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File Menu





Displays the New Project dialog box which lets you start a new project.

Name - Enter the name of the project file. By default, this is also the name of the project directory.

Directory - As you enter a project name, the same name is appended to the end of the project directory path. Optionally, you can edit the directory path by either typing or clicking the "..." button.

Page Size - Use the Width and Height fields to specify the size of the page(or pages) your application will use. These settings control the amount of work space available in Jamba's Page Layout Editor as well as the size of the window that the completed application runs in.

Hint: To change the page size for an existing project, use the Settings... command in the Project menu.

When you click on OK, Jamba creates a directory structure off of this main directory. You will use the subdirectories that are created to store the files used by your application.


Opens an existing project.


Closes the active project or page.
Save Saves an existing project with the same name.

Save As...

Allows you to save and rename an existing . jmb file with a different name into the same directory. This command can also invoke the Copy Project Wizard, which can copy your entire project.
Save All Saves the open project and all pages.
Properties Shows the Properties dialog box that allows you to set basic properties of the active project. Most of these options are for the project creator's informational use.

Summary tab

Application - This is an informational field, stating which application you are using with the active project.

Author - This option lets you state who the author of the project is.

Comments - This option lets you enter informational notes about the project.

Title - This option lets you enter a name for the project.

Subject - Like the Comments field, this option lets you enter notes for the project.

Statistics tab

The statistics tab has information that is all system generated, and includes information on who saved the project last, the revision number, the total editing time, the last time it was printed, who created the project, when it was last saved, and the total number of pages.

Print Preview Allows you to preview what the page will look like when printed.
Print... Allows you to print pages in the current file.
Recent File Displays a list of the most recently opened files. Select from the list to immediately open a file.
Exit Exits and closes Jamba. Prompts you to save unsaved changes before quitting.

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