Intended Audience

This book is intended for all users planning to create Jamba applications. Prior knowledge of a programming language is not necessary. Familiarity with basic Windowing skills is assumed.

How to Use this Book

The chapters in the Jamba Manual will help you learn about the following:

Jamba Basics

Chapters 1 through 4 describe the fundamental skills you need to work with Jamba. Skills include:

Jamba Reference

Chapters 5 through 8 provide reference material on the following Jamba features :

Documentation Conventions

This book uses the following conventions:

Convention Meaning
italic Italic type is used for emphasis of a crucial word or phrase.
bold Bold type is used to introduce a new term. A bolded term also appears in the glossary.
ALL HELVETICA UPPERCASE All uppercase letters in the Arial font indicate a Directory name, filename, file extension, or file filter. Example: APP.JMB
Small Uppercase Small uppercase type is used for the names of keys on the keyboard. Example: the Return key.
Note: A note contains information that might be of special importance to some users.
Important: An important note contains information that is essential to successful authoring.
Marks the beginning of a procedure.
  • Bold
In a lesson, denotes a required step.

Windowing Conventions

In order to use Jamba you must be familiar with basic windowing skills. Use this conventions section for a quick review. If you are new to the your windowing environment be sure to spend some time reviewing the documentation that accompanies it.

The Mouse

The following terms describe different ways to use the mouse:

Term Meaning
Click To quickly press and release the mouse button.
Double-click To click the mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Drag To hold down the mouse button while you slide the mouse.
Point To slide the mouse until the mouse pointer rests on the item of choice.
Press Hold down the mouse button.


Jamba menus use the following Windows conventions:

Convention Meaning
A grayed command The command is currently unavailable.
An ellipsis (...) after the command A dialog box appears when the command is chosen.
A key combination after the command This is the keyboard shortcut for the corresponding command.
A triangle () to the right of a command. The command leads to another menu that lists additional commands.

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