1 Windows 2 System Performance 3 File Sharing and Locking Semantics Disabled 4 The old, inefficient rules for file sharing by multiple processes is being used. 5 Long File Name Preservation Disabled 6 Long file names are not being preserved when files are opened by 16 bit or DOS applications that are not aware of long file names. 7 Protected-Mode Hard Disk Interrupt Handling Disabled 8 Hard drives interrupts are being handled by real mode routines in ROM rather than Windows own protected mode routines. 9 All 32 bit Protected Mode Drivers Disabled 10 Disabling protected mode drivers causes the disappearance of drives which are only supported by protected mode drivers. 11 Write Behind Caching Disabled for All Drives 12 Write behind caching allows drive writes to be performed in batches. Disabling write behind caching slows down drive access. 13 Synchronous Buffer Commits Disabled 14 Disabling synchronous file commits slow the file system. 15 Low Read Ahead Optimization 16 The read ahead optimization determines how far ahead windows reads data into its cache when data is requested in sequential order. A low value will use less memory but result in poorer system performance. 1000 System Performance 1001 Some system enhancements may be turned off for troubleshooting purposes or due to hardware or software incompatibilities. Turning off these enhancements will severely degrade performance. 1002 Enable system performance settings. * 1003 This will reenable the system performance settings. 1004 Checking File System Performance 1005 Virtual Memory is Disabled. 1006 Windows uses hard disk space as virtual memory when physical memory is exhausted. Turning off virtual memory severely limits the number of applications you can run. 1007 Hardware Cursor Disabled. 1008 The hardware cursor is disabled. This causes the cursor to be drawn by Windows which is slower. 1009 Memory Mapped I/O To Video is Disabled. 1010 Turning off memory mapped I/O results in slower video performance but may be necessary when using some video cards. 1011 Video Drive Acceleration is Disabled. 1012 Video acceleration is turned off. Most video hardware provides acceleration for common routines. This may be disabled if that acceleration proves incompatible with Windows. 1013 CD-ROM Supplemental Cache is suboptimal. 1014 Your CD-ROM supplemental cache may be raised to improve CD-ROM performance.