
Online Help is available throughout all the modes in OfficeTalk. If you have tried all the Help Files and you still have further questions please contact our support team by phone, fax or E-mail.

Technical support is available upon payment of a charge equivalent to 10% of your total licensed user base (minimum £70.00 plus VAT), payable on an annual basis. Single user support is charged at £35.00 pa plus VAT.

When asking for Technical Support please have these details available:

Phone us on 0181 423 9434 and ask for Technical Support.

Fax us on 0181 423 9438.

CompuServe Mail us on 70630,2351

E-Mail us over the Internet on

Visit our web site at

Training and Seminars

Many of our customers are benefiting from training. We run courses both here at Bydell House and at our customer's premises, dependent on the requirement. Please call our Customer Service Team on 0181 423 9434 or fax us on 0181 423 9438 or email


Additional manuals are available for just £8.50.

Index OfficeTalk Users