Off Centre

The creative process is hardly a pure science. Sometimes we throw a lot of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Before we found our niche as the "Ultimate Guide to Wasting Time", we tried developing a few other sites that didn't work out so well. We preserve them here for your amusement.

The Centre for the Easily Abused

The Centre for the Easily Chewed

The Centre for the Easily Refused

The Centre for the Easily Confused

The Centre for the Easily Accused

The Centre for the Easily Skewed

The Centre for the Easily Defused

The Centre for the Easily Perused

The Centre for the Easily Enthused

To C*E*A Home Page

Last Updated: 6/15/98
Thanks to Paul Tate at Stairwell Studios
for making this a reality!
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
± copyright 1995-98 Centre for the Easily Amused