What's New in Hotline 1.8.5 This document fully describes the new features and fixes since Hotline Client 1.8.4 and Hotline Server Who Should Update? ****************** We encourage all to upgrade to the newest version to take advantage of the fixes that are detailed below. All users will benefit from the new "Confirm Quit" feature, which ensures that you'll never end up accidentally disconnecting from a server during a download again. Users who wish to register the Client to gain the benefits of the enhanced Toolbar will need to download 1.8.5 to do so. Finally, server administrators who did not upgrade their Server to from 1.8.4 should upgrade to fix the security loophole present in the 1.8.4 Server. New Features: ************* **Enhanced Toolbar with Registration Client owners can buy a unique license number from Hotline Communications Ltd. Once the Client is registered, users will have an enhanced Toolbar that is resizable, bannerless, and that allows two-click bookmarking of the current Server. **Confirm Quit and Confirm Disconnect The program will prompt the user if the user attempts to quit while transferring files or connected to a server. The program will give the user the option to wait until downloads are complete, or to remain connected to the server. **Recoverable Private messages Users who send a message to a user who has just disconnected will see a message explaining this and containing the text of the message. **Limit on the number of connections per IP address Server owners can control the limit on the number of connections from a single IP address. Fixes in Version 1.8.5: *********************** Issue: When a file transfer is in the queue, it sometimes fails to start when the queue count reaches "0". Solution: Fixed so that the transfer starts when the transfer gets to "0" in the server queue. Issue: When a folder transfer is cancelled and then resumed, the statistics displayed in the taskbar are incorrect. Solution: Fixed Issue: When the Toolbar is minimized and the Client requests a banner that is larger than the current one, the new banner will not be displayed properly when the Client is restored. Solution: Fixed Issue: A security loophole in the server. This server weakness could allow a malicious user to get a random set of privileges. Solution: Fixed Issue: The tooltip associated with a view is not displayed properly when the view is inside a scroller. Solution: Fixed Issue: On the Macintosh, all of the windows except the toolbar can be moved over the System Menu. Solution: Fixed Issue: When a user sends a private message and disconnects before the receiving user is able to click the Reply button, the receiving user's Client gives the user no feedback about what has occurred. Solution: When the user clicks the Reply button after the first user has disconnected, the following message will be displayed: "The user is no longer connected to the Server."