Our Leader observes:

Eventually, any revolution may find military action necessary to resist tyrannical oppression. In America, on April 19, 1775, colonial militia engaged British troops at the towns of Lexington and Concord. Just months later, the new American Congress named George Washington commander in chief of a volunteer army. In January of this year, 1793, France suffered attack by the armies of six countries: Prussia, Austria, Sardinia, England, Holland, and Spain. To resist such invaders, the government in France has taken the momentous step of establishing a military draft of all her young unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 25.

Inspired by the revolution in France, slaves in the French colony of Saint Domingue in the West Indies rebelled against their masters. In August of this year, the governor of Saint Domingue, Léger-Félicité Sonthonax, abolished slavery in the colony. He then gave 30,000 rifles to the former slaves, saying, "This is your freedom; the one who will take this rifle back will want to enslave you anew."