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Capri Pants:
Work of the Devil or Fashion Statement?

Hey everyone, welcome to the Fashion File with your host, the Fashion Diva. Here's the plan: every week I tell you my humble and honest opinion about certain fashions that are currently "trendy" and even not "in", and you can tell me what you think! Sound good? Ok, let's begin.

The first article of clothing in the fashion file is one so horrible that it should never have been revived from the 50's: Capri Pants. For those of you that may not know what they are yet, capri pants are usually SKIN-TIGHT, and end at the knees, revealing skin from the knees down. I honestly have no idea who came up with the idea to resurrect such a hideous and grotesque piece of clothing. My theory is that someone watched a little too much "Married....With Children" and decided that Peg Bundy's fashions should be in style.

The reason why I have such strong opinions against capri pants are because they don't look attractive on anyone. They expand the thighs, thus making them look huge, and make the calf muscles that are exposed look like legs you'd find on a chicken. Also, I don't know of any guys that find capri pants attractive. They don't expose anything that would be remotely physically interesting.

They aren't even whole pants, either. I mean, the flairs a few years ago were bad enough (just wait a few weeks, and we'll get to that), but every time I see a woman wearing these pants, I always must say "expecting a flood, are we?" (I've received many 'ugh's from women, but hey, those are my opinions and if they're going to wear them, I should be able to have just as much right to make fun of them).

I've seen men wear capri pants, too, and while the men look a lot better than women, their thighs look huge, as well (and not in a good way). I've had women say "they're cute!" in response to the pants from hell and I look at them and say "they're ugly!".

I have a challenge for anyone that disagrees with me out there, and that is to find one good redeeming quality about capri pants. I will not accept answers like "well, it's too hot to wear pants" because there are always more fashionable and more attractive (and much more interesting) ways to keep cool. Miniskirts are IN. Long skirts are IN. Shorts, provided they're the right cut and style, are IN. I will also not accept such an answer as "everyone else is wearing them" because I absolutely have a total disregard for such statements.

I really don't like it when people think that they can be an individual and be unique by looking like everyone else. I don't mean to turn into a freak, or to make yourself different, but having your own style and wearing interesting outfits while being able to show what's on the inside is extremely important. In short, I don't feel that capri pants are attractive on anyone and I would like everyone's opinion as to whether they agree or disagree.


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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused