When to use violence. Wise conquerors prefer not to risk valuable troops in battle needlessly. But when diplomacy, strategy, and treachery fail, combat is often necessary. This course includes tips on how to use force when it will have the most impact, with the goal of developing a reputation for ruthlessness that will discourage further resistance.

Bonus! Special virtual-reality experience with the latest styles in swords, spears, lances, maces, shields, battle-axes, longbows, and crossbows.

Siegecraft. A discussion of basic tools and methods for besieging a fortress, including successful techniques for mining beneath walls and using catapults and battering rams to destroy defenses.

Securing a conquest’s future. A course emphasizing the importance of having a competent, trustworthy heir to hold together your newly conquered empire. Alternatives to the common practice of leaving everything to an oldest son will be discussed.

Introduction to governance. A vital seminar on how to hold on to the lands you have conquered.

Watching your back. Time-tested methods for protecting yourself against betrayal by allies, subordinates, friends—and even your closest family members.
