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New Pages

You can add two types of pages to your applications: standard pages (like the StartPage), and background pages. You can also add a standard or background page using a template. (Refer to the section entitled "Working with Pages" at the end of this chapter for more information on templates.)

Adding a Standard Page

There are three ways to add a standard page to your project. The quickest way is to use the New Page button in the toolbar. You can also use the New Page command in the Project menu. The third way is to use the Page Wizard. The Page Wizard lets you name the page at the time of creation, while in the other two methods, the page is given a default name of Page1, Page2 and so on. If you want to change the default name, you have to reset the page's Name property.

If you add a page while the Project window is active, you will see the new page added to the end of the standard pages in the page list. If you add a page while the Page Layout Editor is active, a new, blank page appears in the editor window.

To add a new standard page:



The Page Wizard appears. Use the first screen in the wizard to specify that you want to create a new page. Subsequently, the wizard lets you name the new page, and optionally specify a Background page to associate with the new page. As soon as you click on Finish, the wizard creates the new page.

Adding a Background Page

There are three ways to add a background page to your project. The quickest way is to use the New Background Page button in the toolbar. You can also use the New Background command in the Project menu. The third way is to use the Page Wizard. The Page Wizard lets you name the background at the time of creation, while in the other two methods, the page is given a default name of Background1, Background2 and so on. If you want to change the default name, you have to reset the page's Name property.

If you add a background page while the Project window is active, you will see the new page added to the end of the Background pages at the bottom of the page list. If you add a page while the Page Layout Editor is active, a new, blank page appears in the editor window.

To add a new background page, use one of these three possible methods:



The Page Wizard appears. Use the first screen in the wizard to specify that you want to create a new background page. Subsequently, the wizard lets you name the new page and creates it as soon as you click on Finish.

Importing an Existing Page

In some situations, you may want to import a standard or background page from another .jmb file into your currently open project. Use the Page Wizard to import pages.

To import an existing page

1. Click on the Page Wizard button.

The Page Wizard appears, displaying the following options.

2. Click on the "Import a page from a file" option and click on Next.

The following fields appear.

3. In the top field, click on the "..." button to display an Open dialog box.

4. Use the Open dialog box to search for the desired .jmb file.

5. Click on Open to remove the Open dialog box.

The bottom field in the wizard is enabled. The drop-down list box now contains the names of all the pages in the selected file.

6. Use the bottom field in the wizard to select the page to import.

7. Click on the Next button.

A screen appears that allows you to specify a new name for the page you are importing.

You can rename the page as desired or use the existing name. However, note Jamba will not let you import a page with a name that is already in use in the current project.

8. Click on the Finish button.

The page is imported and added to the end of the list of standard or background pages, depending on the type of page you imported.

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