__________________________ READ ME World Book 2003 Deluxe __________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TROUBLESHOOTING THE WORLD BOOK APPLICATION 1.1 Install and Uninstall 1.2 Resolution Changes 1.3 Rapid Resume 1.4 Color Distortions 1.5 QuickTime Installation 2. RUNNING AND USING THE WORLD BOOK APPLICATION 2.1 Swapping Discs 2.2 Sticky Notes/Highlighter 2.3 "Can't Open a Database" Error Message 2.4 Wizards 2.5 Portions of World Book Screen are Displaying Incorrectly 2.6 Fonts Appear Scrambled 2.7 Out of Memory Messages while Using World Book 2.8 Using Word Processor within World Book 2.9 SETUP.LID Error Message 2.10 ARAISF.DLL Error Message 2.11 VBAJET32.DLL ERROR MESSAGE 3. HARDWARE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS 3.1 MWAVE Modem 3.2 Hewlett Packard Printers 3.3 Print Problems 3.4 STEALTH-64 Video 2001 Problem 3.5 Audio and Video 3.6 Monitor Settings 4. WORLD BOOK ONLINE UPDATES 4.1 Downloading 4.2 Problems Accessing Web Sites 4.3 Using AOL (16 Bit Dialer) With Windows 95 4.4 Using AOL 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 to Download Online Updates 4.5 Problems Initializing Internet Service Provider with World Book 4.6 Multiple Instances of Browser 4.7 Unable to Launch Browser When Accessing the Web through World Book __________________________ 1. TROUBLESHOOTING THE WORLD BOOK APPLICATION 1.1 INSTALL AND UNINSTALL Problem: Some older video cards and drivers running under Windows 95 may cause the installation procedure to crash. Solution: If you have Version 5 or older of DirectX, upgrade to the latest version of DirectX (currently Version 8), then resume the installation procedure. You can obtain the latest version of DirectX free from http://www.microsoft.com/directx. Problem: I deleted the World Book directory from my hard drive, but I did not use the uninstall feature. I reinstalled World Book, and now I am having problems with the program. Solution: You must uninstall World Book using the uninstall feature. To access uninstall for the World Book program: select START; select PROGRAMS; select WORLD BOOK 2003; select UNINSTALL WORLD BOOK. NOTE: If you reinstall World Book, please install the program in the same directory it was installed previously. For example, if you originally installed World Book In the default directory "C:\Program Files\wb03d2se," you would reinstall the program in the same directory. Problem: I am receiving a "wb03d2se.exe is linked to missing export MFC40.dll" error on my Gateway, AST or Dell system. How do I bypass this to run World Book? Solution: This happens primarily on the above listed computers. However, if this has happened and you don't own a Gateway, AST or Dell, follow the steps below. When this problem occurs you will need to: (1) Copy the MFC40.dll from the C:\Windows directory and Paste it in the C:\Windows\System directory. (2) Then be sure to reboot the system for the changes to take effect. (3) Next, restart World Book. Please follow the steps below if you need help with this process. (1) Click the Start button, and go to Programs. (2) Find Windows Explorer and click to open it. (3) Find the Windows Folder and double click it. (4) Scroll down on the right side until you find MFC40.dll (5) Click MFC40.dll one time to highlight it. (6) Go to Edit on the menu bar and click Copy. (7) Go back to the right side of the Windows Explorer and scroll down to the System folder. (This will be under the Windows folder). Now click the System folder one time with the right mouse button and click Paste. (8) Delete the old MFC40.dll file in the Windows folder. Click the MFC40.dll one time with the right mouse button and click Delete. (9) Re-start your computer to let the changes take effect. 1.2 RESOLUTION CHANGES Problem: I changed my resolution when I had World Book open and now I am experiencing screen errors. Solutions: Close World Book before you change your resolution. Change your resolution and then restart World Book. The program will adapt to your new resolution. 1.3 RAPID RESUME Problem: Videos and animations play incorrectly. Solution: You may need to disable the RAPID RESUME feature on your computer. Please see your computer manual for instructions. 1.4 COLOR DISTORTIONS Problem: I am seeing color distortions when I move from one part of the encyclopedia to another. Solution: Increase your screen setting from 256 colors to 16-bit high color. 1.5 QUICKTIME INSTALLATION Problem: While installing QuickTime 4.0, the following error message appears: "Setup cannot open the destination file "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QuickTime\QuickTimeAuthoring.qtx. The file may be in use by another application or marked read only. Close the application or change the file's read only attribute and try again." When I select the ABORT button, another error message displays stating that QuickTime setup is incomplete. Solution: This problem seems to be specific to Dell systems. You will need to delete all instances of QuickTime on your system in order to install QuickTime 4.0. To remove older versions of QuickTime from your system, follow these steps: (1) Click START (2) Click SETTINGS (3) Click CONTROL PANEL (4) Click ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS (5) Scroll through the list of programs to find the QUICKTIME entry. Click once to highlight the QuickTime entry and then click the ADD/REMOVE button. (6) A dialog box titled QUICKTIME UNINSTALL will appear. Click on the UNINSTALL EVERYTHING button. (7) Reinstall the World Book program. The QuickTime 4.0 installer will now install successfully. Problem: While installing QuickTime 4.0, the following error message appears: "Setup cannot open the destination file "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QuickTime\QuickTimeUpdater.exe. The file may be in use by another application or marked read only. Close the application or change the file's read only attribute and try again." Solution: This problem seems to be specific to Dell systems. If you encounter this error message, click the IGNORE button. The QuickTime installer will complete. You may see another error message stating that the QuickTime program may not work. This message is misleading. QuickTime should work fine. Problem: After installing QuickTime 4.0 and rebooting the computer, four QuickTime folder Windows appear with the five QuickTime shortcut icons appearing inside. Solution: This is a rare issue in the Quick Time installer that occurs after a reboot, and is resolved by simply closing the four open windows. 2. RUNNING AND USING THE WORLD BOOK APPLICATION 2.1 SWAPPING DISCS Problem: You see a reference to Disc 2 and you change discs. Then you see an error message. Solution: Wait for the "Please Insert Disc 2" prompt before you change discs. Problem: While in "Just Looking" I chose to insert Disc 2 and received a CD Read Error. How do I prevent this error message from appearing again? Solution: The problem occurs because Disc 2 was inserted before the program asked for it. To properly recover, simply go back to "Just Looking" by inserting Disc 1, selecting something from within the "Find" list or selecting "Clear" then "Random". 2.2 STICKY NOTES/HIGHLIGHTER Problem: Upon reentering World Book from the desktop I continuously see the following error message: "Sticky Notes and Highlights may be corrupted." What does this mean? Solution: This occurs when a proper shutdown has not been performed. This message indicates that these files have been deleted. To prevent this, routinely exit the program properly. Problem: After changing the location of my Sticky Notes list, I place a number of Sticky Notes. The next time I open the World Book program, the Sticky Notes list is blank. Solution: Any changes in Options will take effect in your next session. To assure the Sticky Notes are retained, exit and restart the World Book program. Problem: I can not place more than 11 sticky notes to an article. Solution: The program allows you to enter 11 sticky notes per line in an article. To add more sticky notes to an article, move your cursor down a few lines and continue to add additional sticky notes. 2.3 "CAN'T OPEN A DATABASE..." ERROR MESSAGE Problem: I get a message "Can't open a database created with a previous version of your application." What should I do? Solution: Contact World Book Technical Support for assistance. 2.4 WIZARDS Problem: After running the Web Page Wizard HTML Page Viewer, a few Web Page Wizard buttons stop working. The buttons that stop working include the Select File, Save to Diskette and/or Print. Solution: If you experience this problem, close the Web Page Wizard and restart it. The buttons will function normally again. Problem: If I try to run one of the Wizards while video is playing, it causes the video to break up. Solution: Please remember to stop any video or audio from playing before trying to run one of the wizards. Problem: I can't see the buttons on the bottom of the Wizard screens. Solution: If you are using this product on a 14" monitor and the Homework Wizards' bottom buttons are hidden behind the Windows taskbar, then hide the Windows taskbar. Problem: When I try to view my pages in the Web Wizard, I get the message "Can't locate file: C:\Program Files\…" Solution: Do not use the # sign or other symbols in your file name when you save a new project. 2.5 PORTIONS OF WORLD BOOK SCREEN ARE DISPLAYING INCORRECTLY Problem: Timeline display gets messed up if I switch from Banner to Outline. Solution: This problem has been found on some Windows 2000 systems. You may need to install Service Pack 1 for Win2K. Problem: Portions of my World Book screen are not displaying correctly. Solution: This is most likely a resource issue with your computer. If you have a variety of other programs open in the background while running World Book, it's very likely that your system's resources are all being used. Please close some of the other programs which are not being used. 2.6 FONTS APPEAR SCRAMBLED Problem: I'm having problems viewing text in the World Book program. Solution: There are three possible things that will cause scrambled system fonts. The first is bad entries for the Font Substitutes table in your WIN.INI file. The second is a corrupted version of a font called 'Monotype Sorts'. The third is a corrupted or crosslinked version of the worldmath.ttf file. Follow the steps below to fix the problem. Step One: Check Font Substitutes (1) Open the WIN.INI file in the C:\WINDOWS directory. This should come up in Notepad. (2) Click File | Save As... and save the file as WIN.EDM, so you have a backup file. (3) Scroll down until you find the FontSubstitutes section. Check to ensure that the fonts listed below are assigned correctly. If not, change them to appear as below: [FontSubstitutes] Helv=Arial Tms Rmn= Times New Roman Times=Times New Roman Helvetica=Arial MS Shell Dlg=Arial (4) Click File | Save As... and save it as the WIN.INI file. (5) Restart Windows and try the program again. Step Two: Check for Monotype Sorts Note: This problem characteristically makes the affected system font look like snowflakes. (1) From the Windows Desktop, click Start, point to Settings and select Control Panel. (2) When this window opens, find and double-click the Fonts folder. (3) This will open a window displaying all the fonts installed to the system. (4) Choose the View pull-down menu at the top of the window and select Arrange Icons and By Name. (5) Scroll to the 'M's and see if there is an entry for Monotype Sorts. If you find it, click it once to highlight it and then press Shift and Delete on your keyboard. (6) Close all windows and restart the machine. Step Three: Remove Worldmath.ttf (1) Uninstall World Book through it's program group in the Start Menu. (2) Complete steps one through four for Step Two, so that you can see all the fonts in the system. (4) Scroll to the 'W's and click worldmath.ttf once to highlight it, then press Shift and Delete on the keyboard to remove it. (4) Close any open windows. (5) Click Start, point to Programs, then Accessories, and System Tools and select Scandisk. Run a standard scan and let it automatically fix the errors. (6) Reinstall World Book. 2.7 OUT OF MEMORY MESSAGES WHILE USING WORLD BOOK Problem: After using World Book for approximately 20 minutes, I start receiving an out of memory message. Solution: This is most likely caused by a low swap file (or hard drive space). Check you hard drive(s) to see if you have enough hard drive space. Please use the following as minimum guides. If you have 16MB of RAM on your machine, you need to have at least 10MB of free hard drive space. If you have 32MB of RAM on your machine, you need to have at least 20MB of free hard drive space. Try to free up some additional hard drive space to eliminate this problem. 2.8 USING WORD PROCESSOR WITHIN WORLD BOOK Problem: I'm using my Word Processor program within World Book and sometimes I can't get it to open from the Tools menu. Solution: With some word processors, when you open the word processor and then try re-opening it later it remains in the background. This problem happens with some older versions of certain word processors. You have a few choices: (1) switch to a different word processor (2) open the current word processor by selecting it from the minimized state in the task bar (3) use the default World Book Notepad word processor. 2.9 SETUP.LID ERROR MESSAGE Problem: I got an error SETUP.LID while installing World Book. Solution: The SETUP.LID error is typically caused by your system using older 16-bit or DOS CD- ROM drivers. Windows 95/98 uses 32-bit drivers - which are required for normal usage of your hardware - and installation of this product. The information below will step you through determining if the necessary drivers are installed. If no drivers are loaded you will also be lead through the steps in trying to install those drivers. In the event that the installation of the drivers is unsuccessful you will need to contact the manufacturer. To determine if the 32-bit drivers are installed, follow these instructions: (1) Click Start | Settings | Control Panel. (2) Double click on the System icon. A window will appear titled, System Properties. (3) Near the top of the window, click on the Device Manager tab. (4) The first thing you should see is Computer in the list of devices. (5) The next thing "should" be CD-ROM. If you do not find CD-ROM in the Device Manager list you do not have the necessary system software installed. (6) Close the System Properties window. (7) Close the Control Panel. If your system does not appear to be using 32-bit drivers, then you will need to update them. Most popular CD-ROM drivers can be automatically detected by Windows. To do this, you will need to first disable your older 16-bit drivers. The instructions below detail this process. To disable your 16-bit drivers and then perform an new hardware search, follow these instructions: (1) Click Start | Run. (2) Type: COMMAND then click OK. (3) At the DOS-PROMPT, type CD \ then press Enter. (4) Type REN AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.EDM then press Enter. (5) Type REN CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.EDM then press Enter. (6) Type EXIT then press Enter. (7) Click Start | Shutdown. (8) Select the Restart option. (9) Click on the YES button to restart the computer. (10) Once the computer has restarted and you are returned to Windows, Click Start | Settings | Control Panel. (11) Double click the ADD NEW HARDWARE icon. (12) Due to the various versions of Windows, the Add New Hardware Wizard will appear differently on each machine. Be sure to carefully read the instructions on the screen. At some point you will be asked if you want to choose the hardware or to let Windows detect it for you. Select the Let Windows Detect Your Hardware option. If the CD-ROM drive is still not detected you will need to contact your local dealer or manufacturer. The instructions below detail returning your system to its original configuration (using the 16-bit drivers). To restore your 16-bit drivers, follow these instructions: (1) Click Start | Run. (2) Type COMMAND in the Open box, then click OK. (3) At the DOS-PROMPT, type CD \ then press Enter. (4) Type REN AUTOEXEC.EDM AUTOEXEC.BAT then press Enter. (5) Type REN CONFIG.EDM CONFIG.SYS then press Enter. (6) Type EXIT then press Enter. (7) Click Start | Shutdown. (8) Select the Restart option. Your system has now been returned to its original state. You will need to contact the manufacturer of your system or CD-ROM drive to obtain the required 32-bit drivers. 2.10 ARAISF.DLL ERROR MESSAGE Problem: The first time I double-clicked on the World Book desktop icon, I got an error message regarding ARAISF.DLL. How can I resolve this? Solution: Try to open the World Book program from the World Book program folder (example c:\program files\wb03d2se.) Look for the file with the extension .exe and double click on it. The World Book program should run fine. Delete the shortcut on the desktop and create a new desktop shortcut. 2.11 VBAJET32.DLL ERROR MESSAGE Problem: I'm getting an error message that states "The VBAJet32.dll failed to initialize when called. Try installing the application that returned the error." How can I fix this? Solution: You need to include a file called Expsrv.dll to your system. The file can be downloaded from http://www.itbsolutions.com/downloads/vbajet.zip. Extract the Expsrv.dll file to your Windows/System directory. 3. HARDWARE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS 3.1 MWAVE MODEM Problem: I am having trouble using the World Book application with my MWAVE modem. What can I do? Solution: Problems encountered with the MWAVE card have been limited to the M series Aptiva PC's. The most common problem is that after World Book is installed, you will see an error message when trying to configure their ISP. To fix this problem, restart Windows. Then go to the MWAVE program group and open it. Double click the MWAVE modem icon, go to "Options" then "Settings" and check the box that says, Start MWAVE. This action will reactivate the COM port and allow you to initialize the modem. 3.2 HEWLETT PACKARD PRINTERS Problem: I am having problems with my HP 500 series printer. What can I do to make it work properly? Solution: Install an older driver such as the 500c. Call Hewlett Packard and request an older driver, or download the driver from http://hpcc997.external.hp.com/cposupport/indexes1/djpr.html NOTE: The HP 500C driver is a black and white driver. However, in Windows 95 it will enable the user to print in color. It is strongly recommended that the user consult Hewlett Packard when installing a new driver. Problem: World Book crashes when I attempt to print a Timeline. Solution: This is a printer driver problem that occurs with the HP LaserJet 4000 Series PCL 6. Please select another printer driver such as PS or PCL5e. 3.3 PRINT PROBLEMS Problem: A picture prints half on one page and half on a second page. Solution: Click START at the bottom of the screen; select SETTINGS, select PRINTERS; click FILE, select PROPERTIES; change the dithering quality to FINE. Problem: Bold characters print strangely with Kyocera printer. Solution: Use a generic HP driver (HP Laser Jet 3 emulation and HP Laser Jet 3 driver) to correct this problem. Problem: The print dialog box is printing on top of my Wizard printouts. Solution: This problem occurs when using the Windows 2000 Unidrivers that are included with Windows 2000. To fix this problem, go to HP's web site (http://www.hp.com) and download the HP Win2000 printer driver. This problem should clear up once the HP Win2000 printer driver is installed. Problem: "Out of Memory" error message appears when printing from Chart Wizard. Solution: This problem occurs if you click the Print button and OK button two times in a row. To fix this problem, close the Wizard program. The next time you print something from a Wizard, please click only one time on the Print button. 3.4 STEALTH-64 VIDEO 2001 PROBLEM Problem: When I enlarge the Distance Calculator, the globe image becomes distorted. When I create a timeline in the Timeline Wizard and select a picture, a black square appears where my selected picture should be. The scroll bar area, with the up and down arrows, is also blacked out. Solution: This is a video driver problem on a Stealth-64 video 2001 board. This board uses the S3 chip set. Updating your video driver will fix the problem. You need to identify which chip you have using the S3 Chip Identify Utility and download the latest driver from the S3 web site. Their web site address is www.s3.com. Go to the "Drivers and Utilities" section and download the S3 Chip Identify Utility and the updated drivers for the various chips. 3.5 AUDIO AND VIDEO Problem: Why am I having difficulty playing sounds, animations, videos or simulations? Solution: World Book requires Quick Time 4.1.2. Problem: The media window turns magenta in color when I attempt to play a video or animation. Solution: Open QuickTime and change the video setting to Safe Mode. Problem: I can not access the video controls in the Media Window because they are cut off by the Windows Task Bar. Solution: You will encounter this problem in the Media Window when your resolution is set to 800 x 600. To resolve this problem, turn on the Auto Hide feature for the Windows Task Bar or select the "Reduce Image" button in the Media Window to reduce the size of the media piece. Problem: Other programs previously installed on my computer that included videos no longer play. Solution: World Book includes QuickTime for Windows, version 4.1.2. Some older programs may not support this release of QuickTime. 3.6 MONITOR SETTINGS Problem: I am having problems viewing my Distance Calculator or other media. Solution: World Book does not support 24-bit color. You must select 16-bit (or lower) color from your monitor display settings. Open CONTROL PANEL and select DISPLAY. Follow the instructions to set up your computer's display. 4. WORLD BOOK ONLINE UPDATES 4.1 DOWNLOADING Problem: While downloading, you disconnect the World Book program and it stops responding. Solution: Do not disconnect or terminate your ISP session while the World Book program is downloading information. 4.2 PROBLEMS ACCESSING WEB SITES Problem: While using World Book, I am unable to access web sites and I see the following message: "Unable to launch your web browser. If your web browser is running, close it and try your selection again. If no web browser is running, there may be low resources available. Close other applications and try your selection again." Solution: First, verify that your configured browser is still installed. If this does not work, go to the Web browser field of the Configuration dialog box. Check if your web browser contains a long file name. If it does, you may need to change the path to DOS (8- character) files names. For example, if your command line says: c:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape.exe Change the path to: c:\progra~1\netscape\Netscape.exe 4.3 USING AOL 3.0 (16 BIT DIALER) WITH WINDOWS 95 Problem: I am having problems using the AOL 3.0 (16 bit dialer) in a Windows 95 environment with World Book. What should I do? Solution: If you are experiencing problems using the AOL 3.0 (16 bit dialer) package under Windows 95, you should upgrade your old AOL 3.0 (16 bit dialer) to the new AOL for Windows 95. To access the AOL for Windows 95 upgrade instructions, use the keyword UPGRADE. After upgrading, make sure to restart World Book and reconfigure your Internet Service Provider by selecting Direct Internet Connection. 4.4 USING AOL 4.0, 5.0, OR 6.0 TO DOWNLOAD ONLINE UPDATES Problem: I am having problems configuring AOL 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0. Solution: To use World Book with your AOL 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 software, you will need to configure World Book to use a Direct Internet Connection. To configure World Book to use a Direct Internet Connection, follow these instructions: (1) Launch World Book. (2) Click Topics under the Search menu (3) Click the Online pull-down menu and select Configure. (4) Click the Configure button next to Internet Service Provider. (5) Select Direct Internet Connection. (6) Click the Configure button (7) Click OK to close the Configure window. (8) Close World Book. After making this configuration change, you can perform an online update by performing the following steps: (1) Launch the AOL software and connect as you normally do. (2) Minimize the AOL program - do not exit it. (3) Launch World Book and perform any online functions or updates. (4) When you are done updating, close World Book, then AOL. 4.5 PROBLEMS INITIALIZING INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER WITH WORLD BOOK Problem: I keep getting the following message every time I start the World Book application: "! A problem has occurred initializing your Internet service provider. Online services will be disabled until Windows is restarted" Solution: If you have tried to restart World Book or Windows, and the error persists, there is a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) configuration. This can happen when AOL is re-installed or through one of their Automatic Updates. It will be necessary to edit your Windows Registry to clear the configuration information World Book is using to connect to your ISP. Be VERY careful, and follow these instructions EXACTLY. If you incorrectly edit the Windows registry, you could damage your system configuration file. If you are uncomfortable doing this, call Technical Support and have them walk you through the procedure. First, make sure that World Book is closed before you edit the registry: (1) Click Start on the Windows Task Bar and Select Run... (2) Type REGEDIT in the Open: field of the Run dialog and press enter. (3) Click the "+" sign next to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER". (4) Click the "+" sign next to "Software". (5) Click the "+" sign next to "IBM". (6) Click the "+" sign next to "TrueIP". (7) Highlight the World Book product you have installed (for example: wb03d2se) by clicking on the word (wb03d2se) or the little folder next to it (*not the "+" sign!*) (Note: The Window on the right should show "(Default)", "Authorization", and "Current Isp" under the Name column.) (8) If you are sure you followed the above instructions exactly, press the Delete key on your keyboard and click "Yes" when asked "Are you sure you want to delete this key?". (9) Close the Registry Editor application. (10) Restart World Book. The error message should not re-appear. It will be necessary for you to re-configure World Book for the correct ISP configuration. Please refer to your World Book documentation for instructions on configuring for your ISP. 4.6 MULTIPLE INSTANCES OF BROWSER Problem: I've selected the check box to only launch one browser at a time, but each time I select a website, World Book launches a new instance of my browser. Why is that? Solution: On certain versions of older browsers this function will not work. Please remember to close older instances of your browser to save system resources. 4.7 UNABLE TO LAUNCH BROWSER WHEN ACCESSING THE WEB THROUGH WORLD BOOK Problem: On operating systems Windows 95 or Windows 95a, when clicking on a link in Web Sites or World Book on the Web, a message appears: "Unable to launch your web browser. If your web browser is running, close it and try your selection again. If no web browser is running, there may be low resources available. Close other applications and try your selection again." Solution: Once you have verified that you have the resources available, then it is possible that your web browser is incompatible with Windows 95 and 95a. You may have difficulty connecting to Web Sites or World Book on the Web when using Netscape as your browser, and particularly Netscape 4.05 and 4.7. To avoid this message, download Microsoft's Internet Explorer to use as your web browser. This message should not occur when running Internet Explorer version 2.0 or greater. For Windows 95 and Windows 95a, downloading Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 should enable World Book to launch your web browser. Download Internet Explorer from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/default.htm. __________________________ rmd2se(5) – 04/30/01