ABBUC #44UPDATE2.ARCBitte das File auf eine BEWE-DOS Diske~$kopieren und mit~(m EntARCprogramm entpacken (z.B. von PD-~F#370). Es wird~? Subdirektory ~ angelegt. Dann der unten stehenden Anleitung folgen.Wem~zu kompliziert ist, k~Gas fertige geupdatet~ i~jVersion 1.30 beim~Service fuer 5,--DM inkl. Porto anfordern.Vielleicht findet sich ja~Bitbyter,~mbi~m~m~Magaz~ie~ uebersetzt hat, da~Dwir sie veroeffentlichen koenn~DIch bedanke m~schon j~K. -~B W - D O S U P D A T E # 2~* By Jiri Bernasek -~EFSOFT Released: 12/95 Another set of ~Fs for BW~Fs coming. I~D FreeWare again, and it may be distributed on a separa~isk,~D~ s~hc~h~ARCed file, or~th~' "~" crea~h~master~k. This~~r~ toge~with a new~@v~f~ MIt's~iyou to select wha~b~ĉr~E6you.BACKUP Dn:~ [/S[max.s~][/D(S|M|D|X)]][/L~len.]~:~6~?[/F[X]~ ~~~Q~4 (Ext~l~Dmand) ~Fis~~of ~e~D:e syntax~Efunct~#is~Fame as~F@~old~G. Now~~cmproved a litt~Dso~should recognize density~H"/S" mode~Ion-XF551 drives too~also doesn't write empty ~Fs af~Gmatting~`target~FڛCOPY sourc~stina~~Y?A~P7~A. A~ bu~fat cau~phe message "Error 000" wa~m~D"~~T~D~pr~)~or future use~ta turbo-tap~Dstem (especially~2Czech~1rs - if~~Zi~E0longer~n memory-buff~en~~Euse~ly one IOCB open at~ime (instead~three),~:i~wildcard~present~D~Gr~~fic~Ey,~#~t~-li~Dg~{trans~~:nam~ o~devic~~"D:"~))DOSDRIVE ~FResid~~r~"~n~E~Dl~EKe~s (read-~E+~~#no path~ed - just like~Rearch~in DOS~ )~b~"ed~~2~~ Rby "~" first. Let's say~you've plac~~in a Ram~ "D8:". A~Fexecu~E~ k 8"~U can c~Gse~ Mon any~~t~l~DEways load from~~x. (It'll~ i~work~~I#~e~F8,~~*~ "~DS~ &~~*~GN~JH~#~2NEWED~[parameters]~?E~O5~?~ simply start~~ b~S(program) -~$~$origi~WOS-ROM's "E:" v~~Hin HATABS~should~D'us~Do ru~Fs~~?handlers (~oXEP80, HYPER E etc.) under BW-~D)1.20~E"later. More info~'XBW130.DOS.RAMBOX n[F~F~Z~W~Efr for RAM-cartridge~Ded "~W"~is so~y JRC~DCzech republic. The ~I "n"~4~Fnumber~F"F"~format~of~{~Msupporte~Dze~#~mem~Qis 32-4096kB.UNERASE~E~"~E~Dversion~[~>. Please don't~D~ld~ -anymore, be~~Ncontained a bug~;f~ll ne~~L~D}some reason~;type~ɜ~3absolut~D`th~~J~~2~~~Z. Sinc~last re~~ s 1.0~|1.10~ follow~Dchanges a~cluded:--- Read~"~ Zbyt~Ea~ois now indica~Db~ŝtus 3~D~ ew feature makes~~Dq~Dpatible~Ưseveral ~!2 clones. (~;~Gs BLOAD~BRUN~Turbo Basic works fine~.) I~ s~E%~~~HE~ĕ.~Installat~G\~~U~E~a~D7ed. W~Ehe~&vector~HATABS~/replac~Fany program,~will link~G~qhandle~Gto its I/O redirec~routin~Dutomati~y af~ġ~Eirst DIVIO/X~~, or~&enter~HCP~G~s~~i~F ~~I ~s (XEP80, HYPER E etc. - even~Da batch) as long,~ ~m~G returns~i~~Efun~of~C~fs~EHardCopy~DXi~rup~rt~DD~Q~ P~f ~Q~should be don~~ENEWED"~~pr~Dt~Qfrom copy~Hy~'s~>(~'~A)~code~~ "TYPE"~~Nlimi~Eo 64~ract~per~he. N~įt can displa~~Fh~no~H on~4 length.~aR3~I~method~DR~E~~ec~Fmpo~Es (posi~s 18~E20~Fs~F1) was~ng~v~^~DY~bprovides much bet~prot~0of~y~Aory-area~disk,~os~6~#i~qre not mix~ľetween data~s~often~ under ol~~Ns~wSpartaDOS~kresult~ fas~acces~~ -~DZsav~DA~delet~ m~J~speed doesn't decreas~ke~~Also wri~Y~Nlast~ o~~D.~jw~- especially~%"Medium" density~ea high-capac~~G~w~O~'s~keep~100% read/~~patibil~i~every~ ~J2.x~ENlater~ٛ