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Positions available immediately
Architect’s assistant Metalworkers Painters
Masons Carpenters Laborers
Stonecarvers Glassmakers  

The diocese offers generous wages for skilled workers. Depending on experience, daily payment ranges from 2 to 4 pence for most specialties, with up to 6 pence daily for the best masons. Most workers can expect full employment in summer with some openings in spring and fall. Carpenters and masons will be needed year-round. Winter wages will be slightly lower to reflect shorter hours.

Special incentive system includes bonuses of shoes, salt, and candlewax.

Benefits include:

• opportunity to glorify God
• long-term job security
• future employment for sons and grandsons
• plenty of time off for holidays

Unskilled workers shall be compensated according to the discretion of the diocese.

Applicants and their apprentices may apply in person to:
Geoffrey, Chief Architect
Reginald de Bohun,
Bishop of Bath

Wells, England