Count Floyd's Movie News

The Morgue

Issue #15 ~ September 2, 1998

This page is dedicated to bringing you the latest in movie news hosted by the best character on SCTV (in this fan's opinion), played by the excellent Joe Flaherty.

AAAAaaawwoooo! I bid you....welcome to issue #15 of Count Floyd`s Movie News. As you know, the old Count likes to fly over to his favorite theater here in Mellonville called The Odious. I happened to catch the midnight performance of "Halloween: H2O". Did I say "Halloween: H2O"? It's more like "Halloween: H2SO4". The film is set 20 years after the events in the original film occured. To those few who haven't seen the groundbreaking original film I'll fill you in on the story.

The original movie opens with a 6-year-old boy killing an older sister with a huge kitchen knife. He ends up in an insane asylum from which he escapes 15 years later. Here he attacks a multitude of unsuspecting kids and has a final standoff with his his surviving sister, played by Jamie Lee Curtis. This newest film flashes forward from that point 20 years.

We find that Laurie Strode, played by Curtis, has changed her name and is teaching at an exclusive private school. Her 17-year-old son John also attends school here and they have the typical mother-son turbulent relationship. As Halloween nears, Jamie Lee Curtis is getting more and more spooked by visions and dreams of Michael Myers. Some of the kids, including her son, are not allowed to attend a school campout so they decide to have a private Halloween party instead while the other students and most of the teachers have vacated the premises. The only adults left are Curtis and the headmaster and new boyfriend played by Adam Arkin. Of course, Michael Myers is seen lurking around in the shadows but the real film does not begin for 1 hour and 15 minutes (I know because I checked my watch, which is not a good sign). The last 20 minutes has the suspense that the rest of the film so dearly needed.

It was cool to see Jamie Lee Curtis's mom Janet Leigh on the screen in a bit part. Janet Leigh is the actress who was killed in that unforgetable shower scene in "Psycho" (eeh,eeh,eeh,eeh). "Halloween H2O" was filled with way too many false moments of terror. The kind of false moments that happen when an actress walks backwards and bumps into a friend. The orchestra then plays a loud note as if they've just been notified their union dues have just been increased. The film was directed by Steve Minor who has directed such films as: Friday the 13th Parts 2 & 3, Soul Man, Warlock and others. If you go take your gas mask along because you'll need it for the first 2/3's of the film.

Speaking of gas masks, is that the movie news I smell?

Count Floyd's Video Dungeon

I recently saw Jungle 2 Jungle, the story of a father who meets his 13-year-old son for the first time. The kicker is the son lives with his mother in the Amazon jungle. The father, played by Tim Allen, travels to the jungle to get his estranged wife to sign divorce papers because he wants to marry a cutie pie back in the States. The estranged wife, played by Jo Beth Williams, intoduces the father to the son. Tim Allen had no idea he even had a son because the wife left years ago to do field work in said jungle. The boy is named Mimi-Siku and is played by Sam Huntington. Here is a note to any expecting parents out there: try not to name your son Mimi-Anything. I don't care where you live. Anyway, the father takes his son to the U.S. and all sorts of fish out of water things occur. The boy has a pet tarantula spider which is good for a few laughs. He also has a blow gun with sleep inducing darts which is trotted out when the going gets slow. The going gets slow a lot in this picture. The film was directed by John Pasquin and was based on a French film called "Little Indian/Big City" made in 1996. It's a safe film to show the kids but there is little substance for the adult mind. Usually I say run out and rent a video but in this case I recommend you wait until it comes out on commercial television. It may be worth seeing for free. Barely.

Scary Scary Trivia

Congratulations go to David R., who becomes the new Triviameister of Mellonville for answering the following trivia question correctly: "What phrase is said or seen in every John Landis film ever made?". The correct answer is: "See you next Wednesday". A wreath of garlic goes to the following people for answering this scary scary trivia question correctly also: Victor C., Bil B., Peter G., Douglas W., Patti, Jenn B., Jeff S., Scaramanga, Thomas F., Rich S., Glenn S.G. and Sneakerz. Thanks for playing along.

The new Triviameister of Mellonville asks the following question: "Which 2 actors have appeared in almost every Joe Dante movie?". To answer the trivia question please click here . Good luck to all.

The Haunted Survey

The survey question was: "Who is your favorite character actor past and present?" The survey SAYS:

  • Tor Johnson
  • Judy Garland
  • John Carradine
  • Tom Hanks
  • Nigel Bruce
  • Peter Lorre (2 votes)
  • Lee Van Cleef
  • Iron Eyes Cody
  • Marty Feldman
  • Grand Moff Tarkin
  • Peter Cushing
  • Dick Miller
  • Jason Robards
  • Harold J. Stone
  • Cary Grant
  • Fred Gwynne
  • Henry Silva
  • Eric Blore
  • Vincent Price (2 votes)
  • James Dean
  • James Best
  • Barton Maclane
  • Sydney Greenstreet
  • Strother Martin
  • Anthony Zerbe
  • Leonardo Di Caprio
  • Tracy Walter
  • Peter Davison
  • Ben Afleck
  • Christopher Lloyd
  • Ben Stein (2 votes)
  • Richard Farnsworth
  • James Coburn
  • Joe Pesci
  • J. T. Walsh (3 votes)
  • Clint Howard
  • Sean Connery
  • Robert Loggia
  • Charles S. Dutton
  • Nicholas Cage
  • Tim Roth
  • Jim Carrey
  • Miguel Ferrer
  • Traci Lords
  • Tim Curry
  • Harrison Ford
  • Matt Damon
  • Phil Hartman
  • Paul Giamatti
  • Brion James
  • Steve Buscemi (3 votes)

Some of these names don't really fall into the character actor category but I listed them as I received them.

The survey question for this issue is: "Which movie reviewer or critic's opinion do you agree with the most?". For me it would have to be Roger Ebert. I don't always agree with him but I find his analysis more on the mark than most. How about you? Which movie critic do you agree with the most? Your answer can be a well-known critic or even a local one. To answer the survey question please click here.

AAAaaawwoooo! Count Floyd will return in issue #16 titled "Always Say More Please" due out on 10-10-98.

Count Floyd

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Last Updated: 03/13/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused