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There is no standard Compliance Agreement, but here is a suggestion for typical scope and wording, for which MST, Twenty First+Aid or the publishers take no responsibility whatsoever.

This Compliance Agreement may be used by a Licensee of Software or computer Systems from a Licensor of such Software or Computer systems. It may be freely copied and adapted, and is worded as follows:


This Compliance Agreement is made this ................ day of ...................... 19 ....... between .............................................. on the one part, hereinafter called the "Licensee", and ........................................... on the other part, hereinafter called the "Licensor".


Whereas, the Licensor and the Licensee are the parties to a signed and valid Software License Agreement dated ...................... 19 ....... , hereinafter called the "License Agreement"; and

Whereas, the Licensee requests that the Licensor provides additional warranties regarding the Software and/or System that are subject to the License Agreement, hereinafter called the "Software" or "System", particularly regarding Year 2000 Compliance as defined below; and

Whereas, the Licensor is willing to provide these requested warranties on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

Now, therefore, in consideration of these Recitals, the continuation of the relationship between the Licensor and the Licensee, the mutual promises and agreements set out in the License Agreement, and herein, and for the sum of ................................. , the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

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