to Chapter 45


Chapter 46

The Great Wood, Wealdshire. 1517

When the twins arrived in The Great Wood of 1517 with Andrew Starling, it was an hour before midnight. They switched their lights on.

'I won't remind you what happened the last time we rode through The Great Wood in the dark,' Josie said to Chris mischievously.

'No, don't,' Chris groaned. I'm still trying to forget about it.'

'Come on, Mr Starling,' Josie called. 'We've a fair way to go and the roads aren't as good as the ones that you build.'

There was no response.

'Are you all right, Mr Starling?' Chris asked. 'Do you want to go back?'

'I . . . I'm . . . all right. It's just that . . . when it suddenly goes dark like that, you . . . you realise that you really have gone back in time.'

'Yep. We've gone back in time all right. This is definitely 1517. Are you okay to follow us.'

'Yes. I'll be all right. Are you sure it's safe?'

'As sure as we can be. There were vagabonds in Tudor times who jumped out on travellers and robbed them. But we'll be okay. We've got bikes with bright lights. Any vagabonds we meet will run a mile.'

Starling grunted. 'I suppose you're right. Do you . . . do you think this plan of ours will work?'

'Mr Starling,' Josie said scathingly, unable to hide her annoyance. 'If you've changed your mind, just shout. It was your idea to come back in time. You were the one with the grand get-rich-quick scheme.'

That's right, thought Starling. This is my one and only chance to dig myself out of a hole. I've got to do it. I've no other choice. Why am I not so keen now? Why do I just want to go home and see my wife and children? They're all that seem important right now. I don't even want the road to be built. What on earth has happened to me? Why did I think I heard someone singing just before we left? I was fine up until then. I must pull myself together. I know I'm doing the right thing.

'Okay,' he said. 'Lead on. I'm right behind you.'

to Chapter 47