Antivirus System AVG version 4.1 file README.TXT Files checklist After installation the following files will appear in the AVG directory: AVG.EXE Program for MS-DOS environment AVGW.EXE Program for MS WINDOWS environment AVGW32.EXE Program for MS WINDOWS 95 environment AVGSYS.EXE Resident driver AVGWD.VXD Virtual driver for Windows 95 AVGSYSW.EXE Resident driver for WINDOWS AVG.AVI Data file AVG.AVH Data file AVG.AVF Data file AVG.HLP Dos help file AVGW.HLP Windows help file AVG.HFL Heuristic analysis flags description file VIRINF_W.HLP Virus description file for DOS VIRINF_HLP Virus description file for WINDOWS SETSYS.EXE Utility for reconfiguring AVGSYS.EXE UNDO.COM Utility for restoring system areas MANAVF.EXE Program for external validation In subdirectory \TEXT are installed the following files: README.TXT This file TROBLSHT.TXT Description and solution of most frequent problems UPDATE.TXT Description of principals of system AVG Update ADDINF.TXT Additional information for system AVG 4.1 SETSYS.TXT Description of program SETSYS.EXE UNDO.TXT Description of program UNDO.COM Libraries *.DLL During installation two files (libraries) were copied in to the directory WINDOWS\SYSTEM BWCC.DLL CTL3DV2.DLL Users registration Please do not forget to complete and send off the registration card. The following is available to registered users only: FREE support FREE monthly Updates Discounts on Upgrades Diskette service End of file README.EXE