Template 1: Internet Explorer "Advertise Only" channel

Function: Notifies users when a new version of Internet Explorer is available for download from the server. User must manually download and install the new version.

Appropriate when: The decision to upgrade to the new version of the browser belongs to the user. Since this channel only provides notification ("advertisement") and does not initiate the download of any software, it adds minimal traffic to the network.

Suggested filename: IE-advertise.cdf

<?XML version="1.0"?>

<CHANNEL HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-advertise.htm">
<SELF HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-advertise.cdf" />
<TITLE>Internet Explorer</TITLE>
The Internet Explorer 4.0 Software Updates Channel is designed
to notify you when a new version of Internet Explorer is
<USAGE VALUE="SoftwareUpdate" />
<LATESTTIME DAY="1" HOUR="12" MIN="0" />
<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/image.gif" STYLE="IMAGE" />
<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/icon.ico" STYLE="ICON" />
<SOFTPKG HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-advertise.htm"
<TITLE>Internet Explorer</TITLE>
A new version of Internet Explorer is now available. You can
download the new version from: http://www.yourserver.com/directory/download.htm.
<USAGE VALUE="email" />

<OS VALUE="winnt" />
<OS VALUE="win95" />

<CHANNEL HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-advertise.htm">
<SELF HREF="http://www.yourserver/com/directory/ie-advertise.cdf" />

Change the HREF to point to your server and the appropriate directory where the .cdf file is and the .htm files are stored. The .cdf file is the template above, modified for your server. The .htm file is just an ordinary Web page. Suggested content: description of the software available.


Specifies how often Internet Explorer should check the server for updates of itself. This example shows that checks are made every day.

<LATESTTIME DAY="1" HOUR="12" MIN="0" />

These two lines are not required, but should be used to randomize check times. Randomizing check times involves specifying a time range during which Internet Explorer should check the server, as opposed to checking at a specific time. Having all the clients check at the same time would cause an undesireable burst of high network traffic.

<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/image.gif" STYLE="IMAGE" />
<LOGO HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/icon.ico" STYLE="ICON" />

Optional. Provide a logo and an icon for this channel. The logo is an 80x32 pixel .gif or .jpg file. The icon should be available in two sizes: 16x16 (small icon) and 32x32 (large icon). If no logo or icon is specified, Internet Explorer uses the defaults.

<SOFTPKG HREF="http://www.yourserver.com/directory/ie-advertise.htm"

Reference the same page as the HREF in the CHANNEL tag above.


The current "advertised" version of Internet Explorer. To find out which version you are running, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. The Internet Explorer version number is displayed on the General tab, under the "System" heading. Each time you make an update of the browser available on the server, update this line in the .cdf file to reflect the new version.

A new version of Internet Explorer 4.0 is now available. You can download the new version from the following location:

Since this "advertise only" channel only notifies and does not initiate automatic download, you need to set up your Web site so that users can download the files. For example, you might create a page where you post download information and a link to the installation program, IE4setup.exe.

<USAGE VALUE="email" />

Optional. Include this line to enable e-mail notification for this channel. If you want to to disable e-mail notification for this channel, do not include this line.