My Duties

Although I have many duties to which I must attend, some of them are more pleasant than others. My most important duties are to oversee the accounts of the manor and the household, while my husband sees to the supervision of workers and the administration of our lands. I make sure that we have the food and firewood we need and that our clothing is well maintained. I pay the servants. I also take care of the family's health, calling the doctor when necessary. As a mother, I will arrange for my child's tutor. However, I most enjoy tending to the flowers and herbs of the garden.

I also am a skilled embroiderer, and my ladies and I are working on an altarcloth as a gift for the Church of St. Catherine. I work mostly with silk threads on a linen background, but I use gold and silver threads as well. I enjoy the work, but the close stitches cause my eyes to weary quickly.

We also own a few books, and they are perhaps our most treasured possessions. I am able to read English and a little Latin, and I enjoy reading the stories of King Arthur and the lives of the saints. I also enjoy reading fables, fine bestiaries with descriptions of exotic animals, and Biblical tales.

It is also proper that I attend to the health of the souls of both myself and my family. I try to attend Mass once weekly, sometimes more often. I have as a beautiful rosary given to me by my mother, which is with me always. My book of hours, which I use for daily devotions, is filled with prayers and many exquisitely painted illuminations of the lives of Christ and the Virgin Mary.