Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES8 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo \Japanese PictureWorksa HotShotsa Hotshots.exe Program Files Windows NT\ HotShots FileComponents Style Language PictureWorks General DeinstKeyA HotShots Twain Files! edit( SETUPSTR862Rp Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorbq _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A MS Sans Serif PictureWorksA System win.ini intla iCountry2 Unable to find Windows directoryA pixworks.ini pixworks.ini& SaveRega TRUE( PictureWorks\ Pixworks\ pixworks.ini APPDISKa PATHR PictureWorks\ ComponmentLang Ask Options$ Choose from the options listed below which you would like to install. Once you have selected the options you wish to install, press the Next button to complete the installation. Deutsche a HotShots$ English a HotShots$ HotShots$ ais a HotShots$ Italiani a HotShots$ Kanji a HotShots$ Portugu HotShots$ pixworks.ini& Internationala TRUE( JAPANESE\SETUP.INS FRENCH\SETUP.INS GERMAN\SETUP.INS ITALIAN\SETUP.INS SPANISH\SETUP.INS PORTUGAL\SETUP.INS App1\*.*B/ PictureWorks HotShotsB App2\*.*B0 NetCardB App3\*.*B0 App4\*.*B0 Styles\English\*.*B/ Styles\French\*.*B/ Styles\German\*.*B/ Styles\Italian\*.*B/ Styles\Japanese\*.*B/ Styles\Spanish\*.*B/ Styles\Universl\*.*B/ Universal stylesB Style FilesB Windows\*.*B/ Windows Windows\*.*B/ Twain FilesB Hires| Copy Hi-Res PhotoPages locallyB Photos| Copy sample images locallyB Style Files! ERRORb# Copy sample images locally! Photos\ HotShots\% Photos\ Copy Hi-Res PhotoPages locally! hires\ HotShots\% hires\ \English( HotShots\ Readme.*a PlugIns HotShots\% PlugIns \English( HotShots\ PWCustom.*a PictureWorks HotShots! HotShots\ Hotshots.exe HotShotsa NetCard! NetCard\ netcard.exe NetCardb Copy sample images locally! HotShots\% Photos\ Photos\ Photosb Copy Hi-Res PhotoPages locally! HotShots\% hires\ hires\ High Res Filesb HotShots\% Register\ ereg.exe HotShots Registerb HotShots\ ReadMe.WRI ReadMe.Hlp README.TXT HotShots ReadMeb HotShots Uninstallb PictureWorks HotShots! HotShots HotShots\ App1\*.*A App1b data.zbq FlashPix\*.*A HotShots\% PlugIns App1\Extras\PlugIns\*.*B/ HotShots\% sounds App1\Extras\sounds\*.*B/ HotShots\% textures App1\Extras\textures\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Awards\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template%! App1\Extras\Template\Business\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template%! App1\Extras\Template\Calendar\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Educate\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Events\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Frames\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Holiday\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template%! App1\Extras\Template\Just4Fun\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Labels\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Letters\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Library\*.*B/ HotShots\% Template% App1\Extras\Template\Sports\*.*B/ HotShots\ App1\Extras\*.*B/ NetCard! NetCard\ App2\*.*A App2b data.zbq WIN.INI WAOLa AppPathR \TOOL App2\AOL\aoladdon.aolB/ App2\AOL\aoliac.dllB/ App2\AOL\launch32.dllB/ App2\AOL\aoldde.dllB/ App2\AOL\switch32.exeB/ App3\*.*A App3b data.zbq App4\*.*A App4b data.zbq Style Files! Universal styles! HotShots\ Universl.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\Universl Universl\*.*A HotShots\ English.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\English English\*.*A HotShots\ french.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\French French\*.*A HotShots\ german.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\German German\*.*A HotShots\ italian.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\Italian Italian\*.*A HotShots\ japan.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\Japanese Japanese\*.*A HotShots\ spanish.sdbA HotShots\% Styles\Spanish Spanish\*.*A HotShots\% Register\ Quicktime Windows\*.*B/ Windows\System\*.*B/ Windows Windows\*.*B/ Windows\System\*.*B/ Windows\System\Common\*.*B0 Windows\System\Common\*.*B Windows\System\Commonb data.zbp Windowsb \Twain.dll twain.zbq Windowsb \dcfslib.ini twain.zbq Install Config.sys Querya INSTALLa c:\dos\share.exea CONFIG.PWK! Windowsb \Twain_32.dll twain.zbq Windowsb \Twunk_16.exe twain.zbq Windows\System\*.*A Windowsb \Twain_32.dll twain.zbq Windowsb \Twunk_16.exe twain.zbq *.*B/ SetupbB pixworks.ini PathK PictureWorks HotShots! HotShots\% Hotshots.exe HotShots% NetCard! NetCard\% netcard.exe NetCard% HotShots\% Register\$ register.dat! HotShotsa WIN.INI QTWVideo 0x0001 MCICompatibility% PictureWorks HotShots! \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Location Path% HotShots\% Hotshots.exe HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* NetCard! \Software\PictureWorks\a NetCard$ \Location Path% NetCard\% netcard.exe NetCard$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a \Location Path% \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a \Location Path% \Location' key does not exist.* \.mov PlayerFrameClassQ \PlayerFrameClass QuickTime MovieQ \PlayerFrameClass\protocol\StdFileEditing\handler hndlr32.dll \PlayerFrameClass\protocol\StdFileEditing\server play32.exe \PlayerFrameClass\Shell\Open\Command PLAY32.EXE %1 \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE HotShots\% README.WRI WINHLP32.EXE, WINHELP.EXE HotShots\% README.HLP NotePad.exe% HotShots\% ReadMe.txt HotShots\% Register\% ereg.exe @12001;1;255,0,255A @12002;1;255,0,255A @12003;1;255,0,255A License.txt! oldsettings HOTSHOTS_IMAGE.Document \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \User Interface HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Virtual Memory HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings WindowPos 2 3 -1 -1 -4 -4 -14 0 586 432Q HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Bitmaps HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Mosaic Textures HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Palette HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Plugins HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Contact Sheet HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Contact Sheet Number HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Contact Sheet Filename HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Contact Sheet Highlight 255 0 0Q HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Templates HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Preferences Save Thumbnails HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Summary HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Summary ScreenCX HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Summary ScreenCY HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Direct Catalog CatalogPath% HotShots\ HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Direct Catalog ImagePath% HotShots\ HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Direct Catalog SaveToCatalog HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Direct Catalog FileFormat HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Direct Catalog AutoThumbnail HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Bar0 BarID HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Bar1 BarID 59393Q HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \Software\PictureWorks\a HotShots$ \Settings-Bar1 Visible HotShots$ \Location' key does not exist.* \HOTSHOTS_IMAGE.Document HotShots Image DocumentP \HOTSHOTS_IMAGE.Document\DefaultIcon HotShots\% Hotshots.exe \HOTSHOTS_IMAGE.Document\shell\open\command HotShots\% Hotshots.exe /dde \HOTSHOTS_IMAGE.Document\shell\open\ddeexec [open("%1")]Q \.colb \.sstb \.ssdb \.cgmb \.epsb \.fpxb \.gifb \.jpeb \.jfifb \.jpgb \.pcdb \.pctb \.pcxb \.psdb \.tifb \.tiffb \.wmfb \.Pan SpinFileQ \SpinFile\DefaultIcon HotShots\% Hotshots.exe$ \SpinFile\Shell\Open\Command HotShots\% Hotshots.exe$ Mcenu.hlp Play32.exe Playenu.hlp Qtvrw32.qtc Qtw.ini Qtw.qtw Readqt32.wri Sysini.qtw View32.exe Viewenu.hlp Winini.qtw Cmgr32.dll Cvid32.qtc Dci32.qtc Dhio32.qtc Hndlr32.dll Iv32qt32.qtc Jpeg32.qtc Mc32.qtc Mciqtenu.q32 Navg32.qtc Qtim32.dll Qtole32.dll Qtw32.cpl Qtwcp.hlp Qtwmci32.dll Raw32.qtc Rle32.qtc Rpza32.qtc Smc32.qtc \.spo KestrelFileQ \KestrelFile\DefaultIcon HotShots\% Hotshots.exe$ \KestrelFile\Shell\Open\Command HotShots\% Hotshots.exe$ szFileNamea \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion NULL" Ask Options$ Choose from the options listed below which you would like to install. Once you have selected the options you wish to install, press the Next button to complete the installation. Ask Style Options$ Choose from the styles listed below which you would like to install. Once you have selected the styles you wish to install, press the Next button to complete the installation. Choose Destination Path$ Setup will install %P in the following directory. To install to this directory, choose Next. To install to a different directory, choose Browse Confirm New Directory$ Error in creating the directory '%s' Installation is incomplete! Choose Program Folder Couldn't get Operation System info$ PictureWorks NetCard requires Windows 95 or NT. a. If you are using earlier versions of Windows, $ you will need to upgrade to Windows 95 or NT. Copying twain files... Creating Program Group and Icons.... Copying sample images... Copying high res images...$ Win32s Installation: Would you like to install a? Win32s on your system? Microsoft Win32s is an operating system $ extension that allows Win32-based applications to run on $ Windows 3.1. Select Yes now to install Win32s. Win32s installation failed.$ Installing a HotShots$ This program requires VGA or better resolution. Copying ReadMe... Copying NetCard... Copying style files... Copying Universal style files... Copying English style files... Copying French style files... Copying German style files... Copying Italian style files... Copying Japanese style files... Copying Spanish style files... Copying registration files... Copying Windows files..$ FlashPix abilities require win32s on Win3.1. These abilities will be disable on this system. General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: Unable to create a directory under $ For your configuration we recommend adding 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' to your Config.sys. Your original config.sys will be saved to config.pwk. Config.sys not changed. ConfigFileLoad failed ConfigAdd failed$ There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Failed to set register key and value$ Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program $ you should restart your system at this time. Setup is complete. You may run the installed program a? by double-clicking on the program icon installed. Please view $ the contents of the README icon before starting the program Click Finish to complete Setup. Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file now. Yes, I want to restart my computer now. Setup Complete$ %P Setup has finished copying files to your computer. a8 You can restart your computer now, or restart it later. Choose below. Remove any disks from their drives, and then click a Finish to complete Setup. Reboot failed. Please restart your computer later. Setup Options Click the kind of Setup your prefer. Full Install - Typical Recommended for most users.$ Custom Install - User Selected Options The selected applications and styles $ will be the items installed. TWAIN only The TWAIN dll drivers for the device a% will be the sole item installed into $ the Windows directory. License Agreement$ Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license a1 agreement? If so, click on the Yes push button. $ If you select No, Setup will close. Finalizing installation... Awards Business Calendar Educate Events Frames Holiday Just4Fun Labels Letters Library Sports$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application Options d Choisir parmi les options ci-dessous celles que vous voulez installer. Une fois les options d es choisies , cliquez sur Suivant pour finir l'installation. Choisir styles$ Choisissez les styles list s ci-dessous que vous voulez installer. Une fois les styles d s choisis, cliquez Suivant pour finir l'installation. Choisir r pertoire d'installation$ %P sera install dans le r pertoire suivant. Pour installer dans ce r pertoire, choisir Suivant. Pour installer dans un r pertoire diff rent, choisir Parcourir. Confirmer Nouveau R pertoire$ Erreur lors de la cr ation du r pertoire '%s' L'installation est termin Choisir dossier programme L'information sur le syst me n'est pas disponible$ PictureWorks NetCard n cessite Windows 95 ou NT. a4 Si vous utilisez une version pr dente de Windows, $ vous devrez installer Windows 95 ou NT. Copie les fichiers Twain... ation du groupe programme et des ic nes.... Copie les photos chantillons... Copie les Hi-Res chantillons...$ Installation de Win32s : Voulez-vous installer aW Win32s sur votre syst me? Microsoft Win32s est une extension du syst me d'exploitation $ qui permet aux applications bas es sur Win32 de s'ex cuter sous $ Windows 3.1. S lectionnez Oui maintenant pour installer Win32s. L'installation de Win32s a Installation du a HotShots$ Ce programme n cessite VGA ou une meilleure r solution. Copie les fichiers Lisezmoi... Copie NetCard... Copie les fichiers style... Copie les fichiers styles universels... Copie les fichiers styles anglais... Copie les fichiers styles francais... Copie les fichiers styles allemands... Copie les fichiers styles italiens... Copie les fichiers styles japonais... Copie les fichiers styles espagnols... Copie les fichiers d'enregistrement... Copie de fichiers Windows en cours...$ Les fonctionalit s FlashPix n cessitent win32s pour Win3.2. Ces fonctionalit s seront d sactiv es pour cette installation. Erreur de transmission de fichier.aK Veuillez contr ler votre r pertoire d'installation et veuillez recommencer.$ Erreur num Ne peut pas cr er un r pertoire sous $ Pour votre configuration nous vous recommandons d'ajouter 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' votre Config.sys. Vos config.sys originaux seront sauvegard s sous config.pwk. Config.sys n'a pas chang ConfigFileLoad a ConfigAdd a Pas assez de m moire disponible, %ld bytes, sur le disque Veuillez lib rer de la m moire ou changer le r pertoire d'installation sur un autre disque impossible de d finir la cl et la valeur en utilisant$ Certains fichiers n'ont pas install s car ils sont a< sentement utilis s par d'autres programmes du syst me . $ Pour garantir l'utilisation correcte du nouveau programme veuillez red marrer $ votre syst me maintenant. L'installation est termin e. Vous pouvez d marrer le programme a< en cliquant deux fois sur l'ic ne install Veuillez lire $ le contenu du fichier Lisezmoi avant de d marrer le programme. Cliquez sur Terminer pour finir l'installation. Oui, je veux voir le fichier Lisezmoi maintenant. Oui, je veux red marrer mon ordinateur maintenant. Installation termin %P a copi tous les fichiers sur votre ordinateur. aB Vous pouvez red marrer votre ordinateur maintenant ou plus tard . Choisir ci-dessous. jecter tous les disques de leurs unit s et cliquer a# Terminer pour finir l'installation. Le red marrage a Veuillez red marrer votre ordinateur plus tard. Options d'installation Choisissez le type d'installation que vous pr rez.$ Installation compl te - Typique Recommand pour la plupart des ordinateurs . Application et mod Le programme d'application et les mod les de $ styles seront install TWAIN seulement Les modules TWAIN dll pour cet appareil $ seront les seuls ments install sous le r pertoire Windows. Accord de licence$ Acceptez-vous tous les termes de l'accord a: de licence pr dent? Si oui, cliquez sur le bouton Oui. $ Si vous cliquez Non, l'installation sera annul Finalizing installation... Calendr. Educat. Occasion Cadres Vacances Original Vignette Lettres Biblio. Sports$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application Optionen$ hlen Sie aus der Optionenliste die Optionen aus, die Sie installieren m chten. Wenn Sie die zur Installation gew nschten Optionen ausgew haben, dr cken Sie die Taste Weiter, um die Installation zu vervollst ndigen. Stil-Optionen$ hlen Sie aus der Stilliste den Stil aus, den Sie installieren m chten. Wenn Sie die zur Installation gew nschten Stile ausgew haben, dr cken Sie die Taste Weiter, um die Installation zu vervollst ndigen. Zielpfad ausw hlen$ Setup wird %P in folgendes Verzeichnis installieren. hlen Sie Weiter, um in dieses Verzeichnis zu installieren. hlen Sie Bl ttern, um in ein anderes Verzeichnis zu installieren Neues Verzeichnis best tigen$ Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses'%s' Installation ist unvollst ndig! Programmordner w Informationen zum Betriebssystem nicht verf gbar$ PictureWorks NetCard ben tigt Windows 95 oder NT. a4 Wenn Sie eine ltere Version von Windows verwenden, $ ssen Sie auf Windows 95 oder NT aufr sten. Twain-Dateien werden kopiert... Programmgruppe und Symbole werden erstellt.... Bildbeispiele werden kopiert... Bildbeispiele werden kopiert...$ Win32s Installation: Wollen Sie Win32s auf Ihrem System installieren? aH Microsoft Win32s ist eine Betriebssystemerweiterung, die es erm glicht, $ auf Win32 basierende Anwendungen unter Windows 3.1 laufen zu lassen. $ hlen Sie Ja, um Win32s zu installieren. Win32s Installation fehlgeschlagen.$ HotShotsa wird installiert Dieses Programm erfordert VGA oder eine bessere Aufl sung. Info-Dateien werden kopiert... NetCard wird kopiert... Stildateien werden kopiert... Universal-Stildateien werden kopiert... Englische Stildateien werden kopiert... Franz sische Stildateien werden kopiert... Deutsche Stildateien werden kopiert... Italienische Stildateien werden kopiert... Japanische Stildateien werden kopiert... Spanische Stildateien werden kopiert... Registierungsdateien werden kopiert... Kopieren von Windows-Dateien..$ FlashPix ben tigt Win32s auf Win3.2. Es steht somit f r Ihr System nicht zur Verf gung. Allgemeiner Datei bertragungsfehler.aG Bitte berpr fen Sie das Zielverzeichnis und versuchen Sie es nochmals.$ Fehler: Verzeichnis konnte unter nicht erstellt werden.a> Bitte berpr fen Sie den Schreibzugriff auf dieses Verzeichnis r Ihre Konfiguration empfehlen wir, 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' Ihrer Config.sys hinzuzuf Ihre Original-Config.sys wird in config.pwk gespeichert. Config.sys wurde nicht ge ndert. ConfigFileLoad fehlgeschlagen ConfigAdd fehlgeschlagen$ Unzureichender Speicherplatz: %ld Bytes auf dem Datentr Bitte Speicherplatz freimachen oder Zielverzeichnis auf einen anderen Datentr ndern Register-Schl ssel und -Wert kann nicht gesetzt werden$ Einige Dateien konnten nicht installiert werden, da sie a= zur Zeit von anderen Programmen im System verwendet werden. $ r den ordnungsgem en Betrieb des neuen Programms sollten Sie jetzt$ Ihr System neu starten. Setup wurde vollst ndig installiert. Sie k nnen das installierte Programm aP durch Doppelklicken auf das installierte Programmsymbol ausf hren. Bitte lesen $ Sie den Inhalt der Liesmich-Datei, bevor Sie das Programm starten Klicken Sie auf Ende, um Setup abzuschlie Ja, ich m chte die Liesmich-Datei jetzt einsehen. Ja, Computer jetzt neu starten. Setup vollst ndig$ %P Setup hat alle Dateien auf Ihren Computer kopiert. a9 Sie k nnen Ihren Computer jetzt oder sp ter neu starten. Treffen Sie eine Auswahl. Entfernen Sie die Disketten aus den Laufwerken, und klicken Sie auf a Beenden, um Setup abzuschlie Neustart fehlgeschlagen. Bitte starten Sie Ihren Computer sp ter neu. Installationsoptionen Klicken Sie auf Ihren bevorzugten Installationstyp.$ Vollst ndige Installation - blich r die meisten Computer empfohlen. Benutzerdefinierte Installation - Ausgew hlte Optionen Die ausgew hlten Programme und Stilvorlagen $ werden installiert. Nur die TWAIN-Dll Treiber f r das Ger werden in das Windows-Verzeichnis installiert. Lizenzvereinbarung$ Nehmen Sie alle Bedingungen dieser aF Lizenzvereinbarung an? Falls ja, klicken Sie bitte auf die Ja-Taste. $ Wenn Sie Nein w hlen, wird Setup automatisch beendet. Finalizing installation... Auszeich. Gesch Kalender Bilden Ereignis Rahmen Urlaub Etikette Briefe Sammlung Sport$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application Opzioni$ Scegliere dalle seguenti opzioni quelle che si desidera installare. Una volta che l'opzioni desidarete sono selezionate fare clic sul pulsante Avanti per completare l'installazione. Opzioni di stili$ Scegliere dagli seguenti stili quelli che si desidera installare. Una volta che gli stili desiderati sono selezionati fare clic sul pulsante Avanti per completare l'installazione. Scegliere percorso di destinazione$ Setup installer %P nella seguente directory. Per installare in questa directory, selezionare Avanti. Per installare in un'altra directory, selezionare Sfoglia Conferma il nuovo directory$ Errore nel creare la directory '%s' L'installazione non completa! Scegliere cartella di programma Impossibile ottenere informazioni del sistema operativo$ PictureWorks NetCard richiede Windows 95 o NT. a4 Se l'utente usa una versione di Windows precedente, $ sarra necessario di aggiornarla a Windows 95 o NT. Copia di Twain files... Creazione di Gruppi di programma e icone in corso.... Copia dei campioni... Copia dei Hi-Res...$ Installazione Win32s: Installare Win32s nel sistema? aI Microsoft Win32s un'estensione del sistema operativo che permette alle $ applicazioni per Win32 di funzionare con Windows 3.1. Selezionare S per installare Win32s. Installazione Win32s fallita.$ Installazione di a HotShots$ Questo programma richiede una risoluzione VGA o superiore. Copia dei file Leggimi in corso... Copia di NetCard in corso... Copia dei file di stile in corso... Copia dei file di stili Universal in corso... Copia dei file di stili Inglesi in corso... Copia dei file di stili Francesi in corso... Copia dei file di stili Tedeschi in corso... Copia del file di stili Italiani in corso... Copia dei file di stili Giapponesi in corso ... Copia dei file di stili Spagnoli in corso... Copia dei file di registrazione in corso... Copia dei file Windows in corso..$ Il formato FlashPix richiede win32s su Win3.1. Il formato FlashPix sara inattivo in questa sistema. Errore generale di trasferimento file.a5 Controllare la posizione di destinazione e riprovare.$ Numero di errore: Impossibile creare una directory sotto$ Per questa configurazione si consiglia aggiungere 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' al Config.sys. Il config.sys originale verr salvato in config.pwk. Config.sys non stato modificato. ConfigFileLoad non riuscito ConfigAdd non riuscito$ Spazio di memoria insufficiente, %ld byte sul disco Liberare spazio su disco o cambiare la posizione di destinazione su un altro disco Impossibile impostare tasto e valore$ Alcuni file non sono stati installati perch sono attualmente a( in uso da altri programmi nel sistema. $ Per un giusto funzionamento del nuovo programma occorre riavviare$ il sistema adesso. Setup completato. Adesso possibile eseguire il programma installato aG facendo doppio clic sull'icona del programma installato. Visualizzare $ il contenuto dell'icona LEGGIMI prima di avviare il programma Fare clic su Fine per completare Setup. , visualizzare ora il file LEGGIMI. Riavviare il computer ora. Setup completato$ %P Setup ha terminato di copiare i file sul computer. a* Riavviare il computer adesso o pi tardi. Fare una selezione. Rimuovere i dischi dalle unit disco e fare clic su a Termina per completare Setup. Riavvio fallito. Riavviare il computer pi tardi. Opzioni di Setup Fare clic sul tipo di Setup preferito.$ Installazione completa - Tipica Raccomandata per la maggioranza dei computer. Applicazione e modelli Il programma di applicazione ed i modelli $ di stile saranno gli elementi installati. Solo TWAIN I driver TWAIN dll per il dispositivo $ saranno l'unico elemento installato nella $ directory di Windows. Accordo di licenza $ Accetere tutti i termini di questaa- licenza? Se si, fare clic sul pulsantec Si. $ Se si seleziona No, il Setup chiudera. Finalizing installation... Premi Affari Calend Eventi Cornici Festa Divert Etich Lettere Libreria Sport$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application B'%s' PictureWorks NetCard AWindows 95 B a% Windows Windows 95 twain Win32s Win32 Microsoft Win32s Windows 3.1 Win32 Win32s Win32s HotShotsa NetCard Windows FlashPix AWin3.2 win32s 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' Config.sys config.pwk Config.sys ConfigFile Config TWAIN - a0 TWAIN dll Windows Finalizing installation... This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application Preguntar opciones$ Elija cu l de las opciones abajo listadas desea instalar. Una vez haya elegido las opciones que desea instalar, haga clic en el bot n Siguiente para completar la instalaci Preguntar las opciones de Estilos$ Elija cu l de los estilos abajo listados desea instalar. Una vez haya seleccionado los estilos deseados, haga clic en Siguiente para completar la instalaci Elija el directorio de destino$ El programa de instalaci n instalar %P en el directorio siguiente. Para instalar en este directorio, elija Siguiente. Para instalar en otro directorio, elija Examinar. Confirme el nuevo directorio$ Se ha producido un error al crear el directorio '%s' La instalaci n est imcompleta! Elija la carpeta del programa No se ha podido obtener informaci n del Sistema Operativo$ PictureWorks NetCard requiere Windows 95 or NT. a0 Si esta usando versiones anteriores de Windows, $ deber actualizar a Windows 95 or NT. Copiando los archivos Twain... Creando grupo e iconos del programa.... Copiando las im genes de muestra...$ Instalaci n de Win32s: Desea instalar Win32s en su sistema? Microsoft Win32s es una $ extensi n de sistema operativo que permite ejecutar aplicaciones $ Win32 en Windows 3.1. Elija S ahora para instalar Win32s. La instalaci n de Win32s fall Instalando a HotShots$ Copiando las Hi-Res PhotoPages... Este programa requiere resoluci n VGA o mejor. Copiando archivos L ame... Copiando NetCard... Copiando los archivos de estilos... Copiando los archivos de estilos Universales... Copiando los archivos de estilos en Ingl Copiando los archivos de estilos en Franc Copiando los archivos de estilos en Alem Copiando los archivos de estilos en Italiano... Copiando los archivos de estilos en Japon Copiando los archivos de estilos en Espa ol... Copiando los archivos de registro... Copiando los archivos de Windows...$ La capacidad para FlashPix requiere win32s on Win3.2. En este sistema se desactivar la capacidad para flashPix. Error general de transferencia de archivos.a5 Verifique la unidad de destino y vuelva a intentarlo.$ mero de error: No ha podido crearse un directorio bajo b rese de que el directorio no sea de s lo lectura Dada su configuraci n, es recomendable a adir 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' al Config.sys. El Config.sys original se guardar como Config.pwk. No se ha modificado el Config.sys. Ha fallado ConfigFileLoad Ha fallado ConfigAdd$ No hay suficiente espacio libre en el disco lo %ld bytes). Libere espacio o especifique otra unidad de destino Failed to set key and value using REGDB_NUMBER$ No han podido instalarse algunos archivos porque otrosa9 programas del sistema los est n usando en este momento. $ Para que el nuevo programa funcione bien, deber reiniciar$ su equipo ahora. La instalaci n ha terminado. Puede ejecutar el programa instalado a@ haciendo doble clic en el icono correspondiente. Lea el archivo$ ame antes de iniciar el programa Haga clic en Finalizar para cerrar el programa de instalaci , deseo ver el archivo L ame ahora. , Deseo reiniciar mi computadora en este momento. La instalaci n ha terminado$ El programa de instalaci n de %P ha terminado de copiara< archivos en el ordenador. Puede reiniciar el ordenador ahora$ s tarde. Elija una de las opciones siguientes. Saque los disquetes de las unidades y haga clic en a1 Finalizar para cerrar el programa de instalaci No se ha podido reiniciar. Reinic e su equipo m s tarde. Opciones de instalaci Haga clic en el tipo de instalaci n que prefiera.$ Instalaci n completa (est ndar) Recomendada para la mayor a de los ordenadores Aplicaci n y plantillas Se instalar n la aplicaci n y las plantillas $ de estilos. lo TWAIN Los drivers TWAIN dll para el dispositivo a# seran el unico objeto instalado en $ el directorio de Windows. Contrato de Licencia$ Acepta todos los t rminos del Contrato de Licencia a2 precedente? Si es as haga clic en el bot Si hace clic en No, interrumpir el proceso de instalaci Finalizing installation... Honores Empresa Agenda tulos Eventos Marcos Fiestas Diverti2 tulos Cartas Biblios Deportes$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application Selec o de Op Escolha a partir das op es abaixo apresentadas a quais as que deseja instalar. Uma vez efectuada a selec o das op es que deseja instalar, prima o bot o Seguinte para concluir esta instala Selec o de Op es de Estilo$ Escolha a partir dos estilos abaixo apresentados quais os que a deseja instalar Uma vez efectuada a selec o dos estilos que deseja instalar, prima o bot o Seguinte para concluir a instala Escolha o caminho de Destino$ O Programa de Configura instalar %P no seguinte direct Para instalar neste direct rio, escolha Seguinte. Para instalar num direct rio diferente, escolha Procurar Confirme o Novo Direct Erro ao criar o direct rio '%s' A instala o ainda n o est conclu Escolha a Pasta de Programas o foi poss vel obter informa es acerca do Sistema Operativo$ O PictureWorks NetCard requer Windows 95 ou NT. a5 Se estiver a utilizar vers es anteriores de Windows, $ dever efectuar uma actualiza o para Windows 95 ou NT. A copiar ficheiros twain... A criar Grupos de Programas e cones.... A copiar imagens modelo... A copiar imagens de alta resolu o...$ Instala o de Win32s Deseja instalar o Win32s no sistema? $ O Microsoft Win32s uma extens o do sistema operativo que permite executar aplica es baseadas em Win32 em Windows 3.1. $ <0} {0>Select Yes now to install Win32s.<}0{>Seleccione Sim agora para instalar o Win32s.<0} Falha na instala o de Win32s.$ A Instalar a HotShots$ Este programa requer resolu o VGA ou superior. A copiar ficheiros leiame... A copiar NetCard... A copiar ficheiros de estilos... A copiar ficheiros de estilo Universal... A copiar ficheiros de estilo Ingl A copiar ficheiros de estilo Franc A copiar ficheiros de estilo Alem A copiar ficheiros de estilo Italiano... A copiar ficheiros de estilo Japon A copiar ficheiros de estilo Espanhol... A copiar ficheiros de registo... A copiar ficheiros do Windows...$ As capacidades FlashPix requerem win32s em Win3.1. Estas capacidades ser o desactivadas neste sistema. Erro geral na transfer ncia de ficheiros.a5 Verifique a localiza o de destino e tente novamente.$ Erro N mero: Incapaz de criar um direct rio sob $ Para esta configura o recomendamos a adi o de 'INSTALL=c:\dos\share.exe' ao Config.sys. O config.sys original ser guardado como config.pwk. O Config.sys n o foi alterado. Falha de ConfigFileLoad Falha de ConfigAdd $ o existe espa o suficiente dispon vel, %ld bytes, no disco Liberte algum espa o ou altere a localiza o de destino para um disco diferente o conseguiu definir chave e valor do registo$ o foi poss vel instalar alguns ficheiros aE por estarem actualmente utilizados por outros programas no sistema. $ Para permitir uma opera o correcta do novo programa $ deve reinicializar o sistema nesta altura. O Programa de Configura o est concluido. Pode executar o programa instalado a< fazendo duplo clique sobre o cone do programa instalado. Veja o conte do do cone LEIAME antes de iniciar o programa a clique sobre Terminar para concluir o Programa de Configura Sim, desejo ver o ficheiro LeaiMe agora. Reinicie o computador agora. Programa de Configura o Conclu O Programa de Configura o %P terminou a c pia de ficheiros para o computador. aF Pode reinicializar o computador agora, ou reinicializ -lo mais tarde. Escolha abaixo. Remova quaisquer discos das respectivas unidades e em seguida fa a clique sobre a2 Terminar para concluir o Programa de Configura Falha na reinicializa Reinicialize o computador mais tarde. es de Configura a clique no tipo de Configura o preferido. Instala o Completa - T Recomendada para a maioria dos utilizadores.$ Instala o Personalizada - Op es Seleccionadas pelo Utilizador As aplica es e estilos seleccionados ser o os itens instalados $ Apenas TWAIN Os drivers dll TWAIN do dispositivo ser o os a/ nicos itens instalados no direct rio Windows. Acordo de Licenciamento$ Aceita todas as condi es do acordo de licenciamento acima? a5 No caso afirmativo, a clique sobre o bot o Sim. $ Se seleccionar N o, o Programa de Configura fechar. Finalizing installation... Premios Empresa Agenda Educar Eventos Molduras Feriado Divertir Etiqueta Cartas Biblio Deporto$ This trial version of a PictureWorks product has been a5 previously installed on your system. It may only be $ installed once. Copying next application _MRQ`' 3.00.074