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Window Menu



Split Changes the cursor into a splitter and automatically positions the cursor on the vertical bar that separates the two main parts of the Page Layout Editor. Drag the bar to the left or right to change the size of the window panes.
Open Background Opens a window that contains the background that is associated with the current page. Note that this command is only available if you have previously associated a background.
Cascade Rearranges the open windows so that they overlap and each title bar is visible.
Tile Horizontal Rearranges the open windows horizontally so that all are visible in the work space.
Tile Vertical Rearranges the open windows vertically so that all are visible in the work space.
Close All Closes all of the open windows. You are also prompted to save unsaved changes.
Open Window List Displays a list of the opened windows. Select from the list to immediately open a window.

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