Pilgrimage to Canterbury

Spring through fall, Pious Pilgrim Travel offers a pilgrimage package to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral in England. There, the courageous archbishop was cruelly martyred while at prayer in 1170 and there his holy relics lie.

The relics are housed in the tomb of Saint Thomas in the heart of the church. Special alcoves are provided for meditation close to the tomb.

Our travel packages suit every pocketbook and preference:

  • Group travel by foot or horse
  • Travel by covered horse cart for noblewomen
  • Travel by ship from major ports around the Christian world

Accommodations arranged for pilgrims of all classes:

  • Well-kept stables
  • Inns
  • Private homes
  • Abbeys for noblemen and noblewomen
Travel hint: While at Canterbury, do not neglect to purchase a pewter pilgrim's badge with the image of Saint Thomas from one of the vendors in the churchyard. These badges are an inexpensive way to show that you have made the pilgrimage.