302 Setup Template 303 The specified path does not exist. Do you wish to create the directory ? 317 Copying %s 319 Setup option: %s 329 disks 332 files 354 progman.groups 359 Insufficient disk space; exit Setup and delete one or more files to increase available disk space.\n 372 Cannot find the SETUP.INF file necessary to run Setup; check to ensure that the file is on the default path. 393 Insufficient memory to run Setup; close one or more Windows applications to increase available memory and try again. 431 Building Program Manager Groups... 432 %s setup is not yet complete.\nAre you sure you want to exit Setup ? 433 Setup Error 434 needed.space.minspace 436 setup.inf 437 data.defdir 438 %s setup complete. 439 The setup information on the disk is not compatible. 440 data.shortname 441 data.group 20000 DOS Error #%d 20002 File not found; unable to copy file 20003 Path not found; unable to copy file 20004 Too many open files 20005 Access denied; unable to copy file 20008 Insufficient memory 20015 Disk drive invalid 20029 Write error; unable to copy file 20032 Network error; unable to copy file 20033 The destination directory is the same as the current directory. Please choose a different directory. 20034 Do you want Setup to add Ameol to Program Manager ?