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Whirlers & Swirlers Fact File page 4

Links to recommended sites

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The Why Files: Tornadoes

Plenty of information about what tornadoes are, how they are formed, and how to protect yourself against their fury.

Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page

Dan Satterfield's site contains down-to-earth information about tornadoes, hurricanes and other types of 'wild weather'.

The Hurricane Hunters' Home Page

Take a trip with the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron as they fly into a hurricane to collect data.

Severe Weather Institute Research Lab (SWIRL)

SWIRL's tornado pages include a guide for storm chasers.

Tornado Project Online

This site includes tornado stories and myths.

Tornadoes by Cory Forsyth

Contains some useful tornado information.

Lowe's Storm 97

This site is particularly useful to adults who wish to extend their knowledge.

USA Today: Weather

A useful resource for adults.

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