
If you look at a novel you will see lots of little bits that you would probably never think of putting into a story. You will find people flicking their hair, rubbing their noses, scratching their legs, and smoothing their hair. You will find them blinking and yawning and smiling and looking skywards. All those things have absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the story but they really make a difference. Give it a try and make your hero squint at the sun, shield his eyes from the glare, or pick at the scabs on his arms.

Next time you read a book, have a notebook by your side and jot down any interesting phrases that you come across. To get you started, here are some from my list which you are welcome to use.

he brushed some imaginary fluff from his sleeve
she wriggled her eyebrows playfully
turned his head to fling a stray strand of hair off his face
he looked grim-faced
her smile died
his bushy eyebrows wriggled like two caterpillars
her lips tightly closed
jaw sagged
eyes flashed
eyes went dark
her voice wavered and she fought to keep it steady
her voice broke
he began to sob uncontrollably
she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief
she ignored his angry outburst
she fought the urge to slap him
his face wore a worried frown
his eyes flashed like fire
she punched the air
eyes brimming with tears
as he blinked, tears spilled out and trickled down his face
looked heavenwards
looked skywards
eyes wide with alarm