Chaucer took you to Canterbury. But Dante, the renowned author from Florence, takes you on the ultimate trip in Commedia, a moral guide and travelog to the afterlife.

Inferno. In hell, Dante shows you the varieties of human sin and their excruciating consequences. An instructive place to visit, but pray that you never have to dwell there!

Purgatorio. Dante and his guide, the ancient Roman poet Virgil, climb the bright terraces of Mount Purgatory. There, souls who have gained salvation but have not yet reached heaven seek forgiveness for the misdeeds they committed on earth. Quiet and calm, Mount Purgatory is a place of hope.

Paradiso. At the top of Mount Purgatory, Dante is joined by a new guide, the lovely and virtuous Beatrice. Beatrice introduces him to the blessed residents of the 10 spheres of heaven. At last, our poet reaches the throne of God, set among hosts of angels, and glimpses his Lord, "the highest source of bliss and light. . . the love that moves the sun and other stars."