;--------------------------------------›; ÁΠÅØÁÍÐÌÅ ÌÉÓÔÉÎÇ ÆÏÒ ÄÅÍÏÎÓÔÒÁÔÉÎÇ ›; ÔÈÅ ÔÕÒÂÏ ÁÓÓÅÍÂÌÅÒ®                 ›; ×òéôôåî âù Êïèî Æïóëåôô    Îïö§¹²    ›;--------------------------------------›››; Ôèéó ìéóôéîç éó îïô á ðòïçòáí® Éô éó ›; íåòåìù á ãïììåãôéïî ïæ éîóôòõãôéïîó  ›; áîä ìáâåìó ôï äåíïîóôòáôå ôèå Ôõòâï  ›; Áóóåíâìåò®                           ›››; Blank lines may be used to seperate›; sections of a listing to create a›; clearer and a more readable listing.›; A blank line is obtained by pressing›; the RETURN key alone.›››; Everything with one preceeding space›; is one of the normal 56 instructions.›; They must be used with the correct›; syntax otherwise an error will result›; during assembly.›››; The semi-colon is used in the same›; way as basics REM statement. It may›; be used to begin a line or....››› PHA; ....it may be used to follow› TXA; an instruction. Note that› PHA; no spaces must preceed a› TYA; semi-colon. Any character› PHA; may follow it.››››››; A semi-colon REM may consist of upto 3 lines as shown here. More than 3 lines will cause the Turbo Assembler›; to lock up during assembly. However, it is actually easier to type single lines rather than the multiple lines.›››››› LDA 53665› LDX 54337› LDY #0› STA 203› BPL LINDA› BEQ SUSAN› STA 47134› LDA 52342,X› CMP 207› BEQ LINDA› CMP 209› BEQ LINDA› INC 47208› BPL ANGELA› ADC 22041› CLC›››;--------------------------------------›LINDA;--This is a label. It may consist›; of upto eight characters maximum. But›; it must begin with a letter and it is›; typed with no preceeding spaces.›;--------------------------------------›; Girls names are used as labels within›; this demonstration listing.›;--------------------------------------››› DEC 23464›SUSAN› BMI TANYA› BVS JENNIFER› LDA 21477,X› INX› DEY› STX 29445›ANGELA› LDA #0› LDX 205› LDY 206› CPX #64› BEQ DANIELA› CPX #128› BEQ RACHEL› CPX #34› BPL LINDA› BMI SALLY› ROL 37994,X› ROL 37,X›;--------------------›DANIELA› STA 47792› ASL 47797,X› STA 52795›SALLY› LDA 208› STA 44535›RACHEL› AND #64› STA 208› STA 55943› AND 206› STA 55323› AND 33412› STA 34435› AND 32325,X› AND 32326,Y›JENNIFER› LDA #255› STA 52133› STA 52335,Y›TANYA› LDX 15590› STA 42378,X› ORA 47779,Y› JSR 63597› JSR 64118›;--------------------›LYNN› INC 34523› CMP #200› BEQ PATRICIA› LDA 16647,X› STX 205› STX 43254› STY 54553› BEQ JULIE› CPY #17›PATRICIA› BEQ GAYNOR› BMI DANIELA› BPL SAMANTHA› LDA 34512› CMP 3241› BNE LYNN› JMP 15572›SAMANTHA› LDA 15512› CMP #112› BPL PATRICIA› LSR 17443› LSR 11774› LSR 13759,X› INY› DEX›JULIE› INX›GAYNOR› STX 12779› STY 12780› CPY #128› BEQ NATASHA› INX› CPX #128› BMI NATASHA› ADC 51446› BIT 204› BIT 53418› CLC› STA 52231›NATASHA› SEC› SED› SBC 209› SBC 32553› STA 43254›CAROL› LDX 209› INX› INC 23743› DEC 23746› CPX 48337› BEQ SAMANTHA› LSR 47797,X› STA 203› LDA 47708› CMP 44521› BMI KAREN› LDX #48›KAREN› CMP 54011› BEQ CAROL› BVC KAREN› BCS JANE› INC 52289› STA 205› CMP 42758› BEQ ANITA› LDX #255› LDY #255›ANITA› CMP 42782› BPL KAREN› BNE HELEN› LDA #0› STA 44› STA 47288› STA 45792› STA 45798,X› JMP 203›;--------------------›HELEN› BRK› LDA 209,X› STA 44353,Y›;--------------------›JANE› BRK› BCC NATASHA› LDY 47911› LDX 47918› LDA 51774› STA 21118› INX› STA 20019› ROR 20,X› CPX 41187› BEQ WENDY› CPY 41188› BEQ MARIE› LDA #255›WENDY› STA 44157› STA 44168› LDA #0› STA 43554› STA 42236,X› STA 54773,Y› ROR 42756,X› ROR 38›MARIE› LDA 208› CMP 44312› BNE LAETITIA› LDY 36566›LAETITIA› LDA #44› STA 42358› STA 23115,X› STA 23186,Y› INC 32984› CMP #57› BPL LOUISE› LDA 42234› STA 32577›LOUISE› CMP #64› BNE LOUISE›;--------------------› PLA› TAY› PLA› TAX› PLA› RTS››››;--------------------------------------›; The END marker must be formed exactly›; as shown below otherwise it will not›; be recognised by the Turbo Assembler›; and an error will result. It may be›; positioned anywhere on the line, but›; placed like a label as shown is the›; clearest. The END marker must be the›; very last instruction of any listing›; since anything that follows it will›; be ignored. RETURN must terminate it.›;--------------------------------------›››; Ôèéó éó ôèå ÅÎÄ íáòëåò ›---------------------------------------›Since everything that follows the END marker (ie. after its terminatation) is ignored by the Turbo Assembler, there is no need to use a semi-colon here to begin a line.