Pressworks 2 for Windows .INI file ================================== Pressworks 2 maintains its settings from session to session in a Windows .INI file called PRESSWK2.INI. This file is located in your WINDOWS directory, or if you are running Pressworks 2 from a network, it may be located in your HOME directory. The PRESSWK2.INI file has many settings that you MUST NOT edit. However, there are three settings detailed below that you may find useful to change. All three settings are located in the [general defaults] section of the file. standard_open_file=yes/no (default setting is "no") ========================================================= The Open command in the File menu of Pressworks 2 displays the Open an Existing File tab of the Startup Options dialog. This tab displays the last 20 Pressworks documents on which you have worked. If the document you want to open is not listed, you can display the standard Open Document dialog by clicking on the Browse button. The Open command in previous versions of Pressworks took you straight to the standard Open Document dialog. If you want the Pressworks 2 Open command to bypass the Startup Options dialog and go straight to the Open Document dialog, change the standard_open_file setting to "yes". booklet_clipping=no/yes (default setting is "yes") ========================================================== When you print a booklet, any frames overlapping the page boundaries are clipped. You can stop this from happening by changing the booklet_clipping setting to "no". This is useful if you want to have a frame running across the centre spread of your booklet, eg. containing an eye-catching PowerText headline. (The on screen display will still be clipped, but when you print your booklet the frame will run across the centre pages.) NOTE: Because of the page ordering, it is only useful to change this setting to "no" for the centre spread (the centre has two consecutive pages on the same sheet of paper). newspaper_breaks=no/yes (default setting is "yes") ========================================================== When you flow text around complex shapes, eg. a detailed piece of clipart, the text frame can become so narrow that words cannot be hyphenated correctly, leaving large vertical spaces in the frame. This is because Pressworks 2 will only split a word at the correct hyphenation point. In newspapers it is common to split words at non-hyphen points to make the document more visually appealing. If you want Pressworks 2 to split words at non-hyphen points when used in a narrow frame, change the newspaper_breaks setting to "no". NOTE: Splitting words at non-hyphen points makes the text harder to read. `Newspaper breaks' can also be enabled on a paragraph style or paragraph basis for non-justified text by setting the Hyphenation Hot Zone (on the Spacing dialog) to zero. remap_zero_width_chars=no/yes (default setting is "yes") ========================================================== Many older 'caps only' fonts have zero width characters in place of their lower case characters. By default, Pressworks 2 attempts to remap these zero width characters to upper case. However, some special fonts (eg. Sanskritpc) contain characters of zero width which display on top of the previous character. To make Pressworks 2 display or print these special fonts correctly, change the remap_zero_width_chars setting to "no". Editing the PRESSWK2.INI file ============================== If you DO edit the PRESSWK2.INI file, follow the steps below to edit the file safely: 1. Using DOS or Windows File Manager, make a copy of PRESSWK2.INI before you amend it. This ensures that if you make a mistake when editing the file, you can use the original file again. 2. Open PRESSWK2.INI in a Windows text editor such as Notepad. 3. Scroll to the entries that you need to edit and make the edits you require. 4. Save PRESSWK2.INI Now run Pressworks again. If Pressworks was already running, close and restart it. The new information that you have added to PRESSWK2.INI will be used. If you experience any difficulties when using the amended PRESSWK2.INI file, use the original PRESSWK2.INI file again and contact Softline for advise. NOTE: If all else fails, delete the PRESSWK2.INI file. When you next run Pressworks a new .INI file will be created with the default settings.