Amuse-O-Matic 2000

Type in the information requested, then fire up the Amuse-O-Matic 2000 for your customized experiment in humorology!

No one wants to grow up. No wants to go to the IRS to pay their taxes or to the DMV to renew their driver's license. Put the two together and you get one really popular song.

"Ok, Mr. Bernacose. In order to get your Big Mac Value Meal, I'll need your birthday, you license plate number and your . Would you like fries with that?"
"Hey thief! Come back with ! I just got it insured and it's a !&Quot;
Something you wear at an important place
Something you do at the IRS when you get to the front desk
"Jimmy! Young man, you stop right now!"
Words that also means angry
Something people have to pay even though they hate to
"Gee lady, what is ? Stop doing the monkey dance!&Quot;
"Ok, I know you're angry. Just . I'll stop doing the monkey dance.&Quot;
A place people go to get their car registered or insured
A type of telephone
Your name
Something you mail to the government
"I swear, Vinny, the check's in . Don't send the pitbull over...&Quot;
A criminal charge
"Oh come on, I can't believe you let Johnnie put ice cream the car.&Quot;
A name you give to someone who does something dumb
"Hey! Hey! Don't ! I didn't buy Johnnie ice cream!&Quot;
Something an accountant does
Verb that means to wait
"Now look. Jonnie all over the the car.&Quot;

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, who also writes the Three-Pronged Poll
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused