Cinderella's Night Out

by Alice (10)

Cinderella was a nice, kind and helpful person. At this very moment Cinderella was staring at the T.V set. Unfortunately, she had nothing to do apart from watching T.V. She had no money to go out. All her days were spent cooking, cleaning and washing. She was fed up with looking after the house and her sisters. Her stepmother made her do all this because she did not earn money. She was unemployed. She was always alone at home, while her two stepsisters were out every night enjoying themselves. One day while Cinderella was watching T.V, she was so bored that she decided to go out and try to find a job.

That evening Cinderella's sisters were getting ready to go to the local disco. They took ages dressing. Cinderella's stepmother asked her if she had done all the house work.
She said, "Yes, but I am still doing the washing up."
"Well," said Cinderella' s stepmother, "you haven't finished have you?"
"No," answered Cinderella.
"So you can't go to the disco."
"But please," said Cinderella.
"No," said her stepmother, "you have not got money to go."

Cinderella felt very unhappy with her situation. She wished that she could have her own flat and live by herself. She had no job, no money and no flat of her own.

There was a knock on the door. She heard her best friend Judy's voice. She got up and went to see if it was Judy. She was pleased to see that it was. Judy was her closest friend. She took her to the kitchen so they could talk to each other. Cinderella talked to Judy about how she felt. Judy told Cinderella about a friend of her sister who had gone to the social services who in time got her her own flat even though she was not employed.

Next morning, when Cinderella's sisters had gone out, Cinderella got dressed quickly. After talking to Judy she had made up her mind to go and see the social services. Later that evening she felt happy because she had seen a lady who told her that she would be able to have her own flat. She would have to tell her stepmother and her stepsisters the news.

Two weeks later, Cinderella had moved into her very own flat. She had made another new friend. His name was Mike. He spent most of his spare time with Cinderella. Mike worked as a manager of a bank. A job was advertised at the bank for a personal assistant. Training would be given.

Cinderella got the job and she and Mike became the best of friends.