:Base VCFIU.HLP :Title First Impression 2.1 On-line User Documentation 1 Introduction to the User's Guide 2 Introduction=Introduction 2 New Features in First Impression 2.1=New_Features_in_First_Impression_2_1 2 Getting Technical Support=Getting_Technical_Support 1 Understanding Charts 2 Chart Terminology=Chart_Terminology 2 General Chart Elements=General_Chart_Elements 2 2D Chart Elements=2D_Chart_Elements 2 3D Chart Elements=3D_Chart_Elements 2 Selecting Chart Elements=Selecting_Chart_Elements 2 Formatting Chart Elements=Formatting_Chart_Elements 2 Double Clicking on Chart Elements=Double_Clicking_on_Chart_Elements 2 Using Dialog Boxes=Using_Dialog_Boxes 1 The Wizard 2 The Chart Wizard=The_Chart_Wizard 2 Navigating in the Chart Wizard=Navigating_in_the_Chart_Wizard 2 The Gallery Tab=The_Gallery_Tab 2 The Style Tab=The_Style_Tab 2 The Layout Tab=The_Layout_Tab 2 The Axes Tab=The_Axes_Tab 2 Modifying Charts with the Wizard=Modifying_Charts_with_the_Wizard 1 Chart Basics 2 Area Charts=Area_Charts 2 Bar Charts=Bar_Charts 2 Horizontal Bars=Horizontal_Bars 2 Clustered Bars=Clustered_Bars 2 Line Charts=Line_Charts 2 Step Charts=Step_Charts 2 Combination Charts=Combination_Charts 2 Pie and Doughnut Charts=Pie_and_Doughnut_Charts 2 Radar Charts=Radar_Charts 2 XY Charts=XY_Charts 2 Polar Charts=Polar_Charts 2 Bubble Charts=Bubble_Charts 2 Hi-Lo Charts=Hi_Lo_Charts 2 Gantt Charts=Gantt_Charts 2 Elevation Charts: Surface and Contour=Elevation_Charts__Surface_and_Contour 2 3D XYZ Charts=ThreeD_XYZ_Charts 2 3D Scatter Charts=ThreeD_Scatter_Charts 1 The Chart Data Grid 2 Chart Data Grid=Chart_Data_Grid 2 The DataGrid Editor=The_DataGrid_Editor 2 Resizing the Data Grid=Resizing_the_Data_Grid 2 Modifying Data in the Data Grid=Modifying_Data_in_the_Data_Grid 2 Adding Row and Column Labels=Adding_Row_and_Column_Labels 2 Modifying Row and Column Labels=Modifying_Row_and_Column_Labels 2 The Menu Bar=The_Menu_Bar 2 Inserting a Data Grid Row=Inserting_a_Data_Grid_Row 2 Inserting a Data Grid Column=Inserting_a_Data_Grid_Column 2 Deleting a Data Grid Row=Deleting_a_Data_Grid_Row 2 Deleting a Data Grid Column=Deleting_a_Data_Grid_Column 2 Inserting a Column of Data Grid Row Labels=Inserting_a_Column_of_Data_Grid_Row_Labels 2 Inserting a Row of Data Grid Column Labels=Inserting_a_Row_of_Data_Grid_Column_Labels 2 Deleting a Column of Data Grid Row Labels=Deleting_a_Column_of_Data_Grid_Row_Labels 2 Deleting a Row of Data Grid Column Labels=Deleting_a_Row_of_Data_Grid_Column_Labels 2 Using Drag-and-Drop Functionality to Copy Data=Using_Drag_and_Drop_Functionality_to_Copy_Data 2 Drag-and-Drop Between First Impression and Formula One=Drag_and_Drop_Between_First_Impression_and_Formula_One 1 Changing the Chart Type 2 The Format Plot Dialog=The_Format_Plot_Dialog 2 Selecting a Chart Type=Selecting_a_Chart_Type 2 Stacking on a Percent Axis=Stacking_on_a_Percent_Axis 2 DataPoints As Lines or Markers=DataPoints_As_Lines_or_Markers 2 Using Combination Charts=Using_Combination_Charts 2 Using Radar Charts=Using_Radar_Charts 2 Using Hi-Lo Charts=Using_Hi_Lo_Charts 2 Specifying Volume Information for Hi-Lo Charts=Specifying_Volume_Information_for_Hi_Lo_Charts 2 Displaying Hi-Lo Bars In Other Chart Types=Displaying_Hi_Lo_Bars_In_Other_Chart_Types 2 Reordering Series=Reordering_Series 2 How Reordering Series Affects the Chart.=How_Reordering_Series_Affects_the_Chart 2 Stacking Series=Stacking_Series 1 Formatting Chart Elements 2 Adding Chart Elements=Adding_Chart_Elements 2 Controlling the Display of Chart Elements=Controlling_the_Display_of_Chart_Elements 2 Automatic Chart Layout=Automatic_Chart_Layout 2 Chart Element Areas=Chart_Element_Areas 2 Positioning Chart Elements=Positioning_Chart_Elements 2 Repositioning Chart Elements=Repositioning_Chart_Elements 2 Custom Chart Element Positions=Custom_Chart_Element_Positions 2 Effect of Element Positioning on the Chart=Effect_of_Element_Positioning_on_the_Chart 2 Optimizing Chart Text=Optimizing_Chart_Text 2 Formatting Fonts=Formatting_Fonts 2 Aligning and Orienting Text=Aligning_and_Orienting_Text 2 Assigning Backdrops to Elements=Assigning_Backdrops_to_Elements 2 Editing Backdrops=Editing_Backdrops 2 Backdrop Fills=Backdrop_Fills 2 Picture Fit Methods=Picture_Fit_Methods 2 Resetting To Default Formats=Resetting_To_Default_Formats 1 Formatting 3D Charts 2 Formatting 3D Charts=Formatting_3D_Charts 2 Changing Chart Rotation and Elevation=Changing_Chart_Rotation_and_Elevation 2 Chart Elevation Options=Chart_Elevation_Options 2 Chart Rotation Options=Chart_Rotation_Options 2 Chart Projection=Chart_Projection 2 Chart Width and Height Ratios=Chart_Width_and_Height_Ratios 2 Chart Viewing Distance=Chart_Viewing_Distance 2 Formatting the Base and Walls=Formatting_the_Base_and_Walls 2 Lighting 3D Charts=Lighting_3D_Charts 2 Ambient Lighting=Ambient_Lighting 2 Infinite Light Sources=Infinite_Light_Sources 1 Formatting Axes 2 Formatting Axes=Formatting_Axes 2 Axis Terminology=Axis_Terminology 2 Common Axis Elements=Common_Axis_Elements 2 Gantt and Horizontal Bar Charts=Gantt_and_Horizontal_Bar_Charts 2 Radar and Polar Charts=Radar_and_Polar_Charts 2 How to Format an Axis=How_to_Format_an_Axis 2 Labeling Axis Tick Marks=Labeling_Axis_Tick_Marks 2 Labeling Axes Inside The Plot=Labeling_Axes_Inside_The_Plot 2 Displaying Axes Scales=Displaying_Axes_Scales 2 Automatic and Manual Scaling=Automatic_and_Manual_Scaling 2 3D Axis Intersections=_D_Axis_Intersections 2 Date Axis Scaling=Date_Axis_Scaling 2 Radar Axis Scaling=Radar_Axis_Scaling 2 Polar Axis Scaling=Polar_Axis_Scaling 2 Formatting Axis Ticks=Formatting_Axis_Ticks 2 Formatting Axis Labels=Formatting_Axis_Labels 2 Format Axis Labels Dialog=Format_Axis_Labels_Dialog 2 Controlling Label Position=Controlling_Label_Position 2 Standing Labels=Standing_Labels 2 Axis Label Text Formatting=Axis_Label_Text_Formatting 2 Axis Titles=Axis_Titles 1 Plot Options 2 Plot Options=Plot_Options 2 Controlling Bar Spacing=Controlling_Bar_Spacing 2 Controlling Chart Direction=Controlling_Chart_Direction 2 Starting Angle Rotation=Starting_Angle_Rotation 2 Chart Layout Options=Chart_Layout_Options 2 Pie and Doughnut Chart Options=Pie_and_Doughnut_Chart_Options 1 Formatting Series and Data Points 2 Formatting Series and Data Points=Formatting_Series_and_Data_Points 2 Supplying Series Data=Supplying_Series_Data 2 Formatting Series Data=Formatting_Series_Data 2 Setting Series Options=Setting_Series_Options 2 Bar Shapes=Bar_Shapes 2 Smoothing Series Data=Smoothing_Series_Data 2 Hi-Lo-Close Colors=Hi_Lo_Close_Colors 2 Changing the Series Fill and Pen=Changing_the_Series_Fill_and_Pen 2 Picture Bars=Picture_Bars 2 Formatting Lines=Formatting_Lines 2 Formatting Markers=Formatting_Markers 2 Formatting Statistics Lines=Formatting_Statistics_Lines 2 Formatting Guidelines=Formatting_Guidelines 2 Formatting Data Points=Formatting_Data_Points 1 Formatting Labels 2 Formatting Labels=Formatting_Labels 2 Series Labels=Series_Labels 2 Series Label Options=Series_Label_Options 2 Data Point Labels=Data_Point_Labels 2 The Format Data Point Label Dialog=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Dialog 2 Label Options=Label_Options 2 Controlling Label Type=Controlling_Label_Type 2 Formatting Label Text=Formatting_Label_Text 1 Elevation Charts - Surface and Contour 2 Elevation Charts=Elevation_Charts 2 The Elevation Tab=The_Elevation_Tab 2 Displaying Contours=Displaying_Contours 2 Displaying Chart Bases=Displaying_Chart_Bases 2 Surface Chart Projection=Surface_Chart_Projection 2 Displaying Chart Surfaces=Displaying_Chart_Surfaces 2 Displaying Wireframe Surfaces=Displaying_Wireframe_Surfaces 2 Chart Surface Smoothing=Chart_Surface_Smoothing 2 Displaying Elevation and Contour Data=Displaying_Elevation_and_Contour_Data 2 Formatting Contouring Options=Formatting_Contouring_Options 2 Displaying Contour Chart Colors=Displaying_Contour_Chart_Colors 2 Modifying Contour Colors=Modifying_Contour_Colors 1 Managing Charts 2 Exporting Charts=Exporting_Charts 2 Loading Saved Charts=Loading_Saved_Charts 2 Printing Charts=Printing_Charts 2 Setting Print Options=Setting_Print_Options 2 Specifying Page Size and Appearance=Specifying_Page_Size_and_Appearance 2 Changing Printer Setup=Changing_Printer_Setup 1 Dialog Box Help 2 The Format Chart Options Tab=The_Format_Chart_Options_Tab 2 The Format Chart Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Chart_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Plot Type Tab=The_Format_Plot_Type_Tab 2 The Format Plot Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Plot_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Plot Options Tab=The_Format_Plot_Options_Tab 2 The Format Plot 3D Lighting Tab=The_Format_Plot_3D_Lighting_Tab 2 The Format Plot Location Tab=The_Format_Plot_Location_Tab 2 The Format Plot Order Tab=The_Format_Plot_Order_Tab 2 The Format Plot 3D View Tab=The_Format_Plot_3D_View_Tab 2 The Format Plot Base and Walls Tab=The_Format_Plot_Base_and_Walls_Tab 2 The Format Plot Elevation Tab=The_Format_Plot_Elevation_Tab 2 The Format Plot Contouring Tab=The_Format_Plot_Contouring_Tab 2 The Format Series Options Tab=The_Format_Series_Options_Tab 2 The Format Series Fill Tab=The_Format_Series_Fill_Tab 2 The Format Series Line Tab=The_Format_Series_Line_Tab 2 The Format Series Markers Tab=The_Format_Series_Markers_Tab 2 The Format Series Statistics Tab=The_Format_Series_Statistics_Tab 2 The Format Series Guidelines Tab=The_Format_Series_Guidelines_Tab 2 The Format Series Label Options Tab=The_Format_Series_Label_Options_Tab 2 The Format Series Label Font Tab=The_Format_Series_Label_Font_Tab 2 The Format Series Label Text Tab=The_Format_Series_Label_Text_Tab 2 The Format Series Label Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Series_Label_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Options Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Options_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Fill Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Fill_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Markers Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Markers_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Options Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Options_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Text Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Text_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Font Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Font_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Value Format Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Value_Format_Tab 2 The Format Data Point Label Percent Format Tab=The_Format_Data_Point_Label_Percent_Format_Tab 2 The Format Axis Options Tab=The_Format_Axis_Options_Tab 2 The Format Axis Grid Tab=The_Format_Axis_Grid_Tab 2 The Format Axis Scale-Category Tab=The_Format_Axis_Scale_Category_Tab 2 The Format Axis Scale-Date Tab=The_Format_Axis_Scale_Date_Tab 2 The Format Axis Scale-Value Tab=The_Format_Axis_Scale_Value_Tab 2 The Format Axis Polar Tab=The_Format_Axis_Polar_Tab 2 The Format Axis Radar Tab=The_Format_Axis_Radar_Tab 2 The Format Axis Ticks Tab=The_Format_Axis_Ticks_Tab 2 The Format Axis Label Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Axis_Label_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Axis Label Text Tab=The_Format_Axis_Label_Text_Tab 2 The Format Axis Label Font Tab=The_Format_Axis_Label_Font_Tab 2 The Format Axis Label Format Code Tab=The_Format_Axis_Label_Format_Code_Tab 2 The Format Axis Title Text Tab=The_Format_Axis_Title_Text_Tab 2 The Format Axis Title Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Axis_Title_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Axis Title Font Tab=The_Format_Axis_Title_Font_Tab 2 The Format Legend Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Legend_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Legend Font Tab=The_Format_Legend_Font_Tab 2 The Format Legend Location Tab=The_Format_Legend_Location_Tab 2 The Format Title Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Title_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Title Font Tab=The_Format_Title_Font_Tab 2 The Format Title Location Tab=The_Format_Title_Location_Tab 2 The Format Title Text Tab=The_Format_Title_Text_Tab 2 The Format Footnote Backdrop Tab=The_Format_Footnote_Backdrop_Tab 2 The Format Footnote Font Tab=The_Format_Footnote_Font_Tab 2 The Format Footnote Location Tab=The_Format_Footnote_Location_Tab 2 The Format Footnote Text Tab=The_Format_Footnote_Text_Tab