1 Filing Cabinet Utility 2 Version 1.0.2 3 C:\CSERVE\FCABINET 4 FCAB%3.3i.CFT 5 FCABINET.CIF 6 FOLDERS.DAT 7 Import Files (*.cft)@*.cft@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@ 9 Initializing Filing Cabinet... 10 Indexing Filing Cabinet... 11 Copying folders... 12 Copying items... 13 Importing folders... 14 Importing items... 15 Rebuilding folder list... 16 Eliminating unused space... 17 Sorting keys... 18 Cancelling. Please wait... 19 Successfully Completed! 20 Incoming Messages Folder 21 Outgoing Messages Folder 22 Folder %u 25 File already exists. OK to overwrite? 26 Error opening file 27 Filing Cabinet database not found. Create a new one? 28 Filing Cabinet not found 29 Filing Cabinet database is empty 30 Invalid object type encountered 31 Error reading object type 32 Object type does not match requested type 33 Invalid file format 34 Error connecting to folders.dat 35 The folder list already exists. Do you want to delete it? 36 Error creating temporary file 37 Error renaming compressed temporary file %s 38 No import files selected 39 Error getting the next item 40 FCABINET.DAT 90 Copy all items 91 Copy new items 92 Copy items within a date range 93 Copy items added since a specific day 94 Copy items matching a pattern 100 Mail Message 101 Forum Message 102 File Abstract 103 News Story 104 Article 105 Unknown 106 There were no errors, but possible duplicate items were skipped. \nOK to delete import file? 107 Success: 108 Error: 109 Added: 110 Skipped: 111 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 112 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 113 %3.3s %2.2i %3.3s %4.4i %2.2i:%2.2i 114 Error opening log file 115 \n \nFiling Cabinet Utility Report \nCopyright (c) 1994-1996 by CompuServe Inc. All rights reserved. \n \n 116 Report Date 117 fcutil.log 118 \nFolder Count: %u \n \n 120 Database File: %s \n 121 Import File: %s \n 122 Method: All items \n 123 Method: All items since %s \n 124 Method: All items from %s to %s \n 125 Method: All items for the past %u days \n 126 Delete Option: %s \n 127 Index Option: %s \n 128 Autorun Option: %s \n 129 Yes 130 No 131 \nTotal items : %lu \nItems saved : %lu \nItems skipped : %lu \n 132 Cancelled after %lu items 133 Operation: Copy 134 Operation: Restore 135 \nItems restored : %lu \nDuplicates skipped : %lu \nItems failed : %lu \n 136 Operation stopped with %lu items not yet processed. \n 137 \n__ Status ___ Folder ___ Subject ___________ From/Service/Date _________________ 138 139 140 Item ID %lu: 141 ** Added **: 142 * Skipped *: 143 ** Error **: 144 *** Hidden or unknown item type *** \n 145 %lu items in %u files processed. \nTotal items added : %lu \nTotal items skipped : %lu \n 146 Items processed : %lu \nItems retained : %lu \nInvalid items removed : %lu \n 147 Filing Cabinet repair completed 148 Finished purging deleted items 149 Finished rebuilding index 150 Finished recovering deleted items 151 Filing Cabinet repair canceled.\nRepair may not be complete. 152 The purging of deleted items has been canceled.\nNot all deleted items may have been purged. 153 The rebuild index operation has been canceled.\nThe index may not have been completely rebuilt. 154 The recovery of deleted items has been canceled.\nNot all deleted items may have been recovered. 155 Failed to create object 156 Operation not supported for this filing cabinet server 157 There may not be enough disk space available for the requested operation.\nYou need an estimated %lu bytes and only have %lu bytes free.\nIt is recommended that some disk space be freed before continuing.\nContinue? 158 Repairing damaged Filing Cabinet 159 Purging deleted items 160 Recovering deleted items and rebuilding index 161 Rebuilding Filing Cabinet index 162 Items repaired 163 Items processed 164 This operation cannot be executed while CS3 is running.\nIt is recommended that CS3 be shut down before continuing.\nContinue? 165 %lu bytes 166 Unknown 167 The Filing Cabinet indexes appear to be invalid and you may not be able to see any items. It is recommended that the indexes be rebuilt.\nRebuild indexes? 168 The recover or reindex operation has failed.\nIf the backup Filing Cabinet file FCABINET.SAV exists (due to a prior recover or reindex attempt that failed), then you should probably rename this file back to FCABINET.DAT and then reindex your filing cabinet. 200 To copy items from your Filing Cabinet, \nchoose Copy to File from the File menu.\n\n 201 To update your Filing Cabinet with items copied from another one, \nchoose Import from the File menu.\n\n 202 To remove items that have been marked for deletion from your Filing Cabinet, \nchoose Purge Deleted Items from the Filing Cabinet menu.\n\n 203 To repair a corrupted Filing Cabinet, \nchoose Repair from the Filing Cabinet menu.\n\n 204 To see how much space your Filing Cabinet is using, \nchoose Statistics from the Filing Cabinet menu.\n\n 500 Unknown error 501 Process completed 502 Filing Cabinet server operation failed 503 Cannot locate Filing Cabinet server 504 Filing Cabinet server is not currently connected 505 Filing Cabinet server out of memory 506 Filing Cabinet server is already connected 507 Too many result sets found 508 No more items found 509 Invalid Filing Cabinet results 510 No Filing Cabinet search terms 511 Invalid Filing Cabinet query 512 Wrong Filing Cabinet object 513 No such folder ID available 514 Invalid Filing Cabinet scan 515 Filing Cabinet server version does not match database version 516 Filing Cabinet database version is unknown by Filing Cabinet server 517 Filing Cabinet item already exists 518 Filing Cabinet is read-only 519 Filing Cabinet server is busy. Please try again later. 520 Filing Cabinet fatal error 521 CRC error detected in FCABINET.DAT 522 Filing Cabinet compression process started 523 Filing Cabinet repair process started 524 Filing Cabinet purging of deleted items failed 525 Filing Cabinet repair folders process failed 526 Filing Cabinet repair process failed 527 Filing Cabinet shared-memory failure 528 Operation Cancelled 529 Item not found 530 Item is marked as having been deleted