Expression of faith

A majestic church built of enduring stone is an expression of an entire community's faith in God. Its beauty and grandeur inspire reverence for God's infinite majesty.

Status symbol

Cities with cathedrals are truly among the chosen few. A cathedral is an expression of religious, political, and economic favor. It displays the power of the bishop who decides to build it and locate his seat there as well as the pride and prestige of a city's generous patrons.

Economic benefit

A cathedral provides special economic advantages to the city in which it is built. It employs hundreds of stonemasons, woodcarvers, and other craftworkers during many years of construction, and it draws pilgrims who spend their money in local shops.

Center of activity

Cathedrals serve as centers of activity for the whole community. Daily church services are held there. In addition, craft guilds meet there. Political gatherings, classes, markets, and lectures take place in cathedrals. Groups of players often perform scenes from the Bible or from the lives of the saints in a cathedral.