Amuse-O-Matic 2000

Attention all jocks! We've got an Amuse-o-Matic for you that is guaranteed to make you laugh harder than the time that your teammate got smacked between the eyes with his bat.

Your favorite letter of the alphabet
Two sports you can also play as a video game
"And now, it's time to play everyone's favorite game show, "You Bet Your !"
A first name you always wanted to have
Get a phone book. Flip to any page. Now close your eyes and stick one finger on the page. Now type in the last name that you finger is pointing to (or just pick a last name out of your head, it's not like we give a rat's patoot)
A type of snack food -- please capitalize the first letter
Any word with three syllables -- please capitalize the first letter again
"Watching "Beverly Hills 90210" always make me feel ."
Your favorite day of the week to watch football
Something you do in a bar
Something you do after you leave a bar
A course you can take in college
A course you can take in kindergarden
"You must be so stupid! You are an idiot! You know what your problem is? You've got !"
A household chore in the present tense
An object you use to complete that chore
A number with a whole lot of zeros
Something judges in a beauty pagent look for
Something you look for in a car
Something you look for in a date
Your least favorite foreign country
Type any capital letter and two more letters in lower case form
A liquid you use to run your car properly
An object that is very long
The opposite of your sex
"I was wearing when I was born."
A condiment you put on hot dogs
A man-eating animal
Type any four punctuation marks
On a scale of one to ten, how good was the movie "Casablanca?"
A form of weather
A game you play at family reunions

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, who also writes the Three-Pronged Poll
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused