Release Notes for WinDelete v2.0c December 1995 ====================================================================== This document contains last minute information and corrections to the user manual. Print a copy of this file and keep it with your user manual for reference. ====================================================================== Windows 95 Notes: ================= All WinDelete features are supported in Windows 95 with one exception: The swapfile size is not included in the system resources section of System Tuner. Uninstall Notes: ================ 1. WinDelete v2.0 provides the option to backup and restore the last files or applications removed from your system. If the option to make a compressed backup is checked in the Confirm Uninstall dialog box, any previously backed -up files will be overwritten. 2. When using the Make Compressed Backup Option to back up an application which you plan to restore later, all files in the upper (green) and lower (yellow) tab dialog boxes should be selected. Removing an application by the Express Method (see chapter 4 of the user manual) will only remove the contents of the upper dialog, and will not guarantee that the application will be restored correctly. 3. If an installation adds an item to the startup group as well as the primary application group, WinDelete will do a more thorough job of removing that application if the item in the startup group is removed first. System Tuner: ============= The Integrity Check performed by System Tuner now includes a scan for Invalid Icons. These are icons that no longer reference a valid program. This feature was not included in the user manual or the Help file. System Consultant: ================== The System Consultant does not report processor speed as stated in the manual. Program Manager Addition: ========================= During installation of WinDelete v2.0 you are given an option to add the ability to install software using WinDelete to the File | Run dialog box of Windows Program Manager or Windows 95 shell. Adding this option places the following string of characters in the WIN.INI LOAD= statement: LOAD=... C:\IMSI\WINDEL2\PMWIN.EXE .... (this is the default installation path of PMWIN.EXE) To permanently disable this feature, you must remove the above section of the LOAD= statement from the [Windows] section of WIN.INI and then restart Windows. Do not remove the entire LOAD= line - just the path to PMWIN.EXE, there may be other characters in the LOAD= statement which should not be removed. Strings must be separated from one another by a space as shown above. To restore this option, simply replace the string in the LOAD= statement. .WAV Files: =========== WinDelete v2.0 has the ability to play .WAV files when starting or exiting the program. To have WinDelete v2.0 play these files, you should copy them into the WinDelete directory and rename them WDSTART.WAV and WDFINISH.WAV. You must have a sound driver installed to use this feature. Installation Instructions : =========================== Failure to do the following can or will corrupt files or cause erratic operation of the software. · Close down all TSR’s etc. auto started in the Autoexec.bat file, (Norton’s, etc.) · Disable any energy compliant facilities, (if you are unsure please check with your Hardware supplier) · Close down the Windows Tool Bar (as per in Microsoft’s instructions.) · Disable all Screen Savers and special pointers like ‘X’ Files in Windows. · Turn off disk compression Now restart your computer. You are now ready to install software. 1. Insert CD or floppy disk into drive x: 2. Choose file (in Windows 3.1x) or start (in Windows 95), then select RUN. 3. Type x:\install, substituting your drive letter for X: