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Whirlers & Swirlers Fact File page 2

Are there any other differences?

Hurricanes are formed over warm seas. In fact, as soon as they reach land they start to die. This doesn't mean that they can't do a lot of damage on land. They can cause flooding, destroy homes, and blow over anything that isn't firmly attached to the ground. As they are born over oceans they carry a lot of water which they drop as torrential rain.

Tornadoes usually occur over land and, as they suck air upwards, do not drop water as they travel. Whirlwinds are also found mainly on land. Both tornadoes and whirlwinds need hot air to start them off. For that reason, they usually occur later in the day when the sun has had a chance to heat the land and warm the air.

There is one other very important difference. While a whirlwind might last for a few seconds and a tornado can survive for several minutes, a hurricane can keep travelling for many days.

Do they have other names?

Tropical Cyclone Names: hurricane, typhoon, cycloneEveryone knows that tornadoes are sometimes called twisters (and they probably know why). If a tornado leaves the land and crosses water it could cause a waterspout (sucking up water instead of people and houses and cars).

Hurricane is the name used in North America for a tropical cyclone. In the southern hemisphere they are called cyclones, and at the western side of the Pacific they are known as typhoons.

Whirlwinds are called dust devils in Africa because they pick up dust and swirl it around.

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