CART.COM 4.0This is a much improved version of a program I wrote about a year ago. ~U allows you to control BASIC and/or an OSS cartridge. It intentionally does not run under SpartaDOS X but, if~f've turned off the X~ [~s rebooted using~#COLD /N op~s,~can use~~ an Atari~ Vs well~~ s~p~.~Ie~G~Q~DO~O~H~~F,ROM~almost any DOS. With a~M~ Hpresent~D"~L(~), it~als~-type~LU~O{(disk), BW-~or~XL 2.3,~Eit w~no parameters f~D syntax~Impt~\othe~F~;ll~ ~4key~s. The~Gs ar~Efo~EY:[B] Enable~NC, disabl~D~DAinstalled~ 四[C~ >~P~ A~H[D] D~e~D~hs (~~)~e~[RAM from $A000-$BFFF~NR] Re-~~comput~Df~ensur~~%~H%ceed norm~2by switch~,~D~~Dllel device~U(BlackBox~DMIO~ ~H&~that may b~_~W] Warm start i.e. Reset~Dis~ duce a true ~=t equival~to~R~ɗkey. M~softw~D~4s do no~\~ has~heffect on externa~E (BB,~,~~ ~their~tu~remain~U~ould~Qa~~IJ~ܛ[X~j~-~̆~dr~F~is identical ~pll~respects~D~-R~H~ũ~Cs~R. If~~ i~Dt~H, t~exactly~7sam~KR.~bcold~ww~J~vll atte~Ğto configure D1:~Dan XF-551~quad (dou~D*sided ~ ) density~ driv~ a~D, it's~ ea~unchanged~GYsh~Ehelp~~K~fa ~~eas~D viously~or~~yle~ For CP-type DOS users~DAe syntax~U@letters~Djust described f~dY~J~DT~Es eg. "CART /D" turn~bf BASIC~Fny~Oyou're~d~D|UNIX~DOSXL~3feel mor~Dmfort~with "-" instead~"/",~/free.~works successfully~=~~Ealle~"~~~zpiggybacke~@to it. It~e~modify~X 3+ (in RAM) so~F~DXReal Time 8 code doe~!re~ ~ounwanted~[ed~off.~J~ic~T~carri~ut~ny~ RT8 handler~is found below Memlo~IK~refuse~Drun if~det~one~D~follow~tw~Sdi~m:a.~4is~Aunder~L; orb~$~.SUP~ crash~a soft lockup (Rese~DT~;s~F~X~ER~D7)~you~~H non-existent~K~9DX plugg~Dn. You~then ha~D~F~kagai~1dis~^~ Os~(e~ he 8k~D=RAM at $A000.John Picken31 July 95