3 - Turns header ON again› p# - page number directive› xl - Header/footer left margin› xr - Header/footrt right margin› nx - Next file. Used in chaining› files. EXAMPLE: Fnx:D2:FILENAME› lk - Used in chaining. YOU type in› the filename› ex - External file. It can be placed› anywhere in the document.› EXAMPLE:Fex:D2:PICTURES.DES› nc1 - no control codes(when printing› to disk)› nc0 - control codes OK(default)››› BATCH FILES ›› You create a file called "BOOK" with› only ex commands in it. The disk will› execute it in order.› Fex:CHAPTER.1› Fex:CHAPTER.2› Fex:CHAPTER.3››› ADVANCED PRINTER FORMATTING ›› lf- Line feed. For automatic line› feed if your computer does not do it.›› lf1 = ON lf = OFF› dv - Divider directive. Creates a› dividing line from left to right› across the page. EXAMPLE: Fdv* It› will print ***** line accross page.› of - Offset directive - If paper is› not centered in the printer you can› shift it. of-2 moves is 2 columns to› left. of+2 moves it 2 columns to the› right› sb - Send byte directive. Send a byte› to the printer. EXAMPLE: Fsb15› (Condensed print CHR$(15)) BUT watch› margins they will change› sk - Skip text. Fsk1 = ON Fsk0 = OFF› You can skip a paragraph etc› ps - Pause directive. Printer pauses› (to insert a disk etc). Before Fnx› command use Fps:INSERT DISK IN DRIVE› #1 and then use Fnx. Prompt will then› display.› OPTION+SPACE BAR - Protects space -› NO word splitting. EXAMPLE:XLEnt› Software You would use it between› these 2 words (shows in inverse› video) OPTION+hyphen(-) - Soft hypen.› If a word is too long it will be› hyphenated at the space if necessary› or ignored if not. EXAMPLE: Cat-scan› (hypen is in iverse video) › N=A user defined characters. › N =0 to 9 Number of user defined› character› A = 0 to 255 The ASII character› you picked. EXAMPLE 1=123 the first› user defined character that is a [.› To insert use OPTION+(1 TO 9)››› MULTIPLE FORMAT DIRECTIVE › The following format direcitves must› be placed on a single line nx, ex,› lk, ps, en, fp, ft, hd, ep ››› MAILMERGE ›› Create a from letter or a TEMPLATE.› OPTION+INSERT creates the data› marker(>). In the data file each item› to be inserted must end with a› RETURN. The template must be in› memory and use› SHIFT+CNTRL+O - To open data file› for› mailmerge PRESS 'M' - For mailmerge› (Printer Only)› SHIFT+CNTRL+I - To insert data into› template. Template is now lost. DATA› MARKER will not put word on next line› if it is too big. FIX use the› protected space OPTION+SPACE BEFORE› data marker››› DOUBLE COLUMN PRINTING ›› You can have 1 pass or 2 pass› printing.›› 1 PASS DOUBLE COLUMN PRINTING ›› DO NOT use proprotional or and› extended fonts because you will NOT› get straight columns. › SUGGESTED COLUMN SETTINGS ›› LEFT MARGIN OF COLUMN 1: 2› RIGHT MARGIN OF COLUMN 1: 38› LEFT MARGIN OF COLUMN 2: 42› RIGHT MARGIN OF COLUMN 2: 78›› The printhead will go across the› paper in ONE pass on this function.›› DO NOT set fixed left or right› margins in your document( You can› change the margins with relative› margins ln+5 rm-5 etc. Header and› Footer margins should be made› seperately with the xl10 or xr10› command. You cannot do a mailmerge or› use # of copies. The following› directives will NOT work:› sp,fp,ln,nx,ex,lk. If you need to use› these use the 2 pass printing.››› 2 PASS DOUBLE COLUMN ›› In 2 pass printing the printhead› prints the first column and then the› paper is turned back and it prints› the 2nd column. In this mode ALL› formatting commands work. When you› get the prompt "PRESS SPACE BAR TO› CONTINUE" then roll paper back to the› beginning of the page and then press› space bar.››› INSERTING PICTURES INTO DOCUMENT›› ep:(FILENAME) - external print› directive. This command will send a› specified file to the printer. It can› contain text or redefined fonts or› picture files. You can redirect the› screen dump output to the disk and› use the 'ep' directive to insert into› you document. You must use the 'cl+'› command to adjust the line count.››› SCREEN DUMP TO THE DISK ›› 1. When the program load press any› key› 2. Select MICROSCREEN PICTURE› FORMATTER 3. ESC - will return you to› the Microscreen formatter› 4. PRESS A to alter picture or data› instead of loading it ot the disk› 5. PRESS D = Disk directory› 6. PRESS P = LOAD an uncompressed (62› sect) picture› 7. PRESS B = Load B-GRAPH› 8. PRESS I = Load a TYPSETTER ICON.› 40 columns 24 rows› 9. MOVE CUROSOR to area where you› want ICON. You can overlay it on any› picture.› 10. TAB - will make it opaque or› transparent.› 11. PRESS ESC when overlay is› complete››› ADD TEXT, LOAD FONT, NORMAL,› INTERNATIONAL › L = Font from disk currently in› drive› I = International font››› PRINT ENTIRE SCREEN? ›› Prints only part of screen if you› want it››› NORMAL OR CONDENSED ›› Normal is across the entire page.› TYPSETTER ICON looks better› condensed.››› LEFT MARGIN - CENTERING ›› Is the default. If you say 10 then it› will be lined up with the margin.› NORMAL OR REVERSE ›› Normal is black on wite. Reverse is› white on black.››› DISK OR PRINTER ›› Use disk for inserting into document.› Use printer for a horizontal screen› dump. If is is send to the disk you› can use the 'ep' command.››› PICTURE LINES VS. TEXT LINES ›› The picture cursor is 3:2 in ratio to› the text cursor lines. It uses 16› printed lines therefore you would use› 'cl+16' if an entire screen was› printed. If the cursor moves 14 lines› from TOP to BOTTOM on the picture› then use the fomula:› cl = 2/3 * 14 = 9.3 or 10.› Therefore it becomes› Fcl+10› Print pictures or save them in DOUBLE› HEIGHT, DOUBLE WIDTH or BOTH.››› INTEGRATING OTHER PROGRAMS ›› You can integrate MEGAFONT,› TYPSETTER, BGRAPH, SYNFILE+.››› INTERNATIONAL AND SPECIAL› CHARACTERS ›› SHIFT+CNTRL+S and then load› PERFECT.FNT will load the› internaltional font. To get these› letters press the CNTRL key and a› letter and you will get the the› international characters.››› USE AS COMMENT LINES IN A BASIC› PROGRAM ›› 1) Use line numbers and REM or PRINT›› 2) Do not go beyond 3 screen lines › before putting in a RETURN › 3) SAVE normally› 4) Recall by using ENTER› "D:FILENAME"› 5) Append program by using LIST› "D:PROGRAM"( Your program has to be› previously saved with a LIST› command)› ››