Amuse-O-Matic 2000

In this AOM, the Amuse-O-Matic version sounds more serious than the original song. Just type in the words and you'll see what I mean.

A container
"Man, where have you been? I feel like I've waiting here for ."
A verb
Part of the human face
A disease or disorder of the mouth
Something you wish you could get rid of
Anything you own
Who tells you to stop sticking your finger in your nose more, your mom or your dad?
A verb that refers to your school locker
The cost of a candy bar
"I really don't like it when my teacher tries to my dog."
"You know what I really want? I wish my would just for once."
Anything people can make that is big
Your favorite movie on video tape
Something you do in your spare time
A very short person
Something you order on a restaurant menu
"Oh man did I drink a lot of water. Now I've gotta ."
A non-prescription medicine

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, who's three wishes consist of a garden hose, a blonde wig and a can of Reddi Whip
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused