You have indicated that you are installing this CompuServe software, onto a PC that is connected to a Local (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN). Part of the CompuServe 3.x installation process on PC's using Windows 95 requires the installation or configuration of Microsoft Dial-Up Networking. This Windows 95 component provides TCP/IP (Winsock) connectivity for modem or ISDN connections. CompuServe 3.x requires a 32-bit Windows TCP/IP (Winsock) connection, such as Microsoft Dial-Up Networking, to connect to CompuServe. Installing or configuring Microsoft Dial-Up Networking on your PC, could potentially conflict with your existing LAN or WAN installation or configuration, especially if this currently supports TCP/IP connectivity. Before you proceed with the installation of CompuServe 3.x onto your PC, we strongly recommend that you contact your Internal Systems Department, Network Support Department or LAN Administrator, to confirm that the installation of CompuServe 3.x will not conflict or cause problems with the correct operation of your LAN or WAN. Failure to ensure compatibility may cause your existing LAN installation or configuration to stop working correctly, and potentially cause problems for other local users. If you are in any doubt that your PC can support connections with CompuServe 3.x, or concerned that the installation may cause problems, do not continue at this time. LOCAL AND WIDE AREA NETWORK CONNECTIONS : You may be able to use CompuServe 3.x to connect to CompuServe via your LAN, if this supports TCP/IP connectivity and also has full Internet Access via a suitable gateway connection. However, if this Internet Gateway has security restrictions, such as a Firewall, or uses a Proxy Server, you may not be able to connect to CompuServe. You should verify that your LAN can support such connections to CompuServe with your Internal Systems Department, Network Support Department or LAN Administrator before you proceed with installation. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : For further advice and information on any aspect of connecting to CompuServe when Local or Wide Area Networks are involved, please contact our specialist team at CompuServe Customer Services on 0990 502059. They are available between 8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.