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"Hey, the check's in the mail."

"Honey, you look great in a blue plaid mini skirt."

"Yes, officer, I only helped her with her Physics homework."

Admit it, you do it. We all do it. We love to do it. We want to do it. We have to do it. Lying is just naturally part of our human instinct to avoid trouble and messy confrontations. But some are better at it than others. Why you ask? Because if everyone was an expert at twisting the truth, we'd all have our own talk show on TV.

Directions: Check the best answer to each of the following questions.

Questions Answers

1. Which lie would you believe more?

"I did not have sex with that woman...Miss Lewinsky."
"I did not inhale."

2. If someone asked you to look them in the eye and tell them the truth, where would you look other than that person's eyes if you were really lying?

The fly on the front of their pants.
Their eyebrows.
Their nostrils.

3. If you could only choose one of the following, which would be your ultimate career goal in life?

Used car salesman.
Stockbroker for Microsoft.
Cigarette factory supervisor.

4.You're sitting in History class. The teacher walks up to your desk and asks you for your homework. How do you respond?

"My dog ate it, but I brought what he left behind."
"My dog ate it, and now he's dead. Why do you torture me so?!?"
"My dog ate it, but his surgeon says it'll be on your desk at 3 o'clock sharp."

5. Which lie do you think you could get away with the easiest?

"Hey, I didn't know they were 15."
"Hey, I didn't know they were high school freshmen."
"Hey, I didn't know they were kids."


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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Polygraph Technician: Danny Gallagher
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused