What's New in Safe & Sound Thank you for choosing Safe & Sound! Safe & Sound is a suite of utilities that will help you fix and prevent problems with your PC and Windows. It is comprised of the following utilities: PC Checkup Retake McAfee Antivirus Scanner Safe & Sound Tools - Discover for Windows - Bomb Shelter - Mcafee Image - Year 2000 Compliance System Checker Wingauge Lite ---------------------------------------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to create an Emergency Rescue disk after installation. Keep the rescue diskette in a safe place. You can use this diskette to boot your PC with in case you have a problem booting with your hard drive. This diskette contains all the tools you need to recover from disasters. ---------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES WITH SAFE & SOUND: 1. Retake Protected Backup Volume Appears as a drive to some programs Retake's ability to appear as a hard drive to programs is a feature. This feature allows you to access files in the backup using Windows Explorer or from a DOS box as if it is a regular drive. You may get an error from a program if the program tries to access this virtual drive. You can safely ignore the error. You may be able to prevent your program from accessing Retake's volume drives using its properties or options screen. Please refer to the program's documentation on how to do this. 2. Retake Protected Backup Volumes cannot be accessed by 16-bit shell applications This version of Safe & Sound Retake does not support 16-bit shell applications, such as File Manager, to view files in the Backup Volume. 3. Backup sizes may be reported incorrectly. This is due to a problem with Windows reporting the cluster size as 32k all the time. FAT32 drives uses only 4K cluster size. Therefore, the size of the backup drives in this instance will be over estimated. 4. Each Protected Backup Volumes are limited to 4 Gigabytes in size. ---------------------------------------------------------- Last Minute Documentation Changes Page 18 - "...It lets you decide which types of files to backup, how often to save them, and where you want the backup set located..." should read "...It lets you decide which types of files to backup and where you want the backup set located..." Page 24 - "Write-behind Delay" should read "Backup Delay" ---------------------------------------------------------- Undocumented Features DOSLFN.EXE - This is a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program that provides long filename API support under DOS. This allows programs such as DOS' COPY command to recognize long filenames outside of Windows 95/98. This file is copied into the Rescue Disk. ---------------------------------------------------------- Personal Trainer for Windows 95 from CEI Included with Safe & Sound is a product from Computer Enlightenment Interactive called Personal Trainer for Windows 95. Use this CD to learn and enhance your knowledge in using Windows 95. Use the "Install Windows 95 Trainer" entry on the Autorun menu to install Personal Trainer. You may also install it by running SETUP.EXE located in the \PTRAINER directory of the Safe & Sound CD-ROM. The CD must remain in your CD-ROM drive while running the program. Please contact CEI directly if you need assistance with Personal Trainer for Windows 95. Technical Support: 603-881-7474 Internet: http://www.compenlight.com/ Known Issue with Personal Trainer Q: When I try to install the Personal Trainer for Windows 95 I get an "Error 76 ..." message and have to quit. A: The "Error 76" problem you encountered is most likely due to not having a folder called "Recycled" on the C drive. Follow these steps: 1) Click Start, Programs, and select Windows Explorer 2) Scroll up to the top of the left panel of the screen and click once on the C: icon. 3) From the main menu click File, New, Folder and then type the word "Recycled" and press ENTER. 4) Close the Windows Explorer and perform the installation of the Personal Trainer for Windows 95 and you should be up and running. ---------------------------------------------------------- Contacting Network Associates, Inc. Corporate Office Network Associates, Inc. 2805 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 Phone or Fax Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm (PST) at Single User Technical Support: 972-278-6100 Corporate Technical Support: 408-988-3832 Fax: 408-980-3660 We also have provide electronic support resources at: Forums: http://support.nai.com/Forums/ E-mail: tsupport@nai.com Internet: http://www.nai.com AOL Keyword: MCAFEE CompuServe: GO MCAFEE Copyright (c) 1998, Network Associates, Inc. and its affiliated Companies. All Rights Reserved.