Our House

Our manor house is made of stone, with a roof of slate. On the first floor is the Great Hall, where we may entertain our guests or hold feasts. But we take most of our meals in the adjoining solar. Just off the Great Hall is our chapel. In the back of the house is the kitchen with an especially large fireplace for roasting game and two fine ovens for baking our bread and meat pies.

Outside the kitchen is the garden. We also have a spacious cellar for storage of grain, vegetables, dried meat, and other provisions that must be kept cool to prevent spoilage. There are rooms for guests and servants upstairs. We also have a stable for our two horses, and a barn for further storage of food for both man and beasts.


Meals. With our bread and ale, we eat mostly beef, but also dine on fish, mutton, or game. My husband enjoys cheese often. We sometimes use vegetables as flavorings for meat dishes and fruits for sweet dishes. However, I most enjoy seasoning my food with my favorite flavorings: mustard, onions, and garlic.

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Solar. The solar is the most commonly occupied room in our manor. In this spacious room, we sleep, usually take our meals, conduct household business, and often receive guests. A fine screen separates our sleeping area from the rest of the room.

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Garden. The garden has ample space for the herbs and vegetables we grow for our meals, but we also have a lovely flower garden with many roses.

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Servants. We employ 12 servants, including a steward and 2 assistants to supervise the manor, a cook and 2 helpers, 2 maids for myself, 2 manservants for my husband, and 2 stablehands. Although I can write my name well, one of the steward�s assistants serves as a scribe, doing most of the writing for the household.

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