Virtual Mailboxes

You can create as many virtual mail boxes as you like regardless of the number of licenses that you have purchased. A Virtual mailbox is exactly the same as a normal MS Exchange user mailbox except you can't log in as a virtual mailbox from MS Exchange. You can however forward mail sent to a virtual mailbox to a real MS Exchange user mailbox.

For example, suppose you were called John and you had an address and suppose decided that you wanted to set up a mailbox for your customers to send enquiries to but ultimately you would be the person to read mail coming into this mail box. The solution would be to set up a virtual mailbox called enquiries and have all the mail sent to this mailbox forwarded to the MS Exchange mailbox john. For more information see Forwarding a User's Mail later in this section.

Address tab

The Address page lets you specify a mailbox name for the user. Normally, the mailbox name, together with the Workgroup address, go towards defining a users e-mail address. For example, if the workgroup node name was and the user Simon Bates has a mailbox name stb then Simon Bates's e-mail address will be

Index Users with Domain names