Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo GetBrowserExe NT4ReleaseBuildTest Which95Build Convert302ToolbarTo303 KERNEL32 SetCurrentDirectory KERNEL32 WinExec RPAKEY SetKeyword inetcfg InetConfigSystem inetcfg InetConfigSystemFromPath cs3inst.ini% Installa CompuServea CompuServea 3.0.4a CS3.exe wincim\setup.exe wincim\setup.exe3 CIS.DLL CIS.DLL CIS.DLL CIS.DLL dun.lib dun.lib, dunosr2.lib dunosr2.lib, dunother.lib msie302.lib shdocvw.dll shdocvw.dll CompuServe! Install_DUN_Only=R CSERVE.INI& ROOTR CS3\CS3.EXE INIFILE=R Setupa Memphis_Install2] Setupa Install_Mode2V Setupa BrowserChoice2W Setupa Icon_Placement2Y Setupa IE3_Compare_Method2Z Setupa Internet_Connection2X Setupa Install_DUN_Only2\ Setupa UI_BrowserChoice2` Setupa UI_UKLanguageChoice2_ Setupa UI_Internet_Connection2a Setupa UI_Install_Directory2b Setupa UI_Program_Folder_Name2c Setupa UI_Icon_Placement2d Setupa UI_Preinst_Browser_Path2^ Setupa UI_Reboot_Dialog2e Setupa UI_Final_Dialog2f Setupa UI_LANInstallWarn2g Setupa Preinst_Browser_PathR Setupa Install_DirectoryR Setupa Program_Folder_NameR General Preferencesa Program_TitleR custom.ini' Setupa Install_Mode2V custom.ini' Setupa BrowserChoice2W custom.ini' Setupa Icon_Placement2Y custom.ini' Setupa IE3_Compare_Method2Z IE3_Compare_Method custom.ini' Setupa Internet_Connection2X custom.ini' Setupa Install_DUN_Only2\ custom.ini' Setupa Memphis_Install2] custom.ini' Setupa UI_BrowserChoice2` custom.ini' Setupa UI_UKLanguageChoice2_ custom.ini' Setupa UI_Internet_Connection2a custom.ini' Setupa UI_Install_Directory2b custom.ini' Setupa UI_Program_Folder_Name2c custom.ini' Setupa UI_Icon_Placement2d custom.ini' Setupa UI_Preinst_Browser_Path2^ custom.ini' Setupa UI_Reboot_Dialog2e UI_Reboot_Dialog custom.ini' Setupa UI_Final_Dialog2f UI_Final_Dialog custom.ini& Setupa Preinst_Browser_PathR custom.ini& Setupa Install_DirectoryR custom.ini& Setupa Program_Folder_NameR custom.ini& General Preferencesa Program_TitleR Microsoft Internet Explorer a 3.02J Microsoft Internet Explorer a Microsoft Internet Explorer a Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win95J Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for NTJ Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win3.1J custom.ini' Setupa LANInstallWarn2g Dial-Up Networking supporta Microsoft Win32s a 1.30J Informationa intro.txt( cidsup.lib wsock95.lib wsock31.lib rtw32.lib mfc42.dll msvcrt.dll msvcirt.dll ctl3d32.dll sh31w32.dll rtw32s.lib mfc30.dll msvcrt20.dll %dA@] 1.30( CIM3MainClassa CompuServe Dialer! license.txt CompuServea 3.0.4% license.txt UI_UKLanguageChoice lan.txt lan.txt! Install_Mode @12001;1;255,0,255A @12004;1;255,0,255A @12002;1;255,0,255A Internet_Connection UI_Internet_Connection CServe.ini& Generala CserveR cs3\cs3.exe CServe.ini& ROOTR CServe.ini& ROOTR BrowserChoice UI_BrowserChoice msie302.lib netsc32.lib ie30_16.lib netscnt.lib msie2116.lib netsc16.lib Microsoft Internet Explorer 2j Netscape Navigator 2k I will use a browser I already have installed.2l I do not want to install a browser.2m I will use a browser I already have installed.2l I do not want to install a browser.2m Microsoft Internet Explorer 2j I will use a browser I already have installed.2l I do not want to install a browser.2m Netscape Navigator 2k I will use a browser I already have installed.2l I do not want to install a browser.2m CIS.DLL UI_Preinst_Browser_Path CIS.DLL CompuServe UI_Install_Directory os2-cim CompuServe CompuServe# UI_Program_Folder_Name Icon_Placement UI_Icon_Placement CompuServe$ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ CompuServe$ Install.Log CS30DeinstKeyA CS3.exeG CompuServea 3.0.4G uninst.dll CS30DeinstKeyb \Software\CompuServe\CompuServea RevisionA 3.0.0A Install.Log uninst.exea uninst.exe uninst.dlla uninst.dll, uninst16.exea uninst16.exe CompuServea 3.0.4 CompuServea 3.0.1 \Software\Classes\news\shell\open\commanda url.dll! \Software\Classes\news\shell\open\commanda CompuServe CompuServe cs3kit.exe MS Sans Serif setup.bmpR CompuServea Setup$ setup.bmp CompuServea 3.0.4# Offer=R signup.ini% Customa Offer-Codeb CIS.INI& Connectionsa User (%s)b CIS.INI' HMITimeout2 CIS.INI% HMITimeouta Connector (%s)b CIS.INI& WinsockToUseR Dial-Up Networking supporta CIS.INI% WinsockToUsea CIS.INI% WinsockToUsea ie95200d.dll dapasswd.dll dumpurl.txt fcim.dll% CIS.DLL CIS.DLL CS3.ini% Toolbara CS3.ini% Custom-Toolbar-Descriptionsa CS3.ini% Custom-Toolbar-Namesa CS3.ini% Configurationa CS3.ini% General Preferencesa ShowWhatsNewOnConnecta CS3.ini% Integer Featuresa HideWhatsNewa CS3.ini% Integer Featuresa DisplayWhatsNewBtnOnStatBara ie200w95.dll ie300w95.dll% dun.lib CIS.DLL CIS.DLL wsock32.dll wsock32.dll| 1996\02\15! 1995\07\11! 1995\08\24! wsock32.dll| dun.liba RNAFILES\WSOCK32.DLLA dun.liba RNAFILES\WSOCK32.DLLA wsock32.dll dunosr2.lib dunosr2.liba rnafiles\wsock32.dllA wsock32.oldx wsock32.dlla wsock32.old ReadMe.Wri ReadMe.Wria ReadMe.Wri! config.ini config.inia config.ini! custom.ico custom.ico% version.inf version.infa version.inf! cim.liba ras.liba cctn240c.dllA cim.liba UK\*.*A WBIN$ wbin.liba Scripts$ Install.Log Scripts% Install.Log *.dbb Scripts scripts.liba support.lib Support Places.Dat Favorite.Dat support.liba Places.DatA Places.Dat support.libb Weather.Dat support.liba Weather.DatA Quotes3.Dat Quotes.Dat support.liba Quotes3.DatA support.liba smmcct.scrA support.liba country.datA sound.lib Support sound.liba sound.liba UK\*.*A support.lib CS3\Signup support.liba Cntry.DatA CS3\Signup support.liba *.PHNA cs3.hl_ cs3.hl_a CS3.hlpA almanac.hl_ almanac.hl_a Almanac.HlpA gocserve.ex_ gocserve.ex_a GoCServe.exeA cid.lib CID32 wsock95.liba wsock95.lib, wsock31.lib cid.liba cid.lib cidsup.liba winsock.dll wsock32.dll mosaic netscape WinCIM Dial-Up Networking supporta rasapi32.dll accel.lib RASAPI32.DLL rnafiles accel.liba custom.ini' Setupa DialOnDemand2[ \.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settingsa EnableAutodialA \.Default\RemoteAccessa InternetProfileA \.Default\RemoteAccessa DefaultA rpa.lib rpa.liba rpa16.lib rpa16.liba CS3.ini WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& Active Sessiona ActiveR CS3.ini% Active Sessiona Activeb CIS.INI& InfoPlexa EnabledR CS3.ini% InfoPlexa Enabledb WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& InfoPlexa Use-IPX-For-MailR CS3.ini% Mail Preferencesa Use-IPX-For-Mailb WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& Mail Preferencesa Delete-Retrieved-MailR CS3.ini% Mail Preferencesa ShowOnlineMaila CS3.ini% Mail Preferencesa MailDispositiona CS3.ini% Mail Preferencesa MailDispositiona CS3.ini% Mail Preferencesa ShowOnlineMaila CServe.ini& Generala CserveR CServe.ini% Generala Cserveb CServe.ini% CS3.ini% CServe.ini% CIS.INI% CServe.ini% ROOTb win.ini% CS3.exe$ -ini% CS3.ini$ EXECUTABLEb win.ini% WINDOWa CIM3MainClass rtw32.lib rtw32.liba rtw32.lib rtw32.liba \95\*.*B ras.lib ras.liba rtw32.lib rtw32.liba \nt\*.*B ras.lib ras.liba cctn240c.dllB rtw32s.lib rtw32s.liba ras.lib ras.liba cctn240c.dllB Bitmaps? bitmaps.lib Bitmaps custom.inia Integer Featuresa CheckBitmapDir2| bitmaps.liba UK\*.*A bitmaps.liba rpa.lib( Dial-Up Networking supporta CIS.DLL CIS.DLL rasapi32.dll rnafiles% rnaplus.inf$ rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 b rpa.lib \SOFTWARE\CompuServe\SecurityProtocols\Distributed AuthenticationQ \SOFTWARE\CompuServe\SecurityProtocols\Distributed Authentication\Trusted Sitesa \SOFTWARE\CompuServe\SecurityProtocols\Distributed Authenticationa AuthorizeFilterA ie300w95.dll,DA_FilterA RPAKEY.DLL RPAKEY.DLL Dial-Up Networking supporta CS3.ini& Access_Infoa Session-NameR WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& Active Sessiona ActiveR CIS.INI& Network-1R CIS.INI& Phone-1R CSERVE.INI& Generala CSERVER WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& Active Sessiona ActiveR CSERVE WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& Active Sessiona ActiveR CIS.INI& Network-1R CIS.INI& Phone-1R ukcustom.ini, custom.ini InstallPhonea DefaultNumberR CIS.INI& ConnectorR CIS.INI& RNAPhonebookEntryR CIS.INI% RNAPhonebookEntryb! rnafiles cim.lib cim.lib! dialupnw.exe% support% smmcct.scr rnascrpt rnascrpt? rnafiles? dialupnw.exe inet16c.dll inetcfgc.dll, Microsoft Win32s a 1.30# w32s.liba setup.exe, Microsoft Internet Explorer a iexplore.ini% Viewersa application/x-internet-signupa iexplore.ini% Viewersa application/internet-signupa msie2116.liba setup.exe, Microsoft Internet Explorer a 3.02# CS3.ini% General Preferencesa IE3NT4a shdocvw.dll shdocvw.dll msie302.lib msie302.lib msie302.liba msie302.exe( /q:1 /r:n, Microsoft Internet Explorer a ie30_16.liba setup.exe, Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win3.1# netsc16.liba setup.exe, Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win95# netsc32.liba setup.exe, Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for NT# netscnt.liba setup.exe CompuServea 3.0.4# config.ini% Setupa bitmaps.lib config.ini% Integer Featuresa CheckBitmapDira config.ini% Integer Featuresa CheckBitmapDira config.ini% Signupa UseTAPILinea k.exeQ \software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runoncea CompuServe CSSETUP.EXE CS3KIT.EXE% CompuS~1.lnk Setup CompuServe.lnk CompuS~1.lnk CompuServe.lnk Setup CompuServe.lnk CompuS~1.lnk shdocvw.dll shdocvw.dll Information Microsoft Win32s a 1.30K Microsoft Win32s a 1.30K i3r251.exe i3r251.exe3 cs3inst.ini% Installa Reboota Microsoft Win32s a 1.30K WRITE.EXE% ReadMe.Wri CS3.exe Microsoft Internet Explorer a Microsoft Internet Explorer a Microsoft Internet Explorer a Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win95 Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for NT Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win3.1 Dial-Up Networking supporta Microsoft Internet Explorer a Microsoft Internet Explorer a Microsoft Internet Explorer a Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win95 Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for NT Netscape Navigator a 2.0 for Win3.1 w32s.lib Microsoft Win32s a 1.30L Dial-Up Networking supporta CS3\Signup Images Download FCabinet cid.lib CompuServe CompuServe CS3.exe% CS3.exe Program_Icon CompuServea +SGN% CompuServea 3.0.2 CompuServea 3.0.3 3.0.4a 3.0.4A CompuServea 3.0.4 WBIN% FCUtil32.exe WBIN: WBIN% FCLOAD32.EXE WBIN: Almanac.Hlp WINHELP.EXE b CID.EXE CompuServe Dialerb uninst16.exe uninst.exe uninst.dll -c"% uninst.dll$ ReadMe.Wri Write.exe b Microsoft Win32s a SETUP.EXE Microsoft Win32s a CompuServea 3.0.4 CompuServea 3.0.4 custom.ini cmd.exe, /c type % ukcustom.ini$ >> % config.ini$ /c type % custom.ini$ >> % config.ini$ rpa.lib rpa.lib% WinCIM FCabinet$ WinCIM% WinCIM.ini& General Preferencesa Filing-Cabinet-DirectoryR WBIN% fcload32.exe Microsoft Win32s a 1.30# CServe.ini& ROOTR CServe.ini& Generala CserveR win.ini& EXECUTABLER CServe CompuServe CServe WinCIM% WinCIM.exe wow.exe CServe wow.exe CServe% wow.exe Please select a destination directory, or, enter the name of a new directory. a For example, "$ cserve". WinCIM% WinCIM# WinCIM Information( . $ %s.%3.3db Internet Explorer iexplore.exe, Internet Explorer iexplore.exe, Netscape Navigator netscape.exe, win.ini& Netscapea netscape.ini! iexplore.ini& Viewersa application/x-internet-signupR isignup.exe %s! iexplore.ini& Viewersa application/internet-signupR isignup.exe %s! IExplore, NETSCAPE, iexplore! IExplore, netscape! NETSCAPE, Mosaic External Applications! CS3.ini& General Preferencesa UseExternalBrowserR CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ httpb CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ x-ihttpb CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ newsb CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ gopherb CIS.INI$ /SDDE$ /Service=$ fileb winnt.bad win95.bad win31.bad debug.flg TEMPR CISWork \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsb PathR mime.reg REGEDIT.EXE -sb externie.reg REGEDIT.EXE -sb raplayer.exe ramfilea raplayer.exe,0 ramfile\DefaultIcona raplayer.exe %1 ramfile\Shell\open\commanda msie302.lib \.Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Maina Start Page2 \.Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Maina Start PageA TYPE%dB iexplore.ini& Viewersb application/x-gocserve% iexplore.ini% Viewersb application/x-gocserve% iexplore.ini% Viewersb gocserve.exe %s% iexplore.ini% Suffixesb iexplore.ini% Encodingsb binary% iexplore.ini% MIME Descriptionsb Go Cserve% iexplore.ini% SDI_Viewersb iexplore.ini% HowToPresentb iexplore.ini% SafeToOpena gocservea gocserveA wcexit.wavA wcstart.wavA wcgetmai.wavA wcinvite.wavA wcformes.wavA wcinact.wavA wcasyn.wavA wcclick.wavA wcclick.wavA \AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\CompuServe 3\a \AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\CompuServe 3\b \.Current% Support% Support% \Control Panel\Soundsb win.ini% Support% Soundsb WINSOCK.DLL WSOCK32.DLL 1996\05\06! 1995\11\28! 1995\10\03! 1995\04\04! 1995\08\16! 1995\08\02! 1995\09\05! 1995\09\08! 1995\09\11! 1995\09\15! 1995\11\10! 1996\05\06! CUSTOM1a _isres.dllA CUSTOM1! CUSTOM1Ae CUSTOM1Af CUSTOM1B CUSTOM1Af CUSTOM1 CUSTOM1/ CUSTOM1Ah CUSTOM1Af CUSTOM1Ai CUSTOM1Af CS3.exe cid.lib cs3.hl_ almanac.hl_ w32s.lib cs3inst.ini% Installa Statusa CompuServe\CSSETUP.EXE /CS3 /COMPLETED:%dB CompuServe\CSSETUP.EXE3 cs3inst.ini% Installa Statusa SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ReadMe.Wri3 WRITE.EXEb ResultA Configuring Dial-up Networking... inetcfg.dll! inetcfg.dll" Configuring Dial-up Scripting... \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CISPPPa PathA smmccta.dllA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CISPPPa DescA CISPPP: PPP connection using CompuServe networksA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CISPPPa UsageA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CISPPPa OptionsA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CISPPPa ProtocolsA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOncea ZZZ_CISPPP_SETUPA rundll32.exe smmsetup.dll,SMM_Setup /a PPPMAC CISPPPA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Mstcp\Parameters\Winsocka HelperDllName2 wsock32.dllR wsock32.dllQ \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Mstcp\Parameters\Winsocka HelperDllNameA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Mstcp\ServiceProvidera ProviderPath2 wsock32.dllR wsock32.dllQ \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Mstcp\ServiceProvidera ProviderPathA servtyp.exeQ \software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runoncea zzz_servtypA control.exea modem.cpl,,ADDA inetcfg.dll! inetcfg.dll" \Software\CompuServe\Installed Connectoida NameA -u -l"$ \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Modem\Enum, \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Modem Count2 \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTransd DriverDesc2 TCP/IP( ie3rpa.iss ie3rpa.iss% AskDestPath-0a szPathb ie3rpa.ins% ie3rpa.iss$ -s -f1b vkreboot.txt Location0 telephon.ini& Locationsb "800"! "000" telephon.ini% Locationsb Locationb unInstallShield SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALLb UninstallString2 NONE( UninstallStringB sdCustomLicense! ResultA ResultA config.ini Custom Offer-Code MEMPHIS97! OEMSR397! csinfo.ini OTHER CIS.DLL CIS.DLL 95Gold 95OSR2 NT351 custom.ini& Setupa Required_OSR Start New Mail Invitation New Forum Messages Received Talk Host Message Button Down Button Up CS3 Connection Select Installation Type Are you installing this software on a: Stand Alone PC PC Connected to a Local Area Network Please read the following instructions concerning installation on a networked system. Click the "Next" button to continue the installation.$ This version of Internet Explorer is already on your system. Would you like to reinstall? This software does not support beta versions of NT4. a' Please update NT4 to the final release. Setup was unable to determine the version of Windows a7 that is currently in use. If you continue installation $ some features may not be installed or may not work $ properly. Do you wish to continue the installation? Couldn't verify Windows version...$ CompuServea# cannot be run under Windows 3.0. Installation cannot continue. Installation cannot continue...$ CompuServea& cannot be run under Windows NT 3.5. Please upgrade to NT 3.51 before continuing. CompuServea 3.0.4$ requires Win32s V$ 1.30$ which cannot be installed under the version $ of OS/2 that you are running. Contact your IBM service $ representative for information regarding the use of Win32s $ under WIN-OS2. WIN-OS2 detected...$ CompuServea 3.0.4$ requires Win32s V$ 1.30$ . While you can install the base $ CompuServe$ product, it will not run without Win32s services of the $ proper level. Contact your IBM service representative $ for information regarding the use of Win32s under WIN-OS2. Setup was unable to create temporary storage a* for the installation. Setup will now exit. Not enough disk space$ There is not enough free space on your hard drive that contains the Windows directory to install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ requires bytes of space on the hard drive that contains the Windows directory.$ There is not enough free space on your hard drive for temporary files to be copied. Please check that the location where your TEMP environment $ variable points to has at least bytes free, and then re-install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Installation cannot continue while a CompuServe$ and the $ CompuServe Dialer$ are running. Please close $ CompuServe$ and the $ CompuServe Dialer$ , and run Setup again. Installation cannot continue while a CompuServe$ is running. Please close $ CompuServe$ and run Setup again. Installation cannot continue while the a CompuServe Dialer$ is running. Please close the $ CompuServe Dialer$ and run Setup again. CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ will install its most common features for you. (Recommended for users connecting via a modem). You will be asked to choose the drive, directory, and program folder where you want to install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ . You can also choose your Internet connection type.(Recommended for users connecting via a LAN or another Internet Service Provider). Things you should know before you run a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Welcome$ Welcome to a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Installation !$ Please click on a button to choose how you would like to install $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Microsoft's Dial-up Networking will allow your modem a to connect to CSi. Select "Use Dial-up Networking" if you use a modem or are currently using the CompuServe Internet Dialer to connect to CSi and the Internet.$ Select "Use Existing Internet Connection" if you already have an Internet connection $ that you want to continue using, such as a LAN connection or a separate Internet Service Provider.$ If you use the CompuServe Internet Dialer, choose "Use Dial-up Networking". Use Dial-up Networking Use Existing Internet Connection$ CompuServea 3.0.4$ has Internet browser functions built in. In addition, you can choose one of the following stand-alone browsers. Please indicate your choice. Error: CIS.DLL failed to load!$ There is not enough free space on your hard drive to install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ requires about Mb of hard drive space to install. If you have space on another hard drive,aO please choose that drive on the next screen. If this is your only hard drive,$ you will need to delete some files before $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ can be installed. Warning: The OS/2 CIM filing cabinet will not be accessible if you install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ to this location. Are you sure you wish to install to this location? Setup was unable to create directories required a for the installation of $ CompuServe$ Insure that you have write access to the target $ drive and directory. CompuServea Folder Selection Place a icon on my icon in my Start Menu. Setup will add a $ program icon onto your desktop and Start Menu. a0 You may elect to not have these icons created. $ Click Next to continue. Installation complete. Continue Setup?$ Setup is not complete. If you quit the Setup program now, a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ will not be installed. You may run the Setup program at a later time to complete the installation. Do you wish to continue installing $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ CompuServea Setup This program requires VGA or better resolution.$ CompuServea) allows you to view high color graphics. $ These graphics are best viewed when your Windows system $ is configured for 256 or more colors. Contact your video $ card or computer vendor for information on increasing the $ number of colors available to Windows applications. Color configuration information Preparing for Installation... Copying readme file... Copying program files... Copying filing cabinet utilities... Backing up script files... Copying script files... Copying support files... Copying sounds... Copying country list... Copying phone files... Copying help files...$ Copying a CompuServe Dialer$ files... Copying Dial-Up Networking files... Copying runtime files... Copying graphics... Copying setup files... Configuring Dial-Up Networking...$ Unable to complete connectivity install. a0 One of the following items failed to install: 1) Dial-Up Networking 2) Dial-Up Adapter (Control Panel/Network) 3) TCP/IP Protocol (Control Panel/Network) 4) Modem device driver (Control Panel/Modem) Please reboot, then try re-installing $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Insert CompuServe CD Please insert the CompuServe CD into your CD-ROM drive.$ Unable to install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ phone book entry. Unable to install dialup scripting. Configuring 32-bit Virtual Key... Please be patient. Failed to install Virtual Key.$ Unable to create a directory under b . Please check write access $ to this directory. Unable to find file in packing list Unable to find target file in compressed library Please insert disk #%d Target directory is read-only$ General file transfer error. a& Please check your target location and $ try again. Error Number: CompuServe must be installed before DialUp Networking's installation a/ can complete successfully. Setup will now exit. You have chosen not to install Microsoft's Internet Explorer. a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ requires an Internet browser to be installed and $ configured in order to properly view all CompuServe and Internet content.$ For seamless viewing of CompuServe and Internet content within the $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ program, Microsoft's Internet Explorer must be installed. To install Microsoft's Internet Explorer, $ select "Cancel" to exit the setup of $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Please re-start the setup and select "Agree" to Microsoft's Internet Explorer agreement terms.$ If you choose to view Internet content seperate from the $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ program, select "OK" to proceed with the $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ installation.$ After $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ is installed, you must configure an external Internet browser $ by selecting the "Access" pulldown menu and choosing "Preferences". $ Next, choose the "General" tab. Enter the path and file name for your external browser choice. Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart $ your system at this time. CompuServea 3.0.4$ has successfully been installed on your computer in the directory. A program folder named $ has also been created and includes shortcuts to a CompuServe$ components installed. Windows Windows NT desktop.$ Setup is complete. Please note that a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ requires Win32s to be installed. If you do not want to install Win32s at this time, $ uncheck the Win32s option below. $ CompuServe$ will $ not run if Win32s is not properly installed. Yes, I want to install Win32s now$ Start a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ To complete the installation process, a" you need to restart your computer. Please save any open files you were working on and close any a$ open applications before restarting. Setup was unable to restart Windows. You must close a6 all running applications and manually restart Windows. Remember, you must restart Windows before a& attempting to use the installed items. Creating Program Group and Icons.... Sign Me Up Filing Cabinet Utility Filing Cabinet Conversion Utility CompuServe Directory Uninstall Readme File installation is about to begin. Converting filing cabinet... Now installing . Please be patient.$ Please enter the location where you would like to install a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ . You can type a new drive and $ directory name or click on the BROWSE button to find a new location. A previous version of WinCIM was found in the $ directory. WinCIM and a CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ can coexist in the same directory. $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ will not overwrite any of your WinCIM files. $ Do you want to install $ CompuServe$ 3.0.4$ Found WinCIM... Could not create directory Setup was unable to create $ Verify that you have read and write access to a the above destination. Renaming files Do you want to rename was renamed to could not be renamed to Installation began at: Installation completed at: