›› BASIC PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS› By Stan Schenfeld›› This month we will touch lightly›on Atari graphics. We will look into›some of the graphic modes, and some of›the command statements. The XL-XE›computers have 16 graphics modes (5 of›them are text modes). The mode we are›most familiar with is GRAPHICS 0,›which is the default mode when the›computer is turned on. The other 4›text modes offer different sizes and›colors of text display.›› The other 11 graphics modes are›true graphics modes. They allow you›to plot points, draw lines in any›direction, with the modes differing in›the number of colors and the›resolution available.›› In this month's column we will›cover graphics modes zero and seven.›Graphics 0 is automatically installed›when you turn on your computer, and is›used for regular text. If you are in›another graphics mode, and you want to›switch to graphic 0, type the word›GRAPHICS followed by the number 0›which is the mode you want to go to.› Ex:- GRAPHICS 0 will put you in›the default 0 mode. This is the mode›we use for print statements. The next›command that we will consider is the›"POSITION" statement. It is used in›programs in the deferred mode only.›This command allows you to move to›anyplace on the screen before you›start to "PRINT" our text. When using›the "POSITION" statement, you name the›row and column that you wish to start›at. The screen is 40 columns wide (0›to 39), and 24 rows high (0 to 23).› POSITION 30,15 would start the›printing 30 spaces to the right, and›15 spaces down. POSITION 19,11 would›put the printing in approximately the›center of the screen. If the position›command is followed by the "PRINT"›command, the text will start at the›point you have specified. Here is a›quick example:- › Type-10 POSITION 19,11 20 PRINT "CENTER"› Then type-RUN & hit return If›there is text there already, the new›text will be printed over the old›text. Experiment with the›"POSITION" and "PRINT" commands›together in the deferred mode. This›will familiarize you with the results›of these commands. In other graphics›modes, the number of rows and columns›will differ, but the basic idea›remains the same. Next we will switch›to a true graphics mode, which will›allow us to plot points and actually›draw on the screen. To get into a›four color graphics mode type›"GRAPHICS 7". The top of the screen›will turn black, and the ready prompt›will appear along the bottom. The›bottom four lines is the "text›window", while the the area above is›the "graphics screen".› In GRAPHICS 7 there are four›colors to work with. The default›values (preset colors) are:› color 1......Orange› color 2......Green› color 3......Blue› color 0......Black(background)›Before starting to draw, you must pick›a color to draw with by using the›"COLOR" command. "COLOR 1" picks›orange as the drawing color. The›GRAPHICS 7 screen has 160 columns›across (0 to 159) and 80 rows high (0›to 79)(not including the text window).› This results in a higher resolution›than the 0 mode. The next two commands›will be "PLOT" and "DRAWTO". "PLOT"›will put the cursor at any specific›point on the graphics screen. The›"DRAWTO" command will draw a straight›line between two points.› Let's start from scratch:-›Type-"COLOR1"-this gives us drawing›color orange. Then type-"PLOT›15,30"-this places the cursor at a›point 15 spaces across, and 30 spaces›down. Then type "DRAWTO 140,70"-this›draws a straight line from coordinates›15,30 to 140,70 in the orange color.› Again, experiment using different›coordinates to "PLOT" and "DRAWTO",›and different "COLORS" to draw with.›Note that "COLOR 0" is the background›color and may be used to "erase"›previously drawn lines. If you use a›series of "DRAWTO" statments, one›after another, you will draw one line›from the end of the previous line to›the beginning of the next line, etc.,›as in the following example:-› GRAPHICS 7› COLOR 1› PLOT 12,12› DRAWTO 70,12› DRAWTO 70,70› DRAWTO 12,70› DRAWTO 12,12››Lines may be erased by using "COLOR 0"›and plotting the proper coordinates.›From our last example:-› COLOR 0› PLOT 12,12› DRAWTO 70,12›should erase the top line of the box.›The whole graphics screen can be›erased by typing "GRAPHICS 7".› ›