› The following is a sector removal of an article that appeared in ZMAG172 ENJOY Andrew Buongiorno››            ››› ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…› üÎÕÌÌ ÍÏÄÅÍ ÁÄÁÐÔÅÒü› š’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ƒ› › |AtariTech BBS!|› ›››Have you ever tried to transfer files from one computer to another? You probably connected two modems together, or called yourself if you happen to have two telephone lines. It was probably a very slow process, unless you happen to own TWO 9600 baud modems! A Null-Modem Adapter can help you. It will allow you to transfer files at up to 9600 baud and not have to tie up your telephone line.››A Null-Modem Adapter is simply a connector between two computers that allows direct communication between two computers. An actual modem is never used, so you can use the highest baud rate that both computers can handle. What the null-modem adapter does is convince the computers that they are connected to a modem instead of another computer.››Before building your Null-Modem adapter, you need to determine which types of connectors to use. Most null-modem connectors use a male and a female DB-25 (modem type) connector. If you already have modem cables for both computers, you will probably find that a null-modem connector with two female connectors will be more useful to you. This way you can connect the two modem cables together with the null-modem adapter and be ready to roll!›››  ×èáô ùïõ îååä ››> Soldering Iron and Solder›> Approximately 12" of #24 stranded wire›> Cover shell--Shack # 276-1520›> Two DB-25 solder-type connectors› Female--Radio Shack 276-1548› Male--Radio Shack 276-1547› (determine which ones you need)›››  Èï÷ ôï âõéìä éô ››Full Handshake Null Modem (best):›› Connector: A B› › 1 to 1› Connect 2 to 3› these 3 to 2› pins: 4 to 5› 5 to 4› 6,8 to 20› 7 to 7› 20 to 6,8››The pins on the connector are numbered, but remember that pins on the Male connector, looking at the solder side, narrow-edge down, are numbered right-to-left, top row first. The female connector is numbered left-to-right!››If this one does not work, and you have CHECKED the WIRING, then try using the "No-Handshake" null-modem adapter:›› ›Connect the following pins OF EACH connector together:›› Connect pins 4 + 5 together.› Connect 6, 8, + 20 together.››Connect these pins BETWEEN the two connectors together:›› Connector: A B› 1 to 1› 2 to 3› 3 to 2› 7 to 7››››  Èï÷ ôï õóå ôèå áäáðôåò ››Boot up each computer with a good terminal program. For the Atari 8-bit I suggest AMODEM 7.5 because it can handle BOTH 9600 baud and YMODEM transfer protocol. This will give you the fastest possible data transfer. Set both terminals to the fastest baud rate that both computers can handle. Next connect the computers together with the Null-Modem Adapter. Following the instructions of each terminal program, simply set the sending computer for upload and the receiving computer for download. Remember to use the same protocol on each computer, and it is usually better to start the receiving computer first. Basically, that's it! Easy!››If you have any questions about this or any technical questions about Atari 8-bit computers, you can call the AtariTech BBS at (813) 539-8141.››We have many files on easy-to-build hardware projects, memory upgrades, fixes and mods. Traveler››(Editor's note: Amodem 7.5x is a very fine terminal program. However, with the release of BobTerm v1.1 (shareware), a baud (bps) rate of 19,200 is available, as is Fmodem protocol (4K blocks as compared to Ymodem's 1K blocks).)›